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NPR 8580.1A
Effective Date: August 01, 2012
Expiration Date: February 01, 2026
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and Executive Order 12114 (Revalidated with Change 1 on 9/6/2017)

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppdendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |

Chapter 1. Roles and Responsibilities

1.1 Background

1.1.1 The roles and responsibilities of senior management are defined in NPD 1000.0, Strategic Management and Governance Handbook; NPD 1000.3, The NASA Organization; and NPD 8500.1, NASA Environmental Management. The following are key roles and responsibilities for establishing, assigning, and maintaining NEPA program requirements.

1.1.2 The Administrator's Office, Senior Environmental Official (SEO), Director of Environmental Management Division (EMD), NASA NEPA Manager, and Office of the General Counsel (OGC) are the only points of contact with the CEQ on NEPA issues.

1.1.3 As defined by NASA's NEPA Regulations, the responsible official ensures that planning and decision making for each proposed Agency action complies with the CEQ and NASA NEPA regulations and this NPR. For facility programs and projects, the responsible official is the individual responsible for establishing, developing, and maintaining the institutional capabilities required for the execution of programs and projects (e.g., Center Director, facility manager). For other programs and projects (e.g., space flight and research and development programs and projects), the responsible official is the NASA official who is the decision authority for the proposed action (e.g., Associate Administrators (AA) for the Mission Directorates, Chief Technologist, Center Directors, JPL (an FFRDC), NASA Management Office (NMO) Director).

1.1.4 NASA programs and projects, including single-project programs, typically are implemented by Centers. In cases where a program or project is fully implemented by Headquarters (e.g., without Center involvement, using radioisotope power or heating), NEPA compliance responsibility rests with Headquarters (e.g., the Program Executive, Technology Development Manager, Research and Technology (R&T) Portfolio Project Lead, Program Manager). The responsible official may also decide to have NEPA managed by Headquarters, such as for a program or project involving more than one Center.

1.1.5 NEPA applies to new and continuing activities, including projects and programs entirely or partly funded, assisted, conducted, or approved by NASA. NEPA applies even if the funding, assistance or approval is provided to non-Federal parties. Activities covered include use of NASA property by another party, either tenant or episodic user, where NASA approval is required. NEPA also applies to new or revised Agency rules, regulations, plans, policies, or procedures.

1.1.6 Flow charts summarizing the general NEPA process and three main levels of NEPA documentation are shown in Appendix D. The NASA NEPA Desk Guide is posted at http://www.nasa.gov/agency/nepa/index.html.

1.2 Responsibilities

1.2.1 The Assistant Administrator for the Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI) shall:

a. Serve as the SEO for NASA in accordance with 14 C.F.R. part 1216.302(a).

b. Coordinate with EMD, NASA senior management, and CEQ on NEPA-related activities.

1.2.2 The Director EMD shall:

a. Provide advice and recommendations to all NASA entities in implementing their assigned responsibilities under NEPA.

b. Appoint the NASA NEPA Manager.

c. Approve NEPA regulations, policy, and guidance developed by the NASA NEPA Manager.

d. Coordinate with CEQ on NEPA-related activities.

1.2.3 The NASA NEPA Manager shall:

a. Manage the NEPA program:

(1) Coordinate with the CEQ on NEPA-related activities.

(2) Update the Agency NEPA regulations, policies, and guidance as needed.

(3) Collaborate with other Federal Government agencies on NEPA-related issues, including identification of cooperating agencies and NEPA working groups.

(4) Develop and maintain NEPA risk-tracking reports in accordance with NPR 8000.4, Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements and the NASA Environmental Management System (EMS).

(5) Maintain the NASA Environmental Tracking System (NETS) NEPA module to collect and manage Center and Component Facility NEPA activity and final documents and to track and monitor mitigation measures.

(6) Maintain an Agency-level NEPA training program and make it available to Centers, Component Facilities, and Mission Directorates.

(7) Respond to Agency regulatory reporting requirements including, but not limited to, the Annual CEQ Cooperating Agency Report and the Annual Environmental Conflict Resolution Report.

(8) Review annually the application of existing categorical exclusions across the Agency.

(9) Review implementation and monitoring of mitigation measures across the Agency.

b. Support Agency implementation of NEPA actions:

(1) Provide timely technical advice and guidance to Mission Directorates, Centers, and Component Facilities regarding NEPA compliance.

(2) Coordinate with OGC on NEPA compliance issues and review of NEPA documents and EO 12114 issues and documents, as needed.

(3) Review and comment on draft NASA NEPA documents within 30 days of receipt.

(4) Review and submit Federal Register notices for draft and final NEPA documents.

(5) In case of emergency, consult with the SEO, Director EMD, OGC, and other appropriate NASA entities prior to consulting with CEQ. 1.2.4 The OGC shall:

a. Provide legal counsel and support to all NASA Headquarters entities/personnel in implementing their assigned responsibilities under NEPA.

b. Review and comment on draft NEPA documents, as requested. c. Coordinate with CEQ on NEPA-related activities.

1.2.5 Headquarters Mission Directorate AAs, Chief Technologist, Chief Engineer, or other AA-level Headquarters official serve as the Responsible Official for programs or projects and shall:

a. Sign EIS RODs related to actions for which their office has primary authority.

b. Sign EA FONSIs developed for Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) actions for which their office has primary authority.

c. Sign EA FONSIs for actions that are Agency wide or actions promoted to their level by the NASA NEPA Manager or Center or Component Facility NEPA manager (CNM).

d. Reference this NPR in policy and guidance documents that involve actions subject to NEPA requirements.

e. Ensure all Headquarters managers (e.g., Program Executives, Technology Development Managers, R&T Portfolio Project Leads, Program Manager) are aware of their NEPA responsibilities and have access to NEPA training.

f. Ensure that the designated Headquarters manager (e.g., Program Executives, Technology Development Managers, R&T Portfolio Project Leads, Program Manager) provides updates on NEPA compliance activities to the appropriate Mission Directorate division manager, NASA NEPA Manager, and OGC.

1.2.6 The Center Director, NMO Director, Component Facility manager, or other Center/Component Facility Responsible Official shall:

a. Designate a CNM.

b. Ensure the CNM has the authority and resources to implement their responsibilities, to include preparing an Environmental Resource Document (ERD).

c. Ensure the CNM has adequate training in NEPA compliance.

d. Ensure all Center program and project managers responsible for implementing NEPA are aware of their NEPA responsibilities and have access to NEPA training.

e. Sign EA FONSIs for actions for which they have the primary authority.

1.2.7 The Center program or project manager shall coordinate with the CNM to:

a. Ensure their programs and projects are in compliance with NEPA.

b. Ensure their programs and projects to be conducted abroad are in compliance with EO 12114.

c. Ensure that environmental factors are properly considered early in NASA planning and decision making in accordance with NASA requirements such as NPD 8800.14, NPR 8820.2, NPR 7120.5, NPR 7120.7, NPR 7120.8, and STD 8719.14.

d. Include cost and schedule needs for NEPA compliance activities in proposed program and project plans, including publication of notices and a 30-day review by the NASA NEPA Manager on draft EAs and EISs.

e. Provide completed environmental checklist for a proposed new program or project to the CNM.

f. Determine the nature and extent of public scoping required for a proposed new program or project in coordination with the CNM.

g. Ensure publication of NEPA notices (e.g., NOI, NOA) when appropriate.

h. Develop and maintain an administrative record for all NEPA documents.

i. Ensure appropriate internal and external review of NEPA documents. Internal review shall include the CNM and, when appropriate, Center counsel and other NASA organizations.

j. Ensure that any mitigation and monitoring commitments that may be in a final NEPA document are executed. This may require the allocation of project funds for labor, materials, and other direct costs during the various life cycle phases of the project.

k. Advise the CNM when implementation of the action (approved program or project) is complete.

l. Ensure the CNM is notified immediately of any emergency situation that has resulted or may result in substantial environmental impact without the benefit of prior NEPA documentation. (See Section 3.2)

m. Ensure that the CNM is advised of NEPA-related issues or concerns that may impact mission/project schedule.

n. This section applies to Headquarters managers (e.g., Program Executives, Technology Development Managers, R&T Portfolio Project Leads, Program Manager) when the NEPA action is fully implemented at Headquarters (e.g., actions without Center involvement or actions elevated to Headquarters because they involve more than one Center).

1.2.8 The Center or Component Facility NEPA Manager (CNM) shall:

a. Coordinate with the NASA NEPA Manager, Center Director, and other Center/Component Facility planners and decision makers on the NEPA process, as appropriate.

b. Serve as the Center/Component Facility point of contact on NEPA-related interactions with State and local governments and regional offices of the Federal Government.

c. Ensure environmental impacts of proposed actions are considered and analyzed in NEPA documents.

d. Determine appropriate level of NEPA/EO 12114 documentation for proposed actions, including emergency circumstances at their Center/Component Facility in consultation with the program or project manager.

e. Ensure Center/Component Facility personnel (e.g., Center Counsel, Historic Preservation Officer, Master Planner) are informed of NEPA actions.

f. Determine the nature and extent of public scoping required for a proposed program or project in coordination with the program or project manager.

g. Identify cooperating agencies and other interested parties, if any, that will be invited to participate in preparing an EA or EIS.

h. Consult with the NASA NEPA Manager whenever proposed actions involve exempt actions; emergency circumstances; or classified, privileged, or protected information or materials.

i. Ensure internal and external review of NEPA documents in coordination with the program or project manager. Internal review should include the NASA NEPA Manager, Center Counsel, and other NASA organizations, as appropriate.

j. Enter Center/Component Facility NEPA actions and draft and final documents into the NETS NEPA module.

k. Notify the NASA NEPA Manager when draft EAs and draft EISs are uploaded into the NETS NEPA module to initiate a 30-day review.

l. Notify the NASA NEPA Manager when the EPA receives a NEPA document for publication.

m. Provide one hard copy and one electronic copy of draft and final EAs, FONSIs, EISs, RODs, and ERDs to the NASA NEPA Manager.

n. Maintain a Center/Component Facility ERD that is updated at a minimum of every five years and as Center conditions change.

o. Provide timely responses to Agency data calls.

p. Ensure all NEPA documents utilize metric units with British system equivalents in parenthesis except when (1) there is a regulatory standard that is only expressed in one system or (2) the numbers are in a table or figure where using both systems would create too much clutter or confusion.

1.2.9 The Center Office of Chief Counsel shall:

a. Provide legal counsel and support to all their Center entities/personnel in implementing their assigned responsibilities under NEPA.

b. Review and comment on draft NEPA documents, as requested.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppdendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |
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