NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 1387.1A Effective Date: April 11, 2018 Expiration Date: December 31, 2024 |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL | |
1.1 The Associate Administrator, Office of Communications, as Chairperson of the CCC, has management responsibilities for the NASA Exhibits Program.
1.1.1 In instances where the CCC is considering communications programs, events, or activities funded by Mission Directorates or Centers, authorized officials or designees representing the funding organization share responsibilities for their respective portions of the Exhibits Program.
1.2 The Deputy Associate Administrator (DAA), Office of Communications, shall have management responsibilities for developing policy, standards, and messaging, and defining requirements and objectives for the NASA Exhibit Program.
1.3 The Director, Public and Stakeholder Engagement Division, shall have management responsibilities for the implementation of requirements and objectives for the NASA Exhibit Program.
1.4 Agency Exhibits Manager
1.4.1 The Agency Exhibit Program Manager, NASA Headquarters, shall provide direction, coordination, and guidance for the NASA Exhibits Program, to include consultation and guidance for procuring and managing the exhibits inventory; appraising and providing guidance for the design and construction of exhibits and procurement methodology; monitoring exhibits activities at all NASA Visitor Centers; and monitoring plans for participation at offsite nontraditional and traditional venues and international exhibitions.
1.4.2 In the conduct of the Agency Exhibits Program, the Agency Exhibits Program Manager shall:
a. Review the quarterly reports of exhibit and visitor activities from the Centers and develop performance statistics and feedback to the associated Centers.
b. Ensure that special events and major exhibits presentations are recorded into NASA's Master Events Calendar, managed by the CCC.
c. Ensure that the NASA Exhibits Web page reflects accurate and current Center Exhibits Program Manager contact information. d. For Congressional requests for NASA exhibits for events, advise the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs (OLIA), NASA Headquarters, of such requests in accordance with the provisions of NPR 1450.4. The Agency Exhibits Program Manager and the OLIA will coordinate the response to such requests with the cognizant NASA Center counterparts and the Center Supply and Equipment Management Officer (when NASA property is involved).
e. For international requests for NASA exhibits, consult with the Office of International and Interagency Relations, NASA Headquarters and the Director, Logistics Management Division, for guidance and adherence to applicable logistical policies.
(1) If approved, the Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR) shall negotiate arrangements with the appropriate foreign government agency or other entity, in consultation with the Department of State, as appropriate.
(2) The Agency Exhibits Program Manager will coordinate with the NASA Center involved.
1.5 Center Directors
Center Directors, or his/her designee, at each Center shall designate a Center Exhibits Program Manager, who will conduct and administer the NASA Exhibits Program.
1.6 Center Exhibits Program Manager
1.6.1 The Center Exhibits Program Managers shall conduct and administer the NASA Exhibits Program as follows:
a. Conduct and administer the NASA Exhibits Program within his or her respective geographic region and Center as assigned in Table A and in conformance with the policy and procedures set forth in NPD 1387.1 and this NPR, respectively. If required to work beyond his or her respective geographic region, the assigned Center Exhibits Program Manager should be notified.
b. To manage and conduct exhibits within his/her assigned geographic region.
c. Screen, evaluate, and act on requests for exhibits/artifacts in his/her assigned geographic region in accordance with the criteria set forth in this document.
d. Promote Agency-wide display of exhibit and artifact inventory items at NASA Visitor Centers and through loans of NASA property to museums, science centers, and planetariums.
e. Inform requesters of the opportunity to acquire NASA artifact and exhibit items via the Government Services Agency (GSA) Artifact Module ( in accordance with NPR 4310.1.
f. Provide items, such as photographs, audiovisual/multimedia and resource materials, to museums, science centers, and planetariums for the development and construction of exhibits, maintaining copies to be dispositioned in accordance with NRRS 1441.1, NASA Retention Schedules.
g. Recommend subjects, techniques, and particularly low-cost design and construction methods and materials for exhibits and improvements to existing exhibits to the Agency Exhibits Program Manager. Share expertise with other Center Exhibits Program Managers informally, through Video Teleconferencing Service, teleconferences, and the annual Exhibits Consortium meeting.
h. Coordinate and consult with the Agency Exhibits Program Manager regarding selected offsite venues or exhibit loan requests:
(1) To ensure exhibit venues meet the evaluation guidelines of paragraph 2.3 and are in the best interest to NASA.
(2) To advise when an exhibit request should be declined based on economic and/or thematic considerations.
(3) When there is a large domestic exhibition that requires the coordinated resources of two or more NASA Centers or when the total display area, including viewing aisles, exceeds 2,500 square feet, Centers should plan on a lead-time of about six months to negotiate, coordinate, process, and execute exhibits of this magnitude. Normally, requests of this size received less than three months in advance preclude NASA's acceptance.
(4) When there is a Congressional request for a NASA exhibit, exhibits and artifacts may be loaned for events, but loans for personal offices are prohibited.
(5) Ensure all foreign requests for a NASA exhibit or related activity are referred to the Agency Exhibits Program Manager.
i. Ensure wide dissemination of the NASA Exhibits program and promote the online outreach resources on the NASA Web site.
j. Provide advice and consultation to on-Center and off-Center requests for display of NASA exhibits, artifacts, models, multi-media, and other dimensional items used to communicate NASA information.
k. In the conduct of Center exhibits program, each Center Exhibit Program Manager or their designee shall perform the following:
(1) Negotiate and sign an exhibit loan request and agreement with the requester or with any entity to which NASA exhibits, artifacts, and/or other assets are loaned, using NF 893. The NF 893 will provide the requester specific terms and conditions for the loan of exhibits and artifacts.
(2) Ensure that the Center Supply and Equipment Officer (SEMO) is notified and reviews NF 893 for NASA exhibits and artifact loans to ensure NASA property accountability requirements are observed in accordance with NPR 4200.1 NASA Equipment Procedural Requirements.
(3) Monitor the performance of its exhibits management contractor, if any, and ensure that established guidelines are followed.
(4) Provide a monthly report of the exhibit activity at their Center to the Agency Exhibits Program Manager. The report, defined by the CCC, will list the monthly total of events and visitors to NASA exhibits.
(5) Ensure that exhibit and asset inventory is accurately documented, including Heritage Assets.
(6) Ensure Heritage Assets, categorized as personal property, are retained for historical preservation and utilized for the purpose of public exhibition. Heritage Assets are identified by Center Historians, exhibit managers and property custodians, and approved by the Center Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), and, subsequently, recorded by the Center Supply and Equipment Management Officer (SEMO) in the Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) system.
(7) Ensure that established NASA and Center guidelines are followed, including but not limited to those pertaining to safety, diversity and handicap-accessibility.
Table A Geographic Regions and Responsible NASA Centers
Center | Geographic Region |
Ames Research Center | Alaska, Northern California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming |
Armstrong Flight Research Center | Southern California, Arizona |
Glenn Research Center | Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin |
Goddard Space Flight Center | Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | California-coordinate with other California Centers |
Johnson Space Center | Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas |
Kennedy Space Center | Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands |
Langley Research Center | Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia |
Marshall Space Flight Center | Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, issouri, Tennessee, Louisiana |
Stennis Space Center | Mississippi |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL | |
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