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NASA Procedures and Guidelines

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NPR 8553.1
Eff. Date: May 06, 2002
Cancellation Date: March 22, 2005

NASA Environmental Management System (EMS)

| TOC | Preface | Chp1 | Chp2 | Chp3 | Chp4 | Chp5 | Chp6 | Chp7 | AppdxA | AppdxB | AppdxC | AppdxD | ALL |

CHAPTER 7. Metrics

7.1 Purpose

To evaluate the success of the EMS and NASA's attainment of its environmental compliance objectives.

7.2 Roles and Responsibilities:

NASA HQ EMD, in consultation with the NASA Environmental Management Board, is responsible for establishing--

a. Metrics for evaluating the success of EMS implementation.

b. Metrics for evaluating NASA's attainment of its overall environmental objectives.

NASA HQ EMD is responsible for reporting metrics through the Environmental Management Board (EMB), Enterprises, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) process, or other means as established by the EMB.

Centers are responsible for--

a. Corrective actions addressing non-conformances identified as a result of evaluating and reporting of metrics.

b. Reporting metric results to NASA HQ EMD.

7.3 Requirements

Metrics shall be documented and reported in accordance with a schedule as established by NASA HQ EMD.

| TOC | Preface | Chp1 | Chp2 | Chp3 | Chp4 | Chp5 | Chp6 | Chp7 | AppdxA | AppdxB | AppdxC | AppdxD | ALL |
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