NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 8580.1A Effective Date: August 01, 2012 Expiration Date: February 01, 2026 |
| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppdendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL | |
2.1.1 The possible environmental effects of a proposed Agency action shall be considered, along with technical, economic, and other factors, beginning in the early planning stages of a proposed action. Major NASA activities, particularly research and development and facility projects, generally have two distinct phases: (1) formulation and (2) implementation. The major decision point for most proposed actions occurs toward the end of the formulation phase. During the formulation phase, the Responsible Official should take the necessary steps to comply with the requirements of the NASA NEPA regulations.
2.1.2 The NEPA process should be completed prior to the Agency decision to begin the implementation phase.
2.1.3 The NEPA process should be completed during the formulation phase. For certain proposed actions, the NEPA process may extend into the early stages of the implementation phase as long as this will not have an adverse environmental impact or limit the choice of reasonable alternatives. Such overlap is necessary when meaningful impact analysis cannot be performed until later in the formulation phase. In cases where the NEPA process cannot be completed during the formulation phase (i.e., prior to Preliminary Design Review (PDR)), such as for missions involving radioisotope power systems or heating units:
a. The program or project manager shall prepare a written request for the NEPA process schedule to be extended.
b. The extension request shall be submitted to the NASA NEPA Manager and OGC for review and approval.
2.2.1 Actions that individually or cumulatively have no potential for substantial effects on the quality of the human environment are designated Categorical Exclusions under NASA NEPA regulations (14 C.F.R. subpart 1216.304(d)). NASA's Categorical Exclusions are listed in Appendix C.
2.2.2 Categorical Exclusions can only be applied when the action does not involve any extraordinary circumstances defined in NASA NEPA regulations (14 C.F.R. part 1216.304(c)).
2.2.3 Categorical Exclusions generally do not require preparation of a Record of Environmental Consideration (REC). However, RECs shall be prepared for five Categorical Exclusions, 14 C.F.R. subpart 1216.304(d)(4)(ii), (iii), (iv), (v) and (d)(5)(ii).
2.2.4 RECs must state that extraordinary circumstances have been considered.
2.2.5 The NASA NEPA Manager and Center NEPA Managers have the discretion to require a REC for any action.
2.2.6 A summary of the process to apply a Categorical Exclusion is provided in Appendix D, Figure D-2.
2.3.1 The NASA program or project manager, in consultation with the CNM, shall:
a. Determine the nature and extent of public scoping and prepare a Public Involvement Plan (PIP), if applicable.
b. Conduct public scoping, including meetings, and evaluate all comments received during the scoping process.
2.3.2 The NASA NEPA Manager or CNM may determine that some scoping efforts are appropriate for an EA.
2.4.1 The program or project manager shall prepare the draft and final EA and other associated NEPA documents in coordination with the CNM.
2.4.2 The program or project manager, in coordination with the CNM, shall publish either a Notice of Availability (NOA) for a FONSI, or a FONSI in the appropriate local newspaper(s).
2.4.3 The program or project manager shall coordinate with the NASA NEPA Manager to ensure that public notification for Agency-wide and Headquarters-level EAs/FONSIs are published in the Federal Register.
2.4.4 A summary of the typical process to prepare an Environmental Assessment is provided in Appendix D, Figure D-3.
2.5.1 The program or project manager shall prepare the draft and final EIS and other associated NEPA documents (e.g., NOI, NOA, ROD) in coordination with the CNM.
2.5.2 In coordination with the program or project manager, the CNM shall ensure appropriate internal and external review of and comment on NEPA documents.
2.5.3 The NASA NEPA Manager shall coordinate a preconcurrence review of the draft EIS with OGC before submitting the documents for formal NASA concurrence review.
2.5.4 The program or project manager shall coordinate review of the draft and final EISs at the appropriate Headquarters level prior to submission to the EPA and Federal Register.
2.5.5 A summary of the process to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement is provided in Appendix D, Figure D-4.
2.6.1 The program or project manager shall involve the public in mitigation planning, as appropriate.
2.6.2 The program or project manager shall ensure that mitigation commitments made in the final NEPA decision documents are implemented.
2.6.3 The program or project manager shall ensure that mitigation commitments are monitored for effectiveness.
2.6.4 If mitigation measures committed to cannot or will not be effectively implemented, the program or project manager shall notify the CNM to determine the need for a follow-up plan.
2.6.5 The program or project manager shall notify the CNM when the NEPA action has been completed or fully implemented.
| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppdendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL | |
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