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NPR 4500.1A
Effective Date: April 10, 2024
Expiration Date: April 10, 2029
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Administration of Property in the Custody of Award Recipients

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 1. Administration of NASA Property in the Custody of Award Recipients

1.1 Objectives of Property Administration

1.1.1 The primary objective of property administration is to efficiently and economically manage all GP provided to or used by NASA’s award recipients in the performance of awards. Meeting this objective is based on managing the risk and realizing the cost benefits associated with the recipient effectively managing GP. A secondary objective of effective property administration is ensuring the availability of GP for effective award performance. A third objective is ensuring the availability of the award recipient’s inventory for reutilization on other U.S. Federal Government or public activities. Both the Government and the award recipient balance the benefits of property administration against the cost.

1.1.2 All recipients of NASA awards with listed GP shall make annual and final property submissions to the NASA Headquarters Contract Property Program in NESS, the Agency’s APSR.

1.1.3 All award recipients (foreign and/or domestic) off Center with GP unless otherwise specified in the award shall submit annual and final property submissions by individual award number via https://ness.nasa.gov/contractor starting October 1st-31st each calendar year; this allows the three federal employees to review and approve prior to December 31st when reports are due to NASA Office of Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) and OMB. (See Table 6-1 for more information.) NESS will capture all data until the final disposition property submission is submitted prior to award closeout.

1.2 Scope and Process

1.2.1 The scope of property administration efforts is determined by the NASA award and regulatory requirements, the amount, and types of GP, the complexity of the recipient’s property management system (PMS), compliant with NPD 4500.1, Administration of Property in the Custody of Award Recipients, and the requirements in this NPR.

1.2.2 Property administration begins prior to award when the Industrial Property Officer (IPO) participates in the construction of the solicitation by assisting the CO/GO in determining the application of clauses, terms, and solicitation provisions based on the anticipated award circumstances. Solicitations for grants and cooperative agreements are drafted by various grant program Technical Officers (TOs), who are located at NASA Centers and in Mission Directorates.

1.2.3 Property administration continues through the solicitation phase where the IPO provides guidance to the CO/GO regarding GP issues that may arise while evaluating proposal materiel related to GP and evaluating or providing any known information on the award recipient’s past performance of property management. In the award process, the IPO may seek the assistance of a Government Property Administrator (GPA) in evaluating the recipient’s proposed plans, methods, standards, procedures, and practices and in providing any known information on the recipient’s past performance of property management.

1.2.4 Property administration is required only when NASA awards have GP.

a. COs/GOs shall notify the Center IPOs immediately when GP is required on and/or removed from an award.

b. All awards with GP associated shall have updated descriptive property listing at the beginning of property administration, when period of performance is updated; and if there are any PMSAs, changes with property (e.g., acquiring, adding, deleting, transferring, disposal, loss, etc.)

1.2.5 Property administration continues throughout award execution as the IPO/GPA reviews and approves property submissions by award number in NESS, oversees and evaluates award recipient’s performance of GP management through the PMSA process, and reviews property reports (including but not limited to OMB-controlled NF 1019, Property Management System Analysis (PMSA) used when awards are not delegated to FIP and NF 1876, NASA Property Loss Report) of loss, damage, destruction, or theft of GP. These evaluations are critical to determining the level of risk to the government associated with providing property.

1.2.6 Property administration concludes only when all GP is dispositioned and all property-related actions are completed and documented in all NASA systems (e.g., NESS by IPO/GPA, Equipment Systems by Supply and Equipment Management Officer (SEMO)) by award number and award files.

1.3 Responsibilities

1.3.1 The Assistant Administrator (AA) of the Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI) delegates authority to the Division Directors for formulation and implementation of policy guidance.

1.3.2 The Division Director, Logistics Management Division (LMD) is responsible for functional oversight and guidance.

1.3.3 The HQ-Contract Property Program Manager (CPPM), LMD, OSI is a civil servant designated by and reporting to the Director, LMD. Oversees a group of individual projects linked together through a shared Agency goal or common area of impact or for greater visibility to stakeholders related to NASA awards associated with GP off NASA Centers and placed in award recipients NASA awards. Establish metrics on the performance of property in the hands of award recipients and provide routine trend reports to Center and NASA senior management and define training requirements for all personnel under the program. The HQ-CPPM function requires significant training and experience in program and property management in the award and administration processes, implementation of management controls and accountability, and audit requirements and performance. Additional training related to management of personnel, leadership, mentoring, and supervision is also necessary. Training in industrial property management; contract, grant, and cooperative agreement awards; and administration where available from Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI), training modules in the System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA (SATERN) (https://satern.nasa.gov), etc. Prior to appointment, the HQ-CPPM shall have completed sufficient coursework and experience to qualify for and maintain credentials of FAI Program Manager Level III Certification; Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) Level III Certification; and Industrial and/or Contract Property Management Certification Level III and may have equivalent certification as a Certified Professional Property Manager (CPPM) from the National Property Management Association (NPMA) specializing in contract property. There is no substitution of education for experience for this position. When an award has accountable GP, it should automatically import the award recipient’s prime award number information electronically in the NESS via NASA’s Enhanced Procurement Data Warehouse (EPDW) system. If award is not in NESS, the Center IPO is accountable for notifying the HQ-CPPM via e-mail with supporting documents (e.g., CO/GO originally signed award and descriptive property listing, Mission Directorate, Program Office Name, etc.) to enter it directly into NESS for visibility in the APSR and audit-readiness in the Agency. The NASA HQ-CPPM reviews for acknowledgement copies of an award, latest award modification, novation, and justification received from the IPO. (See Section for more information.) With concurrence from the Center hiring official, the HQ-CPPM should be considered for the hiring panel for Center IPOs/GPAs; and may assign the IPO to assist other IPOs with their awards, according to workloads. The LOD process and related updated NFs were approved by the Headquarters Office of Procurement (OP) via Control Board December 8, 2020, the HQ-CPPM shall create and sign NF 1430C, Appendix C-Property Administration: Letter of Delegation for NASA Contracts, and NF 1430D, Appendix D-Plant Clearance: Letter of Delegation for NASA Contracts, delegating the authority to perform property administration and or plant clearance duties for NASA off-Center, Facilities and Installations awards when NASA does not have qualified personnel, personnel not present, or otherwise stated in award recipients’ signed awards; and prior to the CO/GO executing the delegation. From FIPs 1, the HQ-CPPM receives hours associated with worked requested to be performed and the original NASA LODs signed by the FIP and HQ-CPPM who is also the LOD owner for Property Administration and Plant Clearance off NASA Centers. (See Section Chapter 3, Delegation and Oversight of Property Administration and Figure 3-1 for more information.)

1 Other federal agencies to which NASA has delegated property administration and plant clearance responsibilities (e.g., the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), etc.). PMS metrics should help NASA management determine whether the program is succeeding, whether the resources allocated to the program are sufficient, and whether they are being effectively utilized. Internal metrics and reports should provide insight into whether the requirements of regulations are being met. The HQ-CPPM, NASA’s OP, Procurement Management and Policy Division (PMPD), and the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) will monitor certain critical issues on a regular basis to ensure compliance. (See Section 6.2.1 for more information.)

1.3.4 The Director, NSSC shall provide direction to ensure that personnel under his or her authority comply with the requirements of this NPR.

1.3.5 Center Directors have operational roles and responsibilities, are responsible for executing assigned projects, and have the authority to delegate duties and responsibilities.

a. Because each Center retains the ability to award, Center Directors shall appoint a qualified individual to serve as the IPO at their Center and notify responsible division at the Center.

b. Center division shall notify HQ-CPPM within 30 business days. The IPOs at Centers are responsible for all NASA Installations and Facilities assigned to their Centers.

1.3.6 The CO/GO shall ensure the offeror’s property management plans, methods, practices, or procedures for accounting for GP are consistent with the requirements of the solicitation in accordance with the CFR and FAR. COs/GOs perform the functions and activities of the position as specified in their appointment or warrant in accordance with the CFR, GCAM, FAR, and NFS. Property administration is one of the functions of overall award administration. The CO/GO is responsible for all business activities under NASA awards. Effective property management is one of the business activities. As such, the CO/GO is required to ensure that GP is managed throughout the life cycle according to the FAR, the FMR at 41 CFR ch. 102, the NFS, NPDs, and NPRs. NASA award recipients are ordinarily required to furnish all property needed to perform Government awards. However, under certain circumstances, the CO/GO may determine that it is in the Government’s best interest to provide GP to recipients. Providing property includes the physical transfer to a recipient of Government-owned property, then known as Government-furnished property (GFP). Providing property also includes authorizing the recipient to acquire property when the property becomes titled to the government under Provisions and Contract Clauses, Government Property, 48 CFR § 52.245-1, and the section Federally-Owned and Exempt Property, 2 CFR § 200.312 on behalf of the Government. When GFP is associated with NASA awards, the CO/GO shall consult and include (if possible) NASA IPOs as the subject matter expert on property matters. Based on the requirement, an assigned NASA IPO/GPA may be asked to serve on the Source Evaluation Boards (SEBs) and/or Requirements Development Teams (RDTs). Authority to perform property administration duties for off-Center awards.

a. If the CO/GO retains property administration functions in accordance with Delegation of Property Administration and Plant Clearance, 48 CFR § 1845.503-70, Retention of Property Administration and Plant Clearance, 48 CFR § 1845.503-71, Retention of Property Administration and Plant Clearance, when property is associated. All duties need to be performed in accordance with this NPR. (See Sections 3.3 and 8.4 for more information.)

b. A Center IPO/GPA may be assigned to perform property administration duties for an off-Center award if not delegated.

(1) For awards performed outside of the Center, NASA Center IPOs/GPAs are responsible for overseeing the implementation of property administration responsibilities delegated to other Federal agencies referred to as FIPs.

(2) The CO/GO may delegate authority to perform property administration and plant clearance duties off Center to a FIP with coordination of IPO and HQ-CPPM. (See Chapter 3 for more information)

(3) Although the CO/GO may delegate authority to perform GPA duties for off-Center awards to FIPs by other means, such alternate delegations need to comply with award property management and general property management requirements including those of the GCAM, CFR, FAR, and NFS and therefore need to have the concurrence of the HQ-CPPM prior to the CO/GO executing the delegation. When key personnel who are the points of contact on the awards change, the CO/GO or TO shall notify the Center IPO within 30 business days and the IPO to update NESS, the APSR. Copies of approved requests for providing property.

a. Unless award recipients have been approved to “self-screen,” COs shall provide copies of approved requests for providing property to the Center IPO so screening of available NASA inventory and other agencies’ excess may take place in accordance with Required Sources of Supplies and Services, 48 CFR pt. 8. (See the Uniform Administrative Requirements, 2 CFR pt. 200, and the GCAM for more information.)

b. COs/GOs shall provide copies of approved requests for coordinating property requests with the OCFO when it is likely that the unit cost of items to be acquired, furnished, constructed, or fabricated will meet or exceed the NASA capitalization threshold of $500,000 or above. (See 2 CFR pt. 200 and the GCAM for more information.) Providing transportation assets to recipients.

a. COs/GOs shall consult with NASA Center Transportation Officer (CTO) prior to providing transportation assets on contracts, grants, and cooperative agreement recipients.

b. In accordance with FAR, 48 CFR pt. 51, Use of Government Sources by Contractors, Contractor Use of Interagency Fleet Management System (IFMS) Vehicles, 48 CFR subpt. 1851.2, COs shall obtain the concurrence of the CTO before providing transportation assets to the award recipient. Novation and change-of-name agreements.

a. Novation and change-of-name agreements are administrative actions requiring the involvement of the CO/GO. These actions are completed in accordance with Novation and Change of Name Agreements, 48 CFR subpt. 42.12.

b. Section 48 CFR subpt. 42.12, requires the CO to ensure the Office of General Counsel (OGC) has reviewed a recipient’s novation and/or change-of-name agreement for legal sufficiency before the agreement is executed.

c. The CO/GO shall notify the Center IPO and HQ-CPPM when a novation agreement is executed with an award recipient by sending an electronic copy via e-mail within 30 days after the agreement is signed.

d. The HQ-CPPM shall immediately update the novation and change-of-name agreement information in the NESS award(s) associated with audits in the Agency regarding NASA property in the hands of award recipients.

1.3.7 The NASA Center Industrial Property Officer (IPO) is an inherently Governmental civil servant appointed by the Center Director to coordinate and provide Center-level management oversight of all award property administration activities at and between NASA Centers. The IPO shall serve as the NASA Center/Installation expert in award recipients’ property matters, advising COs/GOs, TOs, program and project managers, and other Center officials on Center logistics activities and on the correct methods, processes, and requirements for managing GP in the custody of NASA award recipients. After consensus with the Center senior management, IPO may be assigned to assist other IPOs with their workload. The IPO function requires significant training and experience in property management, award and administration processes, implementation of management controls and accountability, and audit/analysis requirements and performance. Additional continuous learning and training related to soft skills, management of personnel, leadership, and supervision is also necessary. Continuous learning and training in industrial property management in contract, grant, and cooperative agreement awards and administration where available from FAI, and training modules in SATERN, etc. is recommended. It is recommended prior to appointment or within one year, the IPO complete sufficient coursework and obtain sufficient experience to qualify for and maintain credentials for FAI Industrial and/or Contract Property Management Certification Level III. Equivalent certification as a CPPM from NPMA specializing in contract property is also acceptable along with continuous education and training in either case to keep credentials. Additional coursework can be found on https://satern.nasa.gov for Grants and Cooperative Agreements. There is no substitution of education for experience for this position. The IPO shall:

a. Participate in acquisition planning sessions to advise on logistics and GFP aspects of planned acquisition actions.

b. Remind all parties of the increased risk to both performance and to the property itself associated with providing GP to award recipients.

c. Attend all SEB and RDT meetings (when invited) if property is associated.

d. Review proposed solicitations to ensure property management issues are correctly addressed in appropriate award property language and clauses.

e. Ensure the solicitation response establishes appropriate management controls and addresses any special anticipated property-related award circumstances. (See Chapter 9 in this NPR for more information on grant and cooperative agreement solicitation.)

f. Advise the CO/GO of any needed changes to awards.

g. Review award recipient’s solicitation to determine if they are responsive to solicitation provisions requiring the submission of plans, practices, systems, and standards and if they address all award requirements and relevant property system functions.

h. The IPO will consult with cognizant GPAs to determine whether the recipient’s proposed plans, practices, systems, and standards differ significantly from those already employed at the recipient’s place of performance.

i. Seek the GPA’s assessment of past and current performance of property management at that award recipient’s place of performance.

j. Participate in proposal evaluations (pre-award or change proposals) and provide written findings to the CO identifying proposal strengths and weaknesses relative to GP issues.

k. Provide evaluations of award recipient’s past and present property management performance during the acquisition process.

l. Notify the HQ-CPPM within 14 business days upon knowledge of a CO/GO not placing reporting requirements to the Agency’s APSR/NESS in the NASA awards when GP is associated.

m. Assist the CO/GO and HQ-CPPM in establishing appropriate property administration and plant clearance for awards by providing property listing, original signed and last modified award information for off-Center delegations.

n. Notify the HQ-CPPM upon knowledge of Center IPOs/GPAs giving presentations outside of their perspective Center on Contract Property Program information needs to be sent to HQ-CPPM for approval/comments/review 14 business days in advance prior to presenting. Centers are not authorized to speak on behalf of HQ programs.

o. Participate in post-award conferences when requested by the CO and when adequate property management is needed to ensure timely and cost-effective performance.

p. Review all NASA awards associated with property and ensure they are loaded in NESS. If there are any discrepancies, the IPO will immediately notify the COs/GOs.

q. Review periods of performance in NESS 45+ days out with COs/GOs to determine whether award modifications will take place and send the modifications to HQ-CPPM when awards are delegated to update NESS. No award modifications are needed when a Center IPO/GPA is administering an award; only a notification to change the period of performance in NESS with the award number is needed. Examples of NASA award modifications may include extension to the award and/or GP, or funding being added to or removed from an award recipient.

r. Review all property awards and data are in NESS for completeness and accuracy.

s. Notify the HQ-CPPM within five business days when awards are not recorded in NESS to ensure they are added immediately. Annual and Final Property Submissions

a. Recipients without property associated with their awards are not required to report in NESS. NESS only tracks GP in the hands of NASA award recipients.

b. Award recipients with GP are required to create and submit their own annual and final property submission by each prime award number. If assistance is needed, award recipients will contact the Center IPO and HQ-CPPM immediately. If the IPO is unable to resolve, the IPO will contact HQ-CPPM (the program system administrator of NESS) immediately. This submission produces results in OMB-controlled NF 1018, NASA Property in the Custody of Award Recipients, via portable document format (pdf) file once property submission is submitted via https://ness.nasa.gov/contractor. The results from property submissions are sent to NASA’s OFCO and OMB by close of business each calendar year on December 31st.

c. Award recipients with GP are required to submit their own final property submission once property is dispositioned at the end of the award according to Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses, Financial Reporting of NASA Property in the Custody of Contractors, 48 CFR § 1852.245-73, and the GCAM. If assistance is needed, award recipients will contact the Center IPO and the HQ-CPPM. If additional assistance is needed, the Center IPO will contact HQ-CPPM.

d. Each property submission (annual and final) is completed and entered in NESS by the award recipients with GP via https://ness.nasa.gov/contractor.

e. If award recipients have any challenges with property submissions, the IPO, GPA, OCFO Property Accountant, or award recipient shall notify the HQ-CPPM via e-mail immediately when aware for resolution. IPOs, GPAs, nor OCFO Property Accountants are authorized to create property submissions without approval via e-mail from HQ-CPPM stating justification on why it authorized. The IPOs may be given writing authority by HQ-CPPM to create submission and place in comments of the submission once created; otherwise, the HQ-CPPM will create the submission with comments.

f. All support documents with related to the award (e.g., original signed award, award modifications adding/removing property, disposals, transfers, updated descriptive property listing, extending period of performances, LODs, etc.) will be required to be uploaded by name and date via the Contracts screen under Documents tab in the NESS for Agency audits by GPA or IPO until award recipient gains access. In the performance of PMSA, the IPO shall:

a. Perform a joint PMSA with the assigned GPA when property is associated with the award and the GPA is located within a NASA Facility and/or Installation if not delegated to FIP.

b. Review and approve or disapprove the work of cognizant GPAs to ensure compliance with Generally Accepted Government Audit Standards (GAGAS) prior to making recommendations to the CO/GO. (See the GAO Yellow Book webpage at http://www.gao.gov/yellowbook for current information and access to the most recent U.S. Government Auditing Standards publication.)

c. Ensure for all awards that the PMSA Summary and Outcome tabs are populated and have the latest information and that the PMSAs are uploaded to the Document tab in NESS within 30 business days including any supporting documentation (e.g., CO/GO signed letter of determinations, corrective action plans including resolutions, current/descriptive property listing, disposal documentation, etc.).

d. Notify the GPA to ensure the PMSA task is completed according to the result of the Risk Assessment Matrix (Table 5-1) and, if no response is received from the GPA within 14 business days of written notification, notify the HQ-CPPM via e-mail with the notification that was sent to the assigned GPA included as an attachment.

e. Use the NF 1019 to accomplish awards assigned when GP and acquired property are associated with NASA awards off-NASA Centers and not delegated; and a similar format is used by FIP. The PMSA is performed to satisfy the NF 1018 section 20 (a.-Property System Approved (Yes or No) and b.-System Analysis (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory) and the PMSA screen in NESS.

f. Notify the CO/GO, OCFO Property Accountant, and HQ-CPPM immediately by award number once the NASA award recipient does not submit an annual property submission by October 31 each year or does not submit a final property submission within 14 business days after property is dispositioned.

g. Review reports submitted GPAs and/or external FIP GPAs and provide the NASA CO/GO with an evaluation of whether the award recipient’s system adequately performs within award requirements and a recommendation of any necessary remedial actions. An IPO can function as a GPA, when required.

1.3.8 NASA GPAs are inherently Governmental civil servants appointed in accordance with Agency guidance as GPAs. Property administration involves tasks that often call for the evaluation of a recipient’s performance of GP management of award requirements. The GPA reviews, provides feedback, and suggests changes to property clauses. To function effectively as the individual responsible for the evaluation of award recipient’s property performance, the GPA needs significant training and experience in property management and in the award and administration processes, implementation of management controls and accountability, and audit requirements and performance. Additional continuous learning and training in soft skills, industrial property management and contract, grant, and cooperative agreement awards and administration where available from FAI and SATERN training modules, etc. is recommended. It is recommended prior to the appointment or within one year, the GPA should have completed sufficient coursework and obtained adequate experience to qualify for and maintain credentials for FAI Industrial and/or Contract Property Management Certification Level II or equivalent or certification as a Certified Professional Property Administrator (CPPA) from NPMA with specialization in contract property management along with continuous education and training to keep credentials. Additional coursework can be found on https://satern.nasa.gov for Grants and Cooperative Agreements. There is no substitution of education for experience for this position. The GPA is the appointed representative of the CO/GO regarding the award and technical aspects of GP. As such, the GPA is part of the award administration team. The principal responsibility of the GPA is line administration of the property management-related terms of the award. These terms are specifically related to the award recipient’s obligations to acquire, control, protect, use, maintain, report, disposition, and in some cases deliver GP. NASA is not responsible for duplication of efforts when property administration is delegated to FIPs. After consensus with the Center senior management, GPA may be assigned to assist other IPOs with their workload. This point forward in the document, GPA duties refer to NASA and FIP. The GPA shall:

a. Accept appropriate delegations of property administration and acknowledge that acceptance according to the Agency’s procedures.

b. Perform property administration functions in accordance with this NPR.

c. Establish and maintain the official award property data files and supporting documentation in NESS Contracts screen under Documents (e.g., Original signed awards, award modifications acquiring, adding/removing property and extending period of performance, descriptive property listing, signed LODs, etc.).

d. Review the award recipient’s reports regarding investigation of reported physical inventory discrepancies and variances to determine actual gains and or losses and notify the Center IPO and CO/GO with written correspondence regarding discrepancies resulting in loss of GP.

e. Review the award recipient’s reports regarding investigation of occurrences of loss of GP and recommend remedial action by the CO/GO, including holding the recipient liable for loss when the recipient’s property system is deemed inadequate and corrective actions are not taken or when the circumstances surrounding incidents of loss indicate fraud or lack of good faith by the award recipient’s managerial personnel. Award recipients may use the NF 1876 if needed to assist in their reporting.

f. Provide the CO/GO with recommendations concerning award recipient responsibility and liability for loss of property based on award terms and conditions.

g. Perform the duties and responsibilities prescribed under 48 CFR § 52.245-1; , Responsibilities of the Property Administrator, and 48 CFR § 1845.505-70; the GCAM; 2 CFR pt. 200; and this NPR.

h. Develop and apply risk-based assessment strategies in the performance of property management.

i. Plan, develop, and perform the PMSA to assess and determine the effectiveness of the award recipient’s PMS, which can include limited or full PMSA outcomes by using the NF 1019. NASA is not responsible for duplication of efforts when property administration is delegated to FIPs.

j. Complete PMSA screen for all awards’ PMSA Summary and Outcome tabs, upload all related documents by award number, name of document, date of performance (i.e., PPP, PMSA, signed determination letter(s), corrective action plans and results, loss and disposal reports, updated descriptive property listing, etc.) to Documents tab in NESS according to the risk matrix applied, and signed determination letter(s) is sent to the IPO via e-mail for CO/GO signature. (See Appendix A, Definitions)

k. Evaluate the award recipient’s internal audit processes, procedures, and results and assist in the development of the protocols for their use in evaluating the award recipient’s property management processes.

l. Evaluate the award recipient’s compliance with award requirements to determine the adequacy of the recipient’s property management processes throughout the property life cycle.

m. Ensure the correction of property management process inadequacies, defects, and deficiencies and notify the award recipient when system defects or deficiencies create an unacceptable risk to the Government.

n. Advise the CO/GO and other appropriate Government customers regarding the award recipient’s failure to perform in accordance with award requirements, including failure to maintain a PMS adequate for protection, preservation, and appropriate disposition of property under award circumstances and conditions.

o. Notify the CO/GO in the event of excessive or improper acquisition by the award recipient and recommend cost disallowance or other appropriate remedy.

p. Perform, to the degree resources are available, program-requested reviews of property acquisition, control, management, use, and disposition at a minimum.

q. Support and assist the award recipient’s personnel, COs/GOs, TOs, program managers, and other personnel in the resolution of property administration matters.

r. Forward requests for furnished materiel from NASA supply activities and assist the Center SEMO in receipt and reconciliation in accordance with NPR 4100.1, NASA Supply Support and Materiel Management.

s. Provide guidance and direction to all levels of government and award recipient personnel relating to regulatory and award GP requirements.

t. Review award recipients’ records and operations to ensure the recipient promptly reports GP no longer required for performance of the award for disposition in accordance with award provisions, clauses, and/or special directions.

u. Recommend that any corrective actions be identified as an area of emphasis to the CO/GO and IPO when significant deficiencies exist that require corrective actions during an upcoming award period.

v. Support the CO/GO, Plant Clearance Officer (PLCO), or Property Disposal Officer (PDO), TO, COR and other Government representatives to ensure timely, complete, and proper disposition of GP.

w. Obtain and review the award’s required reports of property for all assigned awards. These reports include but are not limited to NESS annual/final property submissions and NF 1019, etc.

x. Review, for approval, a submitted annual property submission by award for accuracy and completion and have auditable documentation to support the submission.

y. Obtain the award recipient’s supporting documentation (e.g., accurate property listings, records of acquisition, deletions, acquire, transfers to NASA Centers and open NASA award number(s), etc.) for validation of annual property submissions. Documents need to reflect data in the award recipient’s PMS by close of business September 30th of the fiscal year. Supporting documentation is required for validation of final property submissions.

z. Complete validation of the award recipient’s property submission report prior to approving or disapproving the report in NESS.

aa. Ensure that NASA award recipients with property submit annual property submissions in NESS by award number until all property is dispositioned and make a final property submission at the end of the award.

bb. If the award recipient does not submit a property submission, notify the Center CO/GO, IPO, and OCFO Property Accountant in writing and, if no response is received in 14 business days, notify the HQ-CPPM in writing in an e-mail with associated award number and property listing.

cc. Prepare and submit other reports and data requested by, for example, program offices and NASA HQ.

dd. Perform requested support for property administration in accordance with the FAR subpt., Support Government Property Administration, 48 CFR subpt. 45.5, NFS 1845.5; 2 CFR pt. 200; GCAM; and this NPR.

ee. Recommend remedial action by the CO/GO, including holding the award recipient liable for loss when the recipient’s property system is deemed inadequate and corrective actions are not taken or when the circumstances surrounding incidents of loss indicate fraud or lack of good faith by the recipient’s managerial personnel.

ff. Recognize the technical responsibilities of other government personnel who are involved with GP and obtain their assistance when required. These functions include but are not limited to award administration, property administration, plant clearance, award audit, quality assurance, engineering, pricing, subcontracting, production, transportation, and other technical areas. When required, Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) assistance and advice on matters involving analyses of the award recipient’s accounting records, financial aspects of property reports, and any other appropriate financial audit matters may be obtained through the CO/GO.

gg. Notify the CO/GO on completion of all plant clearance actions and closure of property administration within 14 business days after award performance has ended.

hh. Report all property administration challenges to the Center IPO in writing and notify the HQ-CPPM with the original notification if the IPO does not address the matter within 21 business days. The IPO/GPA shall ensure all information is included in the NESS PMSA screen by completing Summary and Outcome tabs each PMSA term; under Documents tab (all PMSAs performed, latest descriptive property listing, corrective action plans and resolutions documentation, CO determination letters, entrance/exit information, disposal documentation, etc.). Under award-fee awards, the GPA may:

a. Provide evaluations relative to the award recipient’s performance of its GP responsibilities to support the award fee process.

b. When significant deficiencies exist requiring corrective actions during an upcoming award fee period, recommend that any corrective actions be identified as an area of emphasis. The NASA Center PDO is appointed to specific awards by the Center. When property located within a NASA Center/Installation is dispositioned through the Center PDO, the Center PDO shall instruct the award recipient to:

a. Use the NASA Disposal Component of the NASA Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E) system for processing and reporting property disposition transactions.

b. Administer property until it is either removed by Center property disposition personnel or dispositioned in place. When awards are performed outside of a NASA Center/Installation, property administration and plant clearance may be retained by the NASA IPO/PDO. If not,

48 CFR § 1845.503-70 provides that plant clearance is normally delegated to the FIP’s PLCO. Regardless of the option selected, the individual with responsibility for plant clearance is required to disposition property according to Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal, 48 CFR subpt. 45.6; NPR 4300; GCAM; 2 CFR pt. 200; and the appropriate chapters of the FMR. NASA is not responsible for duplication of efforts when plant clearance is delegated to FIPs.

1.4 Deviation From This NPR

1.4.1 A deviation is any of the following:

a. Use of a form different from a Standard Form (SF) or NASA Form (NF) prescribed by this NPR.

b. Alteration of an SF or NF, except as authorized by this NPR.

c. Alteration of the existing content for NF 1430, Letter of Contract Administration Delegation, General, NF 1430A, Appendix A-Contract of Administration: Letter of Delegation (LOD) for NASA Contracts, NF 1430C, NF 1430D, NF 1674, Letter of Delegation (LOD) for Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Property Administration and/or Plant Clearance, NF 1876, NF 1018, and NF 1019.

d. Any policy, procedure, method, or practice inconsistent with this NPR.

1.4.2 Deviations from this NPR will be authorized only when special circumstances make such deviations clearly in the best interests of the government. With concurrence of the LMD Director, the HQ-CPPM is authorized to approve such deviations.

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