NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 4500.1A Effective Date: April 10, 2024 Expiration Date: April 10, 2029 |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL | |
8.1.1 Appropriate and prompt disposition of property that is no longer required for award performance (recipient inventory) is essential to maintaining compliance with both Federal law and regulation. The primary purpose of the disposition process is to ensure that property is fully used for public purposes before it is sold or destroyed. As such, 48 CFR subpt. 45.6, the associated property clauses, 2 CFR pt. 200, GCAM, and the FMR provide guidance on proper disposition priorities and methods. When disposition of property in the custody of award recipients is anticipated, the additional costs associated with disposition should be considered.
8.1.2 IPOs shall work with COs/GOs, PLCOs, and Center PDOs to ensure that disposition is carried out in accordance with regulation and in the most cost-effective way possible.
8.1.3 The GPA shall confirm, based on information received from the PDO/PLCO and the recipient’s records, that all property has been appropriately dispositioned.
8.1.4 The GPA shall confirm, by accepting the recipient’s final property submission report in NESS, that the recipient has no remaining GP under the award. The final property submission in NESS may not be submitted until all property has been dispositioned and the recipient’s award records have been reduced to a zero balance.
8.1.5 The GPA shall, in conjunction with the acceptance of the final property submission in NESS, provide DD 1593, Contract Administration Completion Record, or equivalent and any closeout documentation uploaded in NESS under the award Documents tab.
8.2.1 While NASA remains accountable for on-Center property during disposition, NASA PDOs are not authorized to conduct the sale of GP. A PLCO has authority to award for the sale of GP, acting under a FIP’s Sales CO’s warrant. Further, PLCOs exercising cognizance over a particular territory should be used to preclude duplication of effort by NASA. In accordance with this NPR, 48 CFR § 1845.503-70, and Contract Administration and Audit Services, 48 CFR pt. 42, COs/GOs are required to delegate off-Center plant clearance activities when property is associated and when it follows the LOD process flow. The NASA forms used for delegated plant clearance for contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements are NF 1430D (plant clearance for NASA contracts) and NF 1674 (plant clearance for grants and cooperative agreements). (See Figure 3-1, Letter of Delegation (LOD) Process Flow Chart for more information.) For awards performed outside of a NASA Centers past 30 miles or Center unable to handle the disposal, the COs/GOs shall execute delegated plant clearance responsibilities through NASA’s approved LOD process.
8.2.2 Award Recipient Disposition Costs The award recipient’s disposition systems and processes are considered part of the recipient’s overall management systems and, as such, are normally treated as overhead or as General and Administrative expenses charged indirectly to awards. To avoid duplication of costs or the transfer of these costs to the Government, the recipient should maintain property in its custody at the recipient’s locations within a 30-mile radius of a NASA Center in lieu of transporting the property to NASA facilities for disposition unless otherwise specified. Plant clearance for NASA is to be performed in accordance with 2 CFR § 200.313, 48 CFR subpt. 45.6, delegated Agency procedures including notifying the NASA IPO, and the additional instructions outlined below:
a. The PDO/PLCO shall review the recipient’s inventory schedules for complete and accurate information, ensuring that descriptive information is full and complete to enable NASA to determine whether the property could have further use, including preservation and display as a historical artifact. Descriptive information should include complete commercial descriptions, accurate condition codes, and any hazardous material content. Items flown in space or on NASA’s research aircraft are to be submitted on separate reports that indicate the flight(s) or program(s) in which the items were flown. Ground support equipment will indicate the flights or programs under which items were used.
b. The PDO/PLCO shall ensure that the schedules with award recipients differentiate between GFP-acquired property.
c. The PDO/PLCO shall return inadequate schedules to the recipient for correction.
d. Upon receipt of acceptable inventory schedules, the PDO/PLCO shall provide instructions to the recipient for disposal of excess property (except ST, computer equipment and research property, precious metals, and flown hardware) that is:
(1) For grants and cooperative agreements, the recipient may retain, sell, or otherwise dispose of items of equipment with a current per unit fair market value to less than $5,000 or $1,000 for furniture less with no further responsibility to NASA unless disposition instructions outline otherwise. (See 2 CFR § 200.313(e)(1).)
(2) In condition code X (salvage has no value) or S (scrap has no value).
e. The PDO/PLCO should submit inventory schedules for all other excess property to the NASA Center IPO for Agency screening.
f. The PDO/PLCO shall ensure that the excess ST, precious metals, and flown hardware, regardless of condition or acquisition value, are identified as such and reported to the NASA IPO for Agency screening.
g. The PDO/PLCO shall ensure computer equipment and other excess research property, regardless of acquisition value, is reported to the NASA IPO for selection of schools or non-profit research institutions in accordance with NPR 4300.1.
h. The NASA IPO, in coordination with the NASA PDO, is authorized to return excess property in plant clearance to an installation disposal operation up to 30 miles away from the Center only.
8.3.1 The Center PDO shall retain and carry out NASA plant clearance activities according to the requirements of NPR 4300.1 for recipients with an on-Center place of performance. Property will only be transported from off-Center locations to NASA Centers by NASA personnel or award recipients for disposition when the Center PDO determines that facilities are available to accommodate the disposition and the CO/GO determines that the transportation cost to the award associated with disposition is allocable as a direct charge to the award that provided the property.
8.3.2 Support Delegation
When a portion of the recipient’s performance is off Center or when property in the custody of off-Center subcontractors is to be dispositioned, the CO/GO is required by 48 CFR § 1845.503-70 to work with the HQ-CPPM for approval to issue a delegation for plant clearance.
8.4.1 COs/GOs are not required to retain off-Center plant clearance. Any NASA awards with property associated within a 30 miles radius of a NASA Center will be returned to the Center by NASA personnel or award recipients if required by the terms of the award. All other NASA awards with property more than 30 miles from a NASA Center will be dispositioned by FIPs with a signed LOD or disposition instructions given to the award recipient.
8.4.2 Plant Clearance Plan
The IPO, working with the Center PDO, shall review the plan submitted by the CO/GO to determine that sufficient procedural detail is included to ensure the performance of all applicable disposition requirements contained in 2 CFR pt. 200, the FAR, and the FMR.
8.4.3 Performance of Plant Clearance When plant clearance is not delegated, it goes through the Center disposal operation in accordance with NPR 4300.1. All requests will disclose the method used to determine costs, the projected cost of disposition, and the projected sale value or reutilization potential for the item. The Center PDO is accountable for all complete retained plant clearance actions, which are accumulated automatically and documented as required by applicable sections of the FAR, NFS, FMR, NPR 4300.1, and this NPR. In accordance with NPR 4300.1, the PDO who retains plant clearance authority is required to provide annual reports of all completed plant clearance cases to the Center IPO.
8.4.4 IPO Oversight of Plant Clearance Activities
a. The IPO shall review all delegated and retained plant clearance activities to ensure compliance with applicable Federal and NASA regulations as well as instructions in the signed LOD.
b. The IPO shall ensure the property is properly excessed to the Center disposal operations within a 30-mile radius of the Center.
c. The IPO shall work with the Center CO/GO, COR, TO, GPA to ensure the award recipient has updated/descriptive property listing in NESS in Contracts screen under Documents tab or in PMSA screen under Documents tab as supporting documentation. If any GP experienced any adjustment, acquired, transfer, disposal, loss, etc., an updated/descriptive property listing is warranted for upload in NESS. Accurate property listing ensures NASA and PLCO knows what is needed for final disposition and timely closure of the award.
d. The IPO shall ensure the CO/GO removes all dispositioned property from the recipient’s award property listing if the period of performance continues past the disposition timeframe, which is 200 days or less depending on the amount of property associated.
e. The IPO shall notify the delegated PLCO to obtain information on completed or delegated plant clearance actions according to signed LOD timeframe. The FIP’s plant clearance system serves as the official record of completed plant clearance cases.
f. The IPO shall ensure the award recipient submits the final property submission in NESS after disposition is complete to close out award in NESS and the Agency.
8.5.1 As the responsible individual at each NASA Center, the IPO shall coordinate the activities of GPAs and, to the extent they are involved with the disposition of property requiring final paperwork to upload in NESS Contracts and PMSA Documents tabs. (See Section for more information)
8.5.2 Reporting Underutilized Property IPOs shall advise all officials on 2 CFR pt. 200 and FAR requirements for prompt disposition of GP when it is no longer required for award performance. As storage of property that is no longer required for performance is not part of the property management activity contemplated under 2 CFR § 200.313, and FAR property clauses, continued retention may be outside the scope of existing awards. Only the CO/GO, in accordance with applicable laws, has the authority to instruct recipients to retain property that is no longer required for performance of awards.
a. Except as provided in Section 7.3, property may not be stored on awards beyond the period of performance except for property in the process of disposition.
b. The IPO shall refer to the CO/GO the discovery of incidents of storage of property beyond award performance periods or when no longer required for performance.
8.5.3 Involvement of Program Officials in Retention of Underutilized Inventory
To preclude the possibility of exceeding the scope of an award, program officials who desire recipient retention of underutilized inventory should make that requirement known to the CO/GO for consideration of a storage award, modification of the existing award, or other award instrument. Comparison of the costs of continued storage and retention should be weighed against the costs for future production of the property.
8.5.4 Identification and Reporting of Deficient Conditions by PLCO NASA PDOs who serve as the disposition authority for on-Center recipient inventory shall report any deficiencies in description, quality, or quantity to the IPO for resolution. PLCOs are responsible for off-Center awards outside the 30-mile radius of the Center for FIP delegated awards. IPOs shall direct the GPA to investigate circumstances of disposition discrepancies in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award.
8.6.1 Reporting Through NASA Systems NASA’s IPO/PDO shall manage property utilized by on-Center award recipients according to NPRs and NPDs. To the degree NASA PMSs are available, IAGP will be recorded in those systems. This includes disposition reporting.
8.6.2 Property Disposal Officer Actions
PDOs shall disposition excess property being used by recipients performing on NASA facilities in accordance with NPR 4300.1.
8.6.3 Abandonment or Destruction Authorities
The NASA PDO will grant authority to abandon or destroy property being used by award recipients performing on NASA facilities and installations in accordance with NPR 4300.1, if not specified otherwise in the NASA signed award.
8.7.1 Property dispositioning through delegated FIP PLCO activities will be conducted according to GCAM, the FAR section Government Property, 48 CFR pt. 45, the FMR, the award language, the procedures of the cognizant organization, and NASA delegation instructions.
8.7.2 Recipient Use of Systems of Cognizant Organizations
To facilitate prompt reporting and disposition of off-Center property, NASA GPAs shall require recipients to utilize the property systems of the delegated FIP and ensure that recipient systems contain the requirement.
8.7.3 NASA Review of Recipient Inventory Reports and Systems
PDOs/IPOs shall review the FIP’s disposal system or other available reports to determine if available recipient inventory can be used to satisfy identified NASA requests for property.
8.7.4 Exchange/Sale Authority NASA maintains its authority over property reported as recipient inventory for the period designated in the delegation instructions. During that period, property may be recalled for use or in support of exchange/sale activities. After expiration of the NASA internal screening period, property is considered NASA excess and can no longer be used for exchange/sale activities. PDOs who become aware of recipient inventory that could be processed under NASA’s authority to perform exchange/sale of NASA inventory may request removal of those items from the FIP’s disposal system for internal NASA disposition. When IPOs become aware of the possibility for acquisition of items like those reported as no longer required for award performance, IPOs may advise the PLCO to utilize exchange/sale procedures and shall work with the Center OCFO on the retention and use of sales proceeds. FIPs will use their approved policies and procedures for the disposition of delegated awards. IPOs shall respond to the FIP’s disposition requests within 14 business days.
8.8.1 Delegated plant clearance activities perform mandatory reporting for compliance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, 40 U.S.C. § 101 et seq., and these statistics are not to be duplicated.
8.8.2 Disposition activity for award recipients performing on NASA Centers/Installations will be collected and compiled in accordance with the requirements of NPR 4300.1 using NASA information systems.
8.8.3 The NASA PDO and delegated PLCO shall provide completed plant clearance cases to the IPO.
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL | |
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