NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 3335.1J Effective Date: June 29, 2023 Expiration Date: June 29, 2028 |
| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL | |
2.1.1 The CHCO or designee is responsible for:
a. Integrating diversity and inclusion into strategic recruitment decisions to enhance organizational effectiveness and help achieve Agency mission goals.
b. Collaborating with the EEO office to identify recruitment strategies, best practices, and alternative hiring authorities to reach underrepresented groups as identified in the Center's Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) plan and the EEO barrier analysis.
c. Assisting management with the identification of recruitment strategies, participation in the development of rating criteria, and selection procedures.
d. Ensuring human resources (HR) staff, responsible for advising management and executing personnel actions, are trained and knowledgeable of legal, regulatory, and program requirements, including alternative methods of filling jobs, special appointing authorities, veterans' preference, and EEO objectives.
e. Preparing and publishing vacancy announcements in USAJOBS and issuing certificates using the Agency-approved automated staffing and referral tool in accordance with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulations and Agency guidance.
f. Granting an extension of the application deadline if circumstances warrant; when an extension is granted, granting the extension to all applicants in like circumstances.
g. Prior to the opening date of the vacancy announcement, and in consultation with the supervisor, conducting and documenting the job analysis process, including the identification of any selective factors, when applicable.
h. Evaluating applicants for minimum qualifications and eligibility and ranking applicants to identify best-qualified candidates, as applicable.
i. Ensuring selections are made in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
j. Notifying applicants of the status of their application in a timely manner in accordance with paragraph 4.5, "Applicant Notification," of this directive.
k. Ensuring employees downgraded due to a planned management action (e.g., reduction in force (RIF), reorganization, or reclassification) are provided special consideration in accordance with Grade and Pay Retention, 5 CFR pt. 536.
l. Ensuring employees eligible for reemployment priority are provided reemployment consideration in accordance with Reemployment Priority List, 5 CFR 330, subpt. B.
m. Deciding on requests for reconsideration in accordance with chapter 6, "Special Consideration," of this directive.
n. Ensuring that personnel actions are fully documented, case file documentation allows reconstruction of personnel actions, and files and records are maintained, controlled, and protected in accordance with NPD 1382.17, NASA Privacy Policy, and NPR 1441.1, NASA Records Management Program Requirements.
o. Setting the entrance on-duty date on a Sunday for current Federal-civil service employees and on a workday (generally, the first Monday of a pay period), for individuals outside the civil-service workforce.
p. When establishing an applicant supply file, ensuring proper acceptance and referral of applicants and application of veterans' preference, when applicable.
2.2.1 Supervisors are responsible for:
a. Deciding on the method of filling vacancies and the area of consideration (i.e., who can apply).
b. Integrating diversity and inclusion into strategic recruitment decision making to enhance organizational effectiveness and help achieve mission goals.
c. Participating in the development of recruitment strategies aimed at reaching qualified individuals who are underrepresented in the workplace as identified in the Center's FEORP plan and the EEO office's barrier analysis.
d. Participating in the job-analysis process, including the identification of selective factors.
e. Releasing employees to serve as subject matter experts in the job analysis process or for participating on interview panels, as applicable.
f. Making timely selections based on job-related factors, including experience, education, competencies, performance, and awards.
(1) Supervisors that are serving as a selecting official are entrusted to use their best judgment in making selections based on job-related factors, including experience, education, competencies, performance, and awards. When considering current Federal employees, selecting officials shall consider information provided in the resume (which includes award information) and the most recent performance appraisal narrative summary to ensure that due weight is given to the job-related factors they are considering. Due weight means to ensure the appropriate value is given to each of the job-related factors that are part of the decision-making process. This does not require a specific weight be given to any one of the factors.
(2) Supervisors that are serving as a selecting official should consider the most recent performance appraisal narrative summary of current Federal employees, which is requested at the time of application. If a current Federal employee does not or cannot provide the most recent narrative summary, the selecting official can determine if performance and award information can be gathered from a reference check with a current or past supervisor, or if performance and award information provided in the resume is sufficient to give proper consideration.
g. Monitoring selection procedures and outcomes and ensuring actions are as required by Merit System Principles, 5 U.S.C. ยง 2301.
2.3 Employees
2.3.1 Employees are responsible for complying with the requirements of this directive and following procedures outlined in vacancy announcements when applying for jobs.
2.3.2 Employees who are absent from their positions for legitimate reasons (such as detail, authorized leave, temporary duty, training, Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) assignments, transfer to a public international organization, or military service) are eligible to receive consideration (for promotion) under the provisions of this Plan. Employees are responsible for seeking information on positions of interest and applying for such positions by the required application deadline.
| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL | |
| NODIS Library | Human Resources and Personnel(3000s) | Search | |
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