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NPR 4100.1F
Effective Date: March 07, 2017
Expiration Date: March 07, 2027
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Supply Support and Materiel Management (Revalidated with Change 2, on March 7, 2022)

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | ALL |

Chapter 6. Receiving Operations

6.1 Receiving Procedures

6.1.1 Receiving Operations shall:

a. Record all incoming receipts in a log that contains the date received, purchase order number, number of pieces, delivering carrier, vendor or manufacturer, any visible damage, and legible name and signature of the person in receiving taking custody of the Materiel.

b. Inspect Materiel to ensure that property is free from visible damage and that part number, NSN, and quantity received matches the accompanying package slip, invoice, requisition, or purchase order.

(1) Each package or box will be opened unless opening the package voids the warranty or would damage the contents.

c. Process, inspect, and protect electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive Materiel according to NPD 8730.2, NASA Parts Policy; NASA-HDBK 8739.21, Workmanship Manual for Electrostatic Discharge Control; and Center policy and procedures.

d. Process and inspect fasteners according to NASA-STD-6008, NASA Fastener Procurement, Receiving Inspection, and Storage Practices for Spaceflight Mission Hardware, and Center requirements.

e. Inspect incoming Customer-Supplied Products (CSP) in accordance with Center procedures.

f. Process receipt transactions in SMS and other data systems as required by Center policies.

g. Stage incoming property for delivery or storage.

h. Document discrepant or damaged Materiel not under the NASA or Center Management System (MS) as a supply discrepancy.

i. Reject and segregate discrepant or damaged Materiel and work with the Contracting Officer to resolve supply discrepancies for products not governed by the MS.

j. Designate products that fall under the NASA MS (including CSP) that do not meet the purchase order, shipping documentation, or contract specifications as nonconforming.

k. Document, tag, segregate, and obtain disposition instructions for nonconforming products according to Center procedures.

l. Ensure incoming hazardous Materiel are inspected on a spill containment pallet and that safety data sheets (SDSs) are available with the product.

(1) Store hazardous Materiel and prohibit access by unauthorized personnel.

(2) Storage containers for hazardous Materiel will be secured and Materiel housed in appropriate cabinets to prevent disbursement or accidental spills until the product is delivered to intended customer or designated warehouse location.

(3) Storage containers will be labeled with the hazard contained within and the SDS collocated with the stored Materiel.

m. Ensure all Materiel in the custody of Receiving is secured from theft, pilferage, or damage.

n. Submit Reports of Survey per NPR 4200. 1 when incoming Government property is lost, damaged, or stolen.

o. Inspect all commercially purchased incoming Materiel's shelf life to ensure the age on delivery from the shelf life expiration date is in accordance with Table 6-1. The age on delivery inspection does not apply to shelf-life Materiel obtained from a Government source of supply.

Table 6-1 Shelf-Life Age on Delivery

Shelf-Life Period Maximum Age on Delivery
25 months or more 6 months
19 - 24 months 4 months
13 - 18 months 3 months
7 - 12 months 2 months
6 months or less 1 month

p. Ammunition, firearms, explosives, and biological/ hazardous and radioactive material are stored in secure storage areas until issued to intended recipients in accordance with Center-developed policy and procedures.

q. Verify individuals receiving incoming classified Materiel, explosives, firearms, ammunition, radioactive, prohibited, or restricted hazardous Materiel are authorized to do so through Center Protective Services prior to turning over the Materiel if the Center has not implemented procedures to verify an individual's authorization to receive Materiel.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | ALL |
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