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NPD 1000.3E
Effective Date: April 15, 2015
Expiration Date: December 31, 2024
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: The NASA Organization w/Change 116

Responsible Office: Associate Administrator

| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | ALL |

NPD 1000.3E, The NASA Organization

Change Log



Date Approved



Office of the Administrator

(Published 06/12/24)

Chapter 5, 5.4 Glenn Research Center: GRC's organizational chart updated. This reorganization abolishes the Center Operations Directorate and realigns the organization's various functions, including logistics, janitorial, protective services, metrology, Lean Six Sigma, and multimedia integration, to other organizations within the Office of the Director; the Facilities, Test, and Manufacturing Directorate; the Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate; and the Office of the Chief Information Officer. This reorganization also establishes the Office of Procurement as a standalone organization. Additional changes in this reorganization include abolishing the Office of the Chief of Staff and renaming the Facilities, Test, and Manufacturing Directorate and the Office of Technology Incubation and Innovation.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.15 Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity: ODEO roles and responsibilities revised and clarified to better align with statutory requirements.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.19 Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs: Paragraph 4.19k clarified based on current expectations of the Office of the Administrator.


Office of the Administrator


Throughout: Fixed references defunct HEOMD, OHCM and NMO organizations.

Chapter 1. Removed detailed line of succession statement (redundant with Chapter 2).

Chapter 2. Clarified reporting of the Performance Improvement Officer. Clarified Chief Program Management Officer responsibility for NPR 7120.5/8.

Chapter 3. Limited references in NPD 1000.3 to subordinate governance bodies to Boards; reconciled Council subordinate body callouts with current state. Adjusted APMC purpose to focus on execution of Agency mission portfolio, to distinguish from ASC. Removed APMC chartered functions for enterprise protection. Removed MSC required approval for Center Master Plan Future Development Concepts, consistent with recent Agency Master Plan decision.

Chapter 4. Standardized language for Mission Directorate specific responsibilities for Capability Portfolios. Added Mission Support Directorate responsibility regarding Center Roles. Clarified General Counsel review role over informal internal policies/instructions. Removed General Counsel reference to defunct unfunded mandates process.

Chapters 4, 5. Removed remaining enumeration of organizations' specific membership in Agency Councils; replaced with reference to Chapter 3. Other changes as needed to synchronize with changes listed above.

Chapter 6. Added consolidated graphic of authorized Agency level Councils and Boards (6.3); added lookup table of JPL participation in Agency Councils, per NPI 1000.99.

Chapter 7. Roles, authorities and responsibilities revised and consolidated into 7.1. The change process itself (7.2-7.4) is unchanged.


Office of the Administrator

08/09/2022 (Published 01/26/2024)

Chapter 4, 4.11 Office of the Chief Engineer: Removes the Program and Project Management Policy, Practice Development Division.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.15 Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity: Updates charts with changes to reporting structure and NPD 1000.3. Establishes appropriate governance structure to integrate activities across the Agency.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.7 Mission Support Directorate: Updates organization chart with changes to reporting structure and NPD 1000.3 narrative. Realigns functions such as HQ Support Services, NASA Ombuds Program, and HQ Safety and Occupational Health to MSD.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 5 Mission Statements and Organizational Charts for Centers, NASA's Federally Funded Research and Development Center, and Technical and Service Support Centers:

Chapter 5, 5.16 The revised structure establishes renaming the Office of Information Technology to the Technology Advancement and Services Office. The purpose of the renaming is due to a shift in focus of responsibilities of the IV&V Program's expansion of its software simulation infrastructure environment for testing classified cybersecurity vulnerabilities and infrastructure to support its Model Based Mission Assurance laboratory capabilities.

Chapter 5, 5.5 Should be reverted back to the Office of Information Technology from the Technology Advancement and Services Office.

Administrative edits also made to change the Dissenting Opinion nomenclature to Formal Dissent in sections and


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.8 Langley Research Center: Updates organization chart with changes to reporting structure NPD 1000.3. The HQ Space Technology Mission Directorate establishes a management office for the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC)/Center Innovation Fund (CIF)/Early Career Initiative (ECI) portfolio of programs at Langley Research Center (LaRC).


Center Director


Chapter 5, 5.9 Marshall Space Flight Center: Updates NPD 1000.3 Immediate Line of Succession removing Center Operations and the additional delegation of authority to the Associate Director, Technical for implementation of responsibilities common to Center Directors.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.8 Office of the Chief Financial Officer: Updates organizational charts. Eliminates the Strategic Investments, and Budget Divisions to create the DCFO for Strategic Insights and Budget (SIB), and the Associate CFO for Budget.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.17 Office of the General Counsel: Administrative edits made to update the Office of the General Counsel's responsibility for administering the NASA OGC Acquisition Integrity Program in paragraph


Office of the Administrator

12/09/2021 (Published 06/15/2023)

Chapter 4, 4.7 Mission Support Directorate: Changes names of Resources and Performance Management Office to Resources Management Office. No changes to NPD 1000.3 narrative nor line of succession.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.5 Science Mission Directorate: Abolish the James Webb Space Telescope Office. No changes to NPD 1000.3 narrative nor line of succession.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.4 Refinement of the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate: Re-established overall responsibilities, mission statements for the offices and functions that provide support to ESDMD, organizational chart, NPD 1000.3, and Immediate line of succession.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.3 Refinement of the Space Operations Mission Directorate: Re-established overall responsibilities, mission statements for the offices and functions that provide support to SOMD, organizational chart, NPD 1000.3, and Immediate line of succession.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.14 Office of Communications: Updates organization chart with changes to reporting structure, NPD 1000.3. Establish the Enterprise Business Management Office; Integrate and organize the Kennedy Space Center OCOMM Business Office within the new Enterprise Business Management Office.


Office of the Administrator


Agency Chapters 1, 2, and 3 and the Agency Organization Chart: Administrative updates made to change a title from "Deputy Associate Administrator for Business Operations" to Deputy Associate Administrator."


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 2,, Office of the Administrator: Administrative edits made to remove the Incentive Awards Board and Senior Executive Committee references.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities Common to Center Directors: To clarify level of authority for Center Directors for all local issues. Replaces the previous entry (d): Exercises active, responsive, decision-making authority to address local execution issues.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.8 Office of the Chief Financial Officer: Reorganization to (1) better achieve mission (2) improve clarity and alignment of organizational functions, and (3) improve reporting consistency across structure. Reestablishes overall responsibilities, mission statements for the office and functions that support OCFO, updated organizational chart, NPD 1000.3, and immediate line of succession.


Office of the Administrator


Chapters 1, General Provisions; Chapter 2, NASA Leadership and Organizational Structure, Chapter 3, Charters for the NASA Advisory and Governance Bodies, and Chapter 4, Mission Statement and Organizational Charters for Headquarters Offices:

- Reconciled Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 with current Office of the Administrator positions, offices and functions, to include the Deputy Associate Administrator for Business Operations, Associate Administrator for Space Security Interests, Associate Administrator for / Office of Technology, Policy and Strategy, Office of the Executive Secretariat, and Chief Program Management Officer.

- Updated position of Chief Scientist to Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor.

- Reconciled reorganization from Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate to Space Operations Mission Directorate and Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate.

- Chapter 3 - Updated and reconciled Council charter membership, operations and subordinate bodies; retired Senior Management Council (Executive Council annotated as to how it fills this function). Added principles of lean governance inadvertently removed from last update of NPD 1000.0. Clarified reporting of subordinate bodies chartered under Chapter 3, versus under line authorities in Chapters 4 and 5.

- Updated special relationships throughout Chapter 4.

- Chapter 2.1 Office of the Administrator - Audit Liaison and Directives Management functions realigned from the Mission Support Directorate (MSD) Support and HQ Operations Office to the Office of the Administrator (OA), Office of the Executive Secretariat (OES)


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.6(5) Mission Support Directorate, Office of Procurement: Realigns the Grants Policy and Compliance staff and capability from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) to the Office of Procurement (OP), Procurement Management and Policy Division.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.15 Office of Communications: Updates organizational chart with changes to reporting structure, NPD 1000.3, and Immediate lines of succession. Renames Center Communications Leads to Center Communications Directors.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.3 Refinement of the Space Operations Mission Directorate: Organization was renamed from the Human Exploration Operations Mission Directorate. Updated overall responsibilities, mission statements for the offices and functions that provide support to SOMD, organizational chart, NPD 1000.3, and Immediate line of succession.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.4 Refinement of the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate: Re-established overall responsibilities, mission statements for the offices and functions that provide support to ESDMD, organizational chart, NPD 1000.3 and Immediate line of succession. Editorial edits also made to add ESMD in section 4.4 in the table of contents and in Chapter 4, thereby requiring all other sections to be renumbered.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 3, Charters for NASA Advisory and Governance Bodies: Minor edit made in section to remove the Space Flight Safety Panel from the list of subordinate governance bodies that provide recommendations to the Agency Program Management Council.


Center Director

02/24/2022 (Published 03/02/2022)

Chapter 5, 5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center: Revised structures established the new Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and Human Surface Mobility (HSM) Program. No changes made to the Narrative of the NPD 1000.3.


Office of the Administrator

11/01/2021 (Published 03/02/2022)

Chapter 2 - Agency Leadership and Organizational Structure: Updated Overall Responsibilities, and mission statements for the offices and functions that provide support to the Office of the Administrator. Removes the Office of the Administrator organizational chart.

Chapter 4, 4.8 Office of the Chief Information Officer - MSC approved KDP-C except for the base and demand services scope and cost. The Service Lines will be approved at the MSC through multiple delta KDP-Cs starting with the Pilot in Oct 2021, Wave 1 Jun 2022, and Wave 2 in Sept 2022.


Associate Administrator

03/01/2021 (Published 01/25/2022)

Chapter 4, 4.6 Mission Support Directorate: Add the Deputy Associate Administrator for Mission Support Transformation to the MSD line of succession and remove the hyperlink to access the narrative for the former Office Headquarters Operations (OHO). In section 4.6(1), update the narrative for the Roles and Responsibilities Common within MSD to remove OHO. In section 4.6(3), update the narrative for the Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI) to remove the Aircraft Management Division functions. OSI's line of succession also updated. The above changes are based on the Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) Phase 1 decisions.

Chapter 4, 4.13 Office of Safety and Mission Assurance - Update narrative to add aviation safety in paragraph 4.13.1 and update paragraph to read as "Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance, based on guidance from the IV&V Advisory Board, establishes program direction for, and supervises the performance of, the NASA IV&V Program."

Chapter 5, 5.2 Ames Research Center, 5.3 Armstrong Flight Research Center, 5.4 John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, 5.5 Goddard Space Flight Center, 5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, 5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center, 5.8 Langley Research Center, 5.9 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 5.10 John C. Stennis Space Center - Update footnotes for each Center's organization chart.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 6, 6.2 Center Roles: Annual update of Center roles provided.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.10 John C. Stennis Space Center: Updated organizational chart, minor edit to narrative section of NPD 1000.3. The structure now contains the Strategic Business Development Office. The Office of Chief Information Officer moves out from the Center Operations Directorate and established as an independent office. The Office of Chief Information Officer move is in alignment with the Mission Support Architecture Program (MAP).


Center Director

[Published 06/17/2021]

Chapter 5, 5.16 Independent Verification and Validation Program: Updated organizational chart, no changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3. Structure changed from four to five boxes, added Office of Information Technology.


Associate Administrator


Administrative Change: Changes made throughout directive to update name, wherein the NASA Management Office (NMO) was renamed the NASA Office of JPL Management and Oversight (NOJMO).


Associate Administrator


Chapter 2, Agency Organizational Structure: Updated Agency Organizational Chart to remove position Associate Administrator for Space Policy and Partnerships from Administrator box. Minor changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3 to remove reference to the position.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center: Updated organizational chart to change name of Gateway Logistics Office to Deep Space Logistics Office. No changes made to narrative section.


Chief Human Capital Officer


Administrative Changes: Edit made to the immediate line of succession for the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer within 4.6 Mission Support Directorate.


Associate Administrator


Administrative Changes: Updated Agency Organizational Chart based on changes made within the Office of the Administrator reporting structure and addition of positions. Changes made throughout narrative section of NPD 1000.3 to support updates to Agency chart. Revisions to update the reporting structures of some organizations based on changes made.

4.6, Mission Support Directorate
4.16 Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
4.18 Office of the General Counsel
4.19, Office of International and Interagency Relations
5.11, NASA Management Office.


Chief Human Capital Officer


Administrative Changes: Changes made throughout directive to update name, wherein the Plum Brook Station was renamed the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility. Change signed into public law no. 116-218 on 12/30/2020.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center: Updated organizational chart, no changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 3, 3.6 Agency Program Management Council Charter: Changes made to the Membership section.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.18 Office of the General Counsel: Updated organizational chart and minor changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3. Changes from Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) Phase 3 decision.

Chapter 5, 5.2 - 5.10 - Updated Center Charts to align with Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) Phase 3 decision for OGC office name changes:

5.2 Ames Research Center
5.3 Armstrong Flight Research Center
5.4 John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
5.5 Goddard Space Flight Center
5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center
5.8 Langley Research Center
5.9 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center


Deputy Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.21: Realignment of Small Business Program out of Mission Support Directorate to own Directorate. MSD org chart and Agency org chart updated as a result of change in reporting structure of Small Business.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.3 Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate: Minor edits to remove office no longer in existence and establish Systems Engineering and Integration function. Immediate line of succession updated to be consistent with updates.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.16 Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity: Updated organizational structure to divide the current division named "Equal Opportunity Complaints and Programs Division and Field Operations" into two divisions. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Office of the Agency Council Staff


Chapter 6, Decision Thresholds and Center Roles: Chapter 6, Decision Thresholds and Center Roles - Updated Chapter 3 with MSC charter adjustments to reflect new Capability Portfolio management responsibilities per NPD 8600.1/NPR 8600.1, and retire chartered functions which are no longer relevant or exercised. Significant revision to format and content of governance Decision Thresholds from prior 2015 update to (1) consolidate format of integrated thresholds to more concisely provide systems level view, (2) synchronize with Agency Council charters as updated in 2018, (3) document delegation of some authority from MSC to ITC and MSPMC and synchronize with their respective charters, (4) reflect the new role of the ASC in acquisition/partnerships and retirement of the PC, (5) capture other miscellaneous adjustments and clarifications based on changes to external policy or Agency council decisions or practice. Regular update to Center Roles including but not limited to roles associated with Moon to Mars campaign.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.6 Mission Support Directorate: Updated narrative section and immediate line of succession for Office of Protective Services. Link for OPS updated. Changes from Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) Phase 2 decisions.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.2 Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate: Updated the organizational structure to create Aerosciences Evaluation and Test Capabilities Office. In support of decision made by Congress. Updated narrative section.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.4 Science Mission Directorate: Updates to organizational structure to establish the Mars Sample Return (MSR) Program Office and realign the Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) group within the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate to SMD as a science division. Updated narrative section.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.13 Office of Safety and Mission Assurance: Updates include establishing a new division, renaming two existing divisions, and realigning functions and staff. Updated organizational structure and narrative section.


Chief Human Capital Officer


Chapter 5, 5.4 John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field: Update to organizational structure to change the name of the Office of GRC Human Resources to GRC Human Resources Office.


Chief Health and Medical Officer


Chapter 4, 4.12 Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer: Updates to narrative section to add responsibilities with respect to the To Research, Evaluate, Assess, and Treat (TREAT) Astronauts Act.


Associate Administrator for Mission Support


Chapter 4, 4.6 Mission Support Directorate (MSD): Updates to narrative section of Headquarters Operations, to show realignment of functions from MAP implementation.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.2 - 5.10: Updated Center Charts to align with Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) Phase 2 decisions:

5.2 Ames Research Center
5.3 Armstrong Flight Research Center
5.4 John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
5.5 Goddard Space Flight Center
5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center
5.8 Langley Research Center
5.9 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center: Update to organizational structure to include the Gateway Logistics Office. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.9 George C. Marshall Space Center: Update to organizational structure to include the Human Landing System Program Office. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 2: Updated Agency Organizational Chart to show Office of Small Business Programs reporting structure. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.6, 4.15, and 4.16: Updates made to narrative section and organizational charts for the following sections to align with Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) Phase 2 decisions:

4.6 Mission Support Directorate realignment of the Office of Small Business Programs to the Mission Support Directorate;

Updates to internal MSD link for Common Responsibilities for Office of Procurement;

4.15 Office of Communication;

4.16 Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity.

Updates also made to sections and to implement a decision from the 10/16/2018 Executive Council meeting regarding MSD AA decision authority for matters of partnership approval process/procedure.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.7 Office of the Chief Financial Officer: Updated to realign the line of immediate succession and update organizational chart.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.4 Science Mission Directorate: Updated to realign the NASA Management Office to the Science Mission Directorate and the Strategic Integration and Management Division will be dissolved.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 7, The Organizational Change Process: Restructured to more clearly define the process, roles, and responsibilities.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 2, Agency Leadership and Organizational Structure: Updated Agency Organizational Chart to show updated Agency reporting structure. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 1: Minor edits to remove positions that no longer in existence and make necessary changes to support change 51.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.2 - 5.10: Updated Center Charts to align with Mission Support Future Architecture Program (MAP) October 2018:

5.2 Ames Research Center
5.3 Armstrong Flight Research Center
5.4 John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
5.5 Goddard Space Flight Center
5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center
5.8 Langley Research Center
5.9 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
5.10 John C. Stennis Space Center


Associate Administrator


Chapter 1: Minor edits to remove positions that no longer in existence and make necessary changes to support change 51.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 2: Agency Leadership and Organizational Structure Updated Agency Organizational Chart to show NMO reporting structure. Updated Agency reporting structure. Changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Office of the Administrator


Chapter 4, Administrative Changes: Line of Succession changed to Immediate Line of Succession, changing to only line of first three to align with Chapter 5.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.20: Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs - Update to organizational structure to include to remove Appropriations Division. Changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Office of the Agency Council Staff


Chapter 6, Decision Thresholds and Center Roles: Updated the Center roles and responsibilities in the document.


Chief Human Capital Officer


Chapter 1, General Provisions: Updated the name of the Independent Verification and Validation Facility (IV&V) to the Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation Facility which was made effective by NASA on February 22, 2019.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.15, Office of Communications: Updated organizational structure to streamline from six divisions to two. Only the Line of Succession was changed in the narrative section.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.6 Johnson Space Center: Update to organizational structure to include the Gateway Program Office. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator for International and Interagency Relations


Chapter 4, 4.19 Office of International and Interagency Relations: Updated Line of Succession only.


Chief of Staff


Chapter 3, Charters for NASA Advisory and Governance Bodies: Added a new Agency Governing Council, the Acquisition Strategy Council; updated Council memberships and made some minor changes as needed throughout all charters.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 2, Agency Leadership and Organizational Structure: Updates for Office of the Administrator support the restructuring of the Office of Strategy and Plans to the Office of Strategic Engagement and Assessments (OSEA). Title changes made throughout as needed. Agency organizational structure updated to also include office name changes as a result of Changes 35 and 39.


Chief Information Officer


Chapter 4, 4.8, Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO): Minor change to one division. The Technology, Data, and Innovation Division was changed to Transformation and Data Division. The Line of Succession was also updated with the new name.


Chief Human Capital Officer


Administrative Changes: Changes made throughout the directive to update the organization name as a result of Change 39, wherein the Mission Support Directorate's Office of Human Capital Management was renamed the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.6, Mission Support Directorate (MSD): Change to organizational structure to support renaming the Office of Human Capital Management to the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO). Updates to internal MSD links for Common Responsibilities, OCHCO, and Headquarters Operations support the new name and necessary functional changes.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.6, Mission Support Directorate (MSD): Revisions throughout with majority of changes to remove commonalities throughout MSD subcomponent organizations and add a new section to show roles and responsibilities common to organizations within MSD.


Center Director


Chapter 5, 5.7, Kennedy Space Center: Update to Center Line of Succession and modified the organizational placement of several organizations on the org chart.


Center Director


Administrative Changes: Changes made throughout the directive to update the organization name as a result of Changes 35, wherein the Office of Education was renamed the Office of STEM Engagement.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.17, Office of Educations: Updated the organizational structure to first rename the organization to the Office of STEM Engagement and then rename both internal divisions. These changes support an Agency decision to adopt the October 2017 recommended Business Services Assessment Implementation Plan for Public and STEM Engagement.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.7, Office of the Chief Financial Officer: Changes include the transfer of the grants management function from the Office of Procurement along with the renaming of one of the Divisions within OCFO.


Center Director


Chapter 5, 5.5 Goddard Space Flight Center: Update to organizational structure to change the name of the Applied Engineering and Technology Directorate to the Engineering and Technology Directorate.


Center Director


Chapter 5, 5.2 Ames Research Center: Update to Line of Succession only.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 1 and Table of Contents: Minor edits to remove positions or offices no longer in existence and make necessary changes to support changes 26-30.


Associate Administrator


Chapter 6, Decision Thresholds and Center Roles: Retitled to include section for Agency-level linked attachments and moved previous data to Chapter 3.

6.1 Decision Thresholds of NASA's Governing Councils
6.2 Center Roles


Associate Administrator


Chapter 5, 5.1 - 5.12: Updated to include a new section of roles and responsibilities common to all Center Directors. Streamlined all Center sections to one page with link to Center Roles. Modified NMO and JPL entries to include specific responsibilities of NMO Director and relationship to JPL Lab Director.

5.1 Roles and Responsibilities Common to Center Directors
5.2 Ames Research Center
5.3 Armstrong Flight Research Center
5.4 John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
5.5 Goddard Space Flight Center
5.6 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
5.7 John F. Kennedy Space Center
5.8 Langley Research Center
5.9 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
5.10 John C. Stennis Space Center
5.11 NASA Management Office
5.12 Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Associate Administrator


Chapter 4, 4.1 - 4.5: Updated to include a new section of roles and responsibilities common to Mission Directorates Associate Administrators. Updated and streamlined entries for each Mission Directorate.

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities Common to Mission Directorate Associate Administrators
4.2 Aeronautics and Research Mission Directorate
4.3 Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
4.4 Science Mission Directorate
4.5 Space Technology Mission Directorate


Associate Administrator


Chapter 3, Charters for NASA Advisory and Governance Bodies: Retitled and moved sections for Agency Governance Council Charters and FACA Committees. Majority of charter changes were made under the following sections: Council Affiliation, Functions, Meetings, and Assessment. Synced FACA section to current active committees.

3.1 NASA Charters
3.2 Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Committees Governing Councils
3.3 Executive Council
3.4 Senior Management Council
3.5 Agency Program Management Council
3.6 Mission Support Council


Associate Administrator


Chapter 2, Agency Leadership and Organizational Structure: Updated to include a new section of roles and responsibilities common to all Center Directors. Streamlined all Center sections to one page with link to Center Roles. Modified NMO and JPL entries to include specific responsibilities of NMO Director and relationship to JPL Lab Director.


Associate Administrator


4.16 OFFICE OF DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Updates to organizational structure includes office name changes and realignment of functions and staff. Only the Line of Succession was changed in the narrative section. Updates include the establishing a new division, renaming several other divisions, and realigning functions and staff. Updated organizational structure and narrative sections.


Acting Associate Administrator


4.16 4.8 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER: Updates include the establishing a new division, renaming several other divisions, and realigning functions and staff. Updated organizational structure and narrative sections.


Acting Associate Administrator


5.7 KENNEDY SPACE CENTER: Updated name change on organizational chart and narrative. The Ground Systems Development and Operations Program name changed to the Exploration Ground Systems Program per ESD-MD-12029 dated 11/16/17.


Center Director


5.2 ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER: Updated Line of Succession and changed Mission Operations Directorate to include Office of Chief Information Officer.


Associate Administrator


RESCINDED: Change 17 as Center did not implement and the record was returned to its prior state.


Associate Administrator


5.2 ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER: Substantial changes to Center structure to better align organizations under several key Directorates. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


4.4 SCIENCE MISSION DIRECTORATE (SMD): Updated the Center's organizational structure to establish the Science Engagement and Partnerships Division. No changes made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Center Director


5.3 GLENN RESEARCH CENTER: Updated Line of Succession.


Associate Administrator




Assistant Administrator for Procurement


4.6 MISSION SUPPORT DIRECTORATE: Updated Line of Succession for Office of Procurement. Link for OP updated.


Associate Administrator


5.9 MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER (MSFC): Updated the Center's organizational chart due to the transformation of the Flight Programs Partnerships Office to the Human Exploration Development and Operations Office. Minor changes to the narrative section of NPD 1000.3 were made to support these changes.


Associate Administrator


5.1 AMES RESEARCH CENTER (ARC): Updated the Center's Organizational chart by abolishing two organizations (Partnerships Directorate and Strategic Communications and Education Directorate), establishing two organizations (Partnerships Office and Public Affairs Office) and renaming the Human Capital Office to Human Capital and Education Directorate. No edits made to the Center's narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Associate Administrator


4.3 SPACE TECHNOLOGY MISSION DIRECTORATE and 4.10 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF TECHNOLOGIST: Organizational structures for both organizations modified as a result of two Executive Council decisions to move functional responsibilities. Minor edits made throughout the narrative sections of NPD 1000.3 to support these changes.


Associate Administrator for Mission Support


4.6 MISSION SUPPORT DIRECTORATE: Revised organizational structure within the Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI) to establish the Space Environments Testing Management Office (SETMO). Link for OSI updated.


Associate Administrator


4.15 OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS: Revised organizational structure by eliminating the current two divisions and creating six smaller, more manageable divisions. Edits made throughout the narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Director, Office of Agency Council Staff


ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES: Changes made to Agency-level council charters to support decisions made as a result of EC-2015-03-001 and other counsel chair decisions.

6.3 Executive Council
6.4 Mission Support Council
6.5 Agency Program Management Council
6.6 Senior Management Council


Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management


ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES:Administrative changes made throughout to support the dissolution of the Office of Evaluation and the Independent Program Assessment Office (IPAO) (also see Change 5).

Major changes include:
Chapter 2. Agency-wide organizational chart
Chapter 5. 5.8 Langley Research Center organizational chart and 5.15, IPAO
Chapter 6. Charter membership changes (PMC and SMC)


Associate Administrator


4.7 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Revised organizational structure to better align the functions of the office. Created the Deputy CFO for Appropriations and the Associate Deputy CFO offices and realigned the Mission Support Office. No edits made to narrative section of NPD 1000.3.


Center Director


5.1 AMES RESEARCH CENTER (ARC): Updated the Center's Line of Succession.


Center Director


Executive Council Decision Memo: Changes made as a result of EC-2014-06-002a Role of Jet Propulsion Laboratory with Governance Councils. 5.5 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 6.5 Program Management Council.


Associate Administrator


4.1 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR: Streamlining independent assessment of NASA's programs and projects has been identified as an option to assist the Agency as it moves to a more efficient operating model. Organizational changes include dissolving the Office of Evaluation and its Independent Program Assessment Office (IPAO); while transferring the functions of the Cost Analysis Division to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. Updated the Agency-wide chart to support this change.


Associate Administrator


5.16 NASA MANAGEMENT OFFICE (NMO): Changes move the NMO from the Office of the Administrator. No organizational chart changes needed. Minor edits to narrative section in support of the change.


Associate Administrator for Human Capital Management


4.5 AERONAUTICS RESEARCH MISSION DIRECTORATE: Revised organizational structure shows a full restructuring in support the NASA strategic vision for aeronautics research. The Line of Succession was updated to support the new division titles.


Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management


ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES: Charters for Agency-level Councils (Executive Council, Mission Support Council, Program Management Council, and Senior Management Council) were updated on April 15, 2015. Changes were made throughout Chapters 4 and 5 to update membership information for Headquarters Officials and Center Directors based on the membership information included in the council charters.


Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management


ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES: Revisions to update the reporting structures of some organizations based on changes made within the Office of the Administrator.

4.6, Mission Support Directorate
4.15, Office of Communications
4.17, Office of Education
4.19, Office of International and Interagency Relations
4.20, Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
5.15, NASA Independent Program Assessment Office

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