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NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 7900.3D Effective Date: May 01, 2017 Expiration Date: May 01, 2025 |
| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | Chapter11 | Chapter12 | Chapter13 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixI | ALL | |
9.1.1 NASA Inter-Center Aircraft Operations Panel (IAOP) Reviews provide peer review and an objective management evaluation of the procedures and practices that are being used at Centers operating or acquiring aircraft or aircraft services to ensure safe and efficient accomplishment of assigned missions, goals, and mitigate risks associated with aircraft operations. In addition to providing Center Directors and HQ management officials with an overview of the general health of all aspects of flight operations, the review teams also identify deficiencies in, or deviations from, Federal laws, policies, and regulations, NASA policies, procedures, and guidelines. Results of the reviews shall be used to update NASA-wide or local requirements in order to enhance standardization and improve productivity. [709] The evaluations are conducted primarily by Inter-Center teams and, thus, are a valuable method of communicating current information among Center Flight Operations personnel. (See Appendix E for an example review plan and Appendix F for the review sheet.) NASA IAOP Reviews shall be conducted for commercial aircraft services (CAS) operators that exceed 1year's period of performance, require a NASA Statement of Airworthiness, or involve NASA personnel participating in flight. [710] IAOP Reviews of CAS operators shall be funded by the project or program procuring the services. [711] NASA IAOP Reviews shall be conducted for Centers, including Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) that operate UAS, including Component Facilities; the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center, and other NASA contractors and grantees as specified in their contracts or grants; and to other organizations (i.e., commercial partners, other Federal agencies, international parties, and tenants on Centers) as specified and described in written operating agreements. [712] This NPR provides operational policy that may be applicable to mishaps and close calls for NASA-funded activities at any Government, contractor, subcontractor, or grantee site.
9.2.1 It is important that the Inter-Center Aircraft Operations Panel support the review program. The HQ AMD shall establish IAOP Review teams to review all aspects of flight operations at NASA Centers, including the implementation of Center procedures, on a 36-month cycle, Center requested special IAOP Review, or as determined by the HQ AMD. [713] The Centers and appropriate HQ offices (e.g., AMD, OSMA) will provide personnel to serve on the teams. The HQ AMD will coordinate the review program. Center Directors shall provide subject matter experts (SMEs) to the IAOP Review Teams as requested by AMD to support the IAOP Review Program. [714] Flight Operations Chiefs shall designate a point of contact to coordinate IAOP Review support with HQ AMD. [715]
9.3.1 In conducting reviews, including special or periodic reviews, the following guidelines will be used: Team Composition. A review team will include a team leader who is a member of the IAOP and either a Center Flight Operations Chief or deputy.
a. The size and experience of the Team shall reflect the scope and depth of the review. [716]
b. Team members shall be selected from various Centers and HQ to provide SMEs in the areas of operations, maintenance, QA, facilities, airworthiness, Aviation Life Support Systems, security, UAS, finance, and aviation safety. [717]
c. The mix of members will vary for each review. The HQ AMD will provide a member for each review who is responsible for reviewing management practices and special interest items. In addition, the OSMA will provide a member for each review who is responsible for the independent assessment of aviation safety compliance Coordination. The HQ AMD will maintain a current review schedule and, after coordination with Center Chief of Flight Operations, will notify Centers with sufficient time to adjust schedules or other factors as necessary. HQ AMD will write a memo to the appropriate Center Director describing the scope and time of the review. Communications. The IAOP Team shall conduct an entrance and exit briefing as well as frequent debriefs to Center Management as necessary. [718]
a. The entrance briefing will be conducted prior to the Team's arrival on Center. At the entrance briefing, Center Management shall provide a brief on the Center's Flight Operations Program. [719]
b. The exit briefing shall be conducted onsite for the Center Director or, if the Center Director is unexpectedly and unavoidably absent, the Deputy Center Director. [720]
(1) The exit briefing will not be given to an official further down the Center chain of command and shall be rescheduled if the Center Director and Deputy are both unavailable. [721]
(2) A draft report concerning all findings and recommendations shall be provided at the exit brief. [722] The entrance briefing given by the Center Flight Chief to the review team shall be a comprehensive review of aircraft operations procedures and documentation. [723] Local operations and maintenance documents will be made available to the team, and the team members will familiarize themselves with the documents before performing field work.
9.3.2 Reviewers shall ensure compliance with established NASA, FAA, DoD, manufacturer, industry, and association standards, processes, and procedures. [724]
9.3.3 The HQ AMD will maintain updated IAOP review checklists. Review checklists will be made available to each review team member to use as a guideline to ensure compliance with applicable instructions. Team members will discuss findings and recommendations with the affected Center party to ensure a mutual understanding of the observations. Minor discrepancy items will be brought to the attention of the first-line supervisor for immediate corrective action. The team leader shall hold daily team progress meetings to discuss discrepancies and recommendations. [725]
9.3.4 The team leader's exit briefing shall be in sufficient detail to inform Center management of the status of local Flight Operations activities with particular emphasis on significant findings and recommendations requiring management's attention. [726] In the interest of safety and clarity of communication, if the consensus of the review team and their findings reflects their view that the level of flight safety at the Center is such that there is a significant increase in the probability of an aviation mishap, the Team Leader shall inform the Center Director or Deputy of that view, to include, as appropriate, a recommendation to cease flight operations pending resolution of the underlying issue(s). [727]
9.3.5 The review team shall document results in a brief report that focuses on findings and recommendations. [728] The review report will address those items that require senior management's attention and also identify those activities that are being performed in an outstanding manner. Findings shall be objective and impact assessments accurately stated. [729] Criticality criteria will be used to assist management in prioritizing responses as follows: Required Action, Recommendation, and Commendable Finding.
a. Required Actions cite the specific requirement that is not being met.
b. Recommendations are provided as best practices that can be used for continuous improvement.
c. Commendable findings document positive observations and highlight potential best practices. Repeat findings will be highlighted and information identified that may be useful to the Center's Root Cause Analysis efforts. The report shall be forwarded by the review team leader to the Assistant Administrator for the OSI for endorsement and forwarding to the Center Director for corrective action. A copy will be provided to the Director, AMD. [730]
9.3.6 The Center Director shall respond to the Assistant Administrator for the OSI concerning corrective actions. [731] The HQ AMD will review the response for adequacy, follow up as necessary, track required action responses, and close out the report.
| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | Chapter11 | Chapter12 | Chapter13 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixI | ALL | |
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