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NPR 1450.10D
Effective Date: March 24, 2006
Expiration Date: March 24, 2026

Subject: NASA Correspondence Management and Communications Standards and Style Revalidated (6/21/2021)

Responsible Office: Chief of Staff

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Table of Contents

Change History


P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 Applicable Documents and Forms
P.5 Measurement/Verification
P.6 Cancellation

Chapter 1. Managing and Controlling Mail and Communications

1.1 Communications Addressed to the Principals of the Office of the Administrator
1.2 Quality Control Liaison (QCL) and Correspondence Control Liaison (CCL) Designations for NASA Headquarters
1.3 Action Office Mailboxes
1.4 High-Profile Responses (Administration Offices)
1.5 Due Dates
1.6 Extensions of Due Dates
1.7 Office of the Administrator Signature Packages
1.8 Concurrences for Office of the Administrator Signature Packages
1.9 Correspondence to Officials-in-Charge of Headquarters Offices and/or Center Directors

Chapter 2. NASA Writing Standards

2.1 Organized Writing
2.2 Spoken Style
2.3 Compact Writing
2.4 Tone
2.5 Write Positively
2.6 Write Short, Disciplined Sentences
2.7 Use Short Paragraphs
2.8 Use Personal Pronouns
2.9 Use Active Voice
2.10 Use Action Verbs
2.11 Use Plain Language Words
2.12 Acronyms
2.13 Computer/Internet Words: Usage and Style

Chapter 3. Letters (Formats)

3.1 Standard Business Letter
3.2 Concurrences
3.3 Assembly for Signature for Standard Business Letter
3.4 Nonpersonalized Business Letter
3.5 Legal Letter
3.6 Multiple-Addressee Letters
3.7 Assembly for Signature for Multiple-Addressee Letters
3.8 Condolence Letters
3.9 Envelopes and Mailing

Chapter 4. Memorandums (Memos) (Formats)

4.1 Standard Memo
4.2 Concurrences
4.3 Assembly for Signature for Memos
4.4 Multiple-Addressee Memos
4.5 Memorandum for the Record
4.6 Envelopes and Mailing

Chapter 5. Information Communications

5.1 General

Chapter 6. Electronic Communications

6.1 General
6.2 Electronic Mail Communications
6.3 Facsimile (Fax)
6.4 Other Types of Communications Services

Chapter 7. Envelopes and Mailing

7.1 General
7.2 Envelopes
7.3 Address Information and Placement

Chapter 8. Classified Correspondence

8.1 General
8.2 Security Classification Reminders
8.3 Format and Marking Originally Classified Documents
8.4 Transmission of Classified Correspondence

Appendix A. Administrator's Correspondence Preparation and Control
Appendix B. Acronyms
Appendix C. White House and Congressional Correspondence
Appendix D. Privacy Act Correspondence
Appendix E. Foreign Correspondence
Appendix F. Forms of Addresses
Appendix G. Compound Words
Appendix H. Capitalization of Frequently Used Words at NASA
Appendix I. NASA Stationary Specification Standards
Appendix J. References


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