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NPR 4500.1A
Effective Date: April 10, 2024
Expiration Date: April 10, 2029
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Administration of Property in the Custody of Award Recipients

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 4. Performance of NASA-Retained Property Administration Activities

4.1 Property Transfers

4.1.1 The IPO shall assist the CO/GO and SEMO in ensuring that transfers to award recipients from NASA Installations and Centers and transfers from recipients to NASA Centers/ Installations are appropriately documented and that appropriate transactions are processed in NASA equipment and supply information systems.

a. COs/GOs and IPOs shall retain copies of transfer documentation in the award files and the award property files.

4.1.2 Transfers to NASA Award Recipients COs shall document all transfers to NASA award recipients within the award by inclusion in 48 CFR § 1845.103-70, § 1845.106, § 1845.7101-2, § 1845.7101-3, or

§ 1845.7101-4.

a. IPOs shall advise the CO to list property under NFS clause § 1852.245-76 when the government will retain title to the property transferred as part of the award through completion.

b. IPOs shall advise the CO to list property under NFS clause § 1852.245-77 when that property is not likely to physically survive the performance period of the award and the award is to be performed within the confines of a NASA Center/Installation. After award, the CO shall document transfers to recipients by an award modification per NFS clause § 1852.245-76, this NPR, and GCAM.

a. As the FAR limits the use of 48 CFR § 52.245-2 to initial provisioning on a Government installation, property may not be transferred under the authority of FAR clause § 52.245-2 after award. As a result, the NFS clause § 1852.245-77 will be used only at award.

b. In addition, shipping documents provided by the CO/GO provide detailed lists of items to be furnished to award recipients. NASA equipment managers shall ensure that equipment information systems are updated with the appropriate transaction recording transfer of controlled equipment to an award recipient when that occurs, regardless of value. Any property transfers between awards are recorded within the NESS. Award documentation (i.e., DD 1149, Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, DD 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, etc.), including the schedule, modifications, and associated shipping documentation serves as the official record of the transfer in accordance with this NPR and Transferring Accountability, 48 CFR § 45.106. Award property listings need to be complete; shipping documents alone do not serve as the official record. NASA IPOs shall retain copies of these transfer documents within their NESS initial award under Contracts screen Documents tab and under PMSA screen Documents tab. The NASA Equipment Manager and SEMO handle all NASA-controlled equipment at the Center valued at or greater than the capitalization threshold. Such equipment will be recorded in accordance with NPR 4200.1, NASA Equipment Management Procedural Requirements, within NASA systems each time the property is transferred to an award. IPOs shall ensure that documentation of these transfers is provided to the Center Equipment Manager when received from the CO/GO. Post-award Transfers

With the approval of the CO/GO, property may be transferred to an award recipient after awarded. IPOs should advise the CO/GO that property provided after award may only be offered under 48 CFR § 52.245-1. IPOs should review documentation to ensure that it distinguishes between capital-valued property and property of lower value. (For grants and cooperative agreements, See Chapter 9.)

a. GCAM and 48 CFR § 45.106, require COs/GOs or CORs to prepare shipping documents (i.e., DD 1149 and DD 250, etc.) and obtain CO/GO approval, or supervisor approval if the GO is completing a document for providing property prior to movement of the property to an award recipient. Separate shipping documents should be prepared for property valued at or above the capitalization threshold with notification to the Center IPO.

b. Multiple quantities may be listed on the same shipping document, but the NASA CO/GO/Program/COR shall differentiate between individual items using Equipment Control Numbers, when available, or using unique identifying data elements such as a combination of manufacturer (cage code), model number, and serial number.

c. IPOs shall advise COs/GOs that, in accordance with Chapter 9 of this NPR or Contract Clauses at 48 CFR § 45.107(a)(2), property furnished after award is required to be added to the list of property under 48 CFR § 1852.245-76 or Chapter 9 of this NPR by modification.

4.1.3 Transfers from Award Recipients to NASA

Two basic types of transactions may occur when property is transferred to NASA from an award recipient: receipt of non-capital items and receipt of capital items. Property from either of these types may, once received, be used internally by a Center, transferred to another Center, or transferred to another NASA award. This section does not include property delivered to NASA in compliance with an award line-item deliverable and processed as a “new receipt” transaction. Both capital and noncapital property that is required for automated record-keeping within the NASA PP&E System by NPR 4200.1 is considered “controlled equipment.” Equipment that does not qualify for automated record-keeping due to value or other criteria is considered “administratively controlled equipment.”

4.2 Transfers Between Awards

4.2.1 When NASA property is transferred from one award to another award off Center, the current award number to existing award number and shipping documents (i.e., DD 1149 and DD 250, etc.) plus additional information will be provided in accordance with Transfers of Property, 48 CFR § 1845.7101-2, and GCAM. Immediately after the period of performance ends on the NASA award, the recipient is to release the property for disposition (i.e., transfer to an active award, return to NASA, transfer to another federal/state agency, sales, or final disposal, etc.) by the Government PLCO assigned.

a. Any challenges with transfers will be reported to the Center IPO and CO/GO.

b. If there is no resolution in 30 business days, the IPO shall report the information to the


4.2.2 When GP moves from an award at a Center to another award at the same Center, GP needs to be transferred from the losing award to the cognizant NASA Center and then from that Center to the gaining award. No transfers off from or onto an award may be accomplished without including the applicable Center on the appropriate shipping document.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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