NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPD 1000.3E Effective Date: April 15, 2015 Expiration Date: December 31, 2024 |
| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | ALL | |
Following NPD 1000.3E change 104 (February 2024), major versions of NPD 1000.3 will be closed at the end of the fourth calendar year of each administration term. The intent is for each version's final content to reflect all changes made within a corresponding term.
7.2.1 The Administrator decides the overall mission, organizational structure, and governance of the Agency.
7.2.2 The Associate Administrator:
a. Has overall authority to approve changes to all sections/chapters of this directive. Organizationally, the Associate Administrator approves substantive changes to mission statements and organizational charts for all organizations.
b. Has discretion on whether to conduct internal stakeholder consultation/review prior to publication of changes.
7.2.2 The Deputy Chief Financial Officer for Appropriations:
a. Coordinates Congressional notification and clearance of reorganizations.
7.2.3 The Office of the Executive Secretariat within the Office of the Administrator:
a. Administers all changes associated with this directive, in compliance with processing requirements as outlined below. Ensures integration and accuracy across chapters and sections of this directive, to include technical consistency and the identification of potential conflicts in roles and responsibilities.
b. Confirms that change request packages are ready for Associate Administrator approval, relative to quality, policy review, and the completeness of justification materials.
c. Coordinates with the Associate Administrator or their designee to determine when stakeholder review of changes prior to publication may be needed.
d. Manages updates to Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 6 in coordination with the Associate Administrator. Notifies the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) of revisions.
e. Manages updates to Chapter 7 in coordination with the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer.
f. Ensures that authorities granted in chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 to governance or line authorities do not overlap, to include authorities granted to Boards further chartered under these authorities.
7.2.4 Officials in Charge of Headquarters Offices and Center Directors:
g. Are responsible for ensuring that submitted organizational change packages include language which is accurate, clear, concise and grammatically correct.
h. Are responsible for ensuring requested responsibility changes are clear and unambiguous, reconciled with existing responsibility language, and reconciled with responsibilities in other sections and chapters (if needed).
i. Are authorized to approve minor changes to their mission statements and organizational structures to include: (1) Line of succession changes and office names changes (when the office's functions remain the same). (2) Mission statements and organizational structures below the level shown on the organization charts identified in Chapters 4 and 5.
7.2.5 The Chief Human Capital Officer or their designee:
a. Manages updates to Chapters 4 and 5, to include review, preparation and submission of packages for Office of the Administrator approval.
b. Recommends, in consultation with the Office of the Executive Secretariat, whether a change package be limited to the scope of a reorganization or may include other changes.
c. Reviews organizational change requests for compliance with procedures below, for internal consistency, and for compliance with OCHCO rules and regulations regarding reorganization.
d. Identifies changes across sections or chapters necessitated by changes to Chapters 4 and 5.
e. Notifies the Office of the Executive Secretariat when changes are needed to address typographical errors, position name changes, and other administrative changes to ensure the directive is in line with announced Agency changes.
7.2.6 Servicing HR Offices within the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer:
a. Serve as the primary interface with requesting organizations for changes to Chapters 4 and 5, per procedures in the sections below.
b. Forward required Chapter 4 and 5 change packages to the Chief Human Capital Officer's designee for management of changes.
c. Maintain records for mission statements and organizational structures below the level shown in Chapters 4 and 5.
d. Partner with Center or HQ leadership on implementation of the organizational change.
7.3.1 Organizational statements and organizational charts will be revised when any of the following actions are necessary:
a. Revision to the responsibilities of a Headquarters office or a Center.
b. Revision to top level boxes of the organizational charts, appearing in this NPD (to include office name changes) of a Headquarters office or a Center.
c. Establishment of or changes to existing internal or external relationships with organizations, especially those organizations that rely on NASA for service or support to accomplish their programs.
7.3.2. Initial conversations shall begin with the Servicing HR Office. The Servicing HR Office will assist the organization with Center-specific reorganization processes and the creation of a reorganization package to include the following:
7.3.3. Servicing HR Offices are responsible for ensuring appropriate union involvement is conducted at the appropriate time.
7.3.4. Appropriate information regarding Senior Executive Service (SES), Scientific or Professional (ST), or Senior Level (SL) positions affected by a reorganization (new positions, reassignments, backfill requests, etc.) must be submitted according to the Executive Resources Board (ERB) for review and approval.
7.3.5. Prepare a memorandum from the Headquarters OIC or Center Director to the Associate Administrator.
a. Memo shall provide detailed explanation/rationale for the proposed organizational changes.
b. The following statement shall be included as part of the memo: With your concurrence, I will move forward to implement the organizational changes by working through the standard processes with my Servicing Human Resources Office. I understand it is your expectation for the reorganization and placement of employees to occur in accordance with Federal laws, rules, regulations, and Agency policy and be executed in a timely manner.
c. The following Agency-level organizational leaders shall be included as a cc on the memo:
(a) Associate Administrator for Mission Support/(insert name)
(b) Chief Financial Officer/(insert name)
(c) Deputy Chief Financial Officer (Appropriations)/(insert name)
(d) Associate Administrator for Diversity and Equal Opportunity/(insert name)
(e) General Counsel/(insert name)
(f) Chief Human Capital Officer/(insert name)
(g) Deputy Associate Administrator for Mission Support/(insert name)
(h) Inspector General/(insert name)
(i) Associate Administrator for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs/(insert name)
(j) Chief of Staff/(insert name).
(k) The Center should add additional Agency-level leaders to the cc list depending on the nature of the changes being made, (e.g., Associate Administrators of Mission Directorates, Chief Engineer, etc.).
d. If the reorganization requires updates to linked or other subordinate documents within NPD 1000.3, all such documents must be included within the reorganization package.
e. The signed memorandum, current and proposed organizational charts, narrative redline copy showing the changes made, and final narrative should be forwarded electronically to OCHCO as the official reorganization package.
7.4.1. Initial conversations should begin with the Servicing HR Office. The Servicing HR Office will assist the organization with Center-specific reorganization processes and the creation of a reorganization package to include conducting/preparing the following:
a. Prepare a memorandum for the record from the Headquarters OIC or Center Director. An email which includes information or authorization that the Headquarters OIC or Center Director approved the change is also acceptable.
b. Memo or email shall provide detailed explanation/rationale for the approved changes.
7.4.2. The memorandum for record or email, current and approved organizational charts, narrative redline copy showing the changes made, and final narrative as appropriate should be forwarded electronically to OCHCO as the official approval package.
7.5.1 When changes are approved by the Headquarters OIC or Center Director, proceed to 7.5.3.g below.
7.5.2 When changes are approved by the Office of the Administrator whether individually or through an Agency-level forum (e.g., Executive Council, Mission Support Council, etc.), proceed to 7.5.3.d below.
7.5.3 Actions necessary to process a reorganization package includes the following:
a. Memorandum or email and supporting documents are forwarded from the Servicing HR Office to the OCHCO for review and preparation of signature package.
b. Signature package is forwarded to the Executive Secretariat for routing through the Office of the Administrator in order to obtain concurrence from the Associate Administrator.
c. Upon receipt of signature, Executive Secretariat will return the package to OCHCO.
d. The OCHCO will scan the signed package and forward a copy to the Servicing HR Office.
e. The Servicing HR Office will ensure electronic copies of the approved package are forwarded to all cc'd organizations for action/information.
f. Upon receipt of the cc'd copy, the Agency Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) will prepare and submit documentation for Congressional notification as needed. OCFO will notify the Headquarters OIC or Center Director and OCHCO upon receipt of Congressional clearance.
g. Upon receipt of the cc'd copy, OCHCO will forward necessary documentation to the Office of the Executive Secretariat to ensure the appropriate changes are reflected within this directive.
h. Servicing HR Office may begin standard reorganization preparations; however, no personnel actions can be made effective until after Congressional clearance has been obtained.
i. Standard reorganization preparations may include (list not all inclusive):
(1) Center-wide communications of reorganization plans (All Hands, town hall meetings, e-mail notification, etc.)
(2) Contact with the Agency Applications Office (AAO) (or other offices as appropriate) to establish organizational codes and financial codes.
(3) Completion of NSSC Data Sheet for Realignments/Reorganizations (from/to list showing actions needed for affected employees).
(4) Work with the NSSC on the development/classification of needed position descriptions (PDs).
(5) Prepare and coordinate with appropriate organizations regarding system changes needed (e.g., FPPS routing paths, NAAS, SATERN, SPACE, WebTADS, etc.)
7.5.4 The Servicing HR Director following each approved reorganization, will partner with the Center and/or HQ leadership regarding organizational design, people impact, and workforce
communication as it relates to the reorganization, to include but not limited to Performance Management, Position Management and Classification, Labor Relations, GS positions, and SES positions.
| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | ALL | |
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