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NPR 6200.1D
Effective Date: May 01, 2014
Expiration Date: June 01, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Transportation and General Traffic Management

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |

Chapter 3. Duties and Responsibilities at NASA Centers

3.1 Center Transportation Officers or Center Traffic Managers

3.1.1 The Center TO/TM serves as a technical advisor to the Center Director for all transportation and traffic management activities and serves as the focal point for all transportation and traffic management functions at the Center. The TO/TM will ensure the efficient operation of traffic management activities within the Center in accordance with this NPR and other applicable references. The TO/TM will ensure that transportation concerns are considered in program and project planning, management, status reporting, and scheduling as part of an ILS approach. The TO/TM will use licensed commercial carriers to the maximum extent practicable and give special attention to transportation costs and the shipment of freight via the lowest overall commercial transportation cost, except in the following instances:

a. When time is of the essence with regard to the due date at destination.

b. When the cargo is of high value or is sensitive and requires protection while in transit with a high degree of reliability.

c. When the cargo is determined to be mission critical. The TO/TM shall:

a. maintain appropriate institutional and program or project records involving transportation activities that include contracts and financial records if applicable.

b. maintain a current traffic management library for applicable regulations, tenders, selected tariffs, and other carrier rate quotations.

c. maintain a current NASA Terminal Facilities Guide.

d. ensure that shipments containing HAZMAT are processed and prepared for shipment and transportation in accordance with the DOT HMR in Title 49, CFR, 171-180 and in compliance with specific model requirements as follows:

(1) For carriage by aircraft, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods and, specifically, 49 CFR, 175;

(2) For carriage by vessel, the International Maritime Organization Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and, specifically, 49 CFR, 176; and

(3) For carriage by rail, specifically, 49 CFR, 174 and the UMLERSystem Equipment Register, RAILINC. HAZMAT offered for shipment by military aircraft shall comply with U.S. Air Force Materiel Command regulations. The TO/TM shall;

a. ensure that personnel who are responsible for preparing, processing, and handling of shipments containing HAZMAT are properly trained in accordance with the applicable HMR regulations in 49 CFR, 171-177.

b. coordinate the removal of hazardous waste with the Center Environmental Management Office to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory agency guidelines.

c. maintain liaison with commercial carriers servicing the Center to ensure their familiarity with loading procedures, services, schedules, facilities, and accessory charges.

d. be proactive in conducting negotiations with common carriers for requirements unique to the Center.

e. furnish carriers with adequate information in response to any formal inquiries concerning transportation matters except where classified or security-sensitive cargo is involved.

f. obtain clearance from the Center Security Officer prior to the release of classified or security-sensitive information to carriers. The TO/TM shall prepare necessary transportation staff studies to support Center institutional, program, or project objectives, covering all transportation activities including cost trades, transportability, development of individual transportation plans, and individual packaging, crating, marking, dimensional clearance, weight limitations, and all allied transportability problems. The TO/TM shall ensure technical supervision of safe loading, blocking, bracing, and unloading; the suitability of applicable carrier equipment, as required; and prompt release of equipment to avoid detention charges. The TO/TM or a person designated in writing by them shall file a claim and other standard form (SF) in connection with reporting, resolving, and preventing overage, shortage, damaged, lost, or stray NASA freight as directed by 41 CFR, 102-117 and 102-118. The TO/TM shall be responsible for the custody, accountability of, and shall issue both Commercial Bills of Lading (CBL) and U.S. Government Bills of Lading (GBL) and the conversion of GBL in accordance with the Federal Management Regulation (FMR). This includes the following duties:

a. initiate international shipment on the GBL (SF 1103). All shipments remain subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the GBL SF 1103 and any other applicable contract or agreement, per 41 CFR, 101-41, which limits the authority to use the GBL.

b. in conjunction with the Center Chief Financial Officer, establish and monitor a process for reviewing and certifying prior to payment, all public vouchers that are executed in combination with the GB L. The process shall include a system or series of controls that preclude making duplicate payments.

c. after the carrier of origin or freight forwarder has submitted a bill, pay the transportation charges to the same carrier under the procedures outlined in 41 CFR, 102-118.95.

(1) Charges may not be waived to any other carrier.

(2) Payment of transportation charges to a carrier of origin will be based on commercial forms.

(3) Transportation charges to a carrier of origin will be paid for by each NASA Center initiating shipment.

(4) Household Goods shipments, both domestic and international, are the responsibility of and coordinated through the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC). The TO/TM shall serve as the Center focal point for all SAAM and test load applications. See Chapter 5 for details. In consultation with the Center Export Administrator, the TO/TM shall ensure that all exports and transfers of commodities, technologies, and software under Center programs and projects are accompanied by appropriate and accurate export control documentation, including validated export licenses, marking statements, destination control statements, GBL, Automated Export Systems filings or other authorizing documents as needed, as well as Automated Export Systems/Shippers Export Declarations in all appropriate cases.

a. Exports and transfers required by Headquarters program or project managers will be handled through the Goddard Space Flight Center's (GFSC) Transportation Officer, who shall consult with the GFSC Center Export Administrator and the Headquarters Export Administrator, as appropriate, for such Headquarters exports and transfers.

b. With the exception of Shipper's Export Declarations, TOs are not authorized to sign export licensing documents. For guidance on export procedures, see NPR 2190.1, NASA Export Control Program. With regard to motor vehicles, the TO/TM shall:

a. ensure compliance with Federal requirements mandating that the Federal Government exercise leadership in the reduction of petroleum consumption through improvement in fleet efficiency, the use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs), increase in the use of alternative fuels in place of petroleum consumption, and "right-sizing" of the vehicle fleet both in total inventory to support NASA's missions and in the actual size of each vehicle (that is, a minimal size to meet the requirements of the functional need of that vehicle), in accordance with the following:

(1) Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct 1992) and 2005 (EPAct 2005).

(2) Energy Independence and Security of Act (EISA).

(3) Exec. Order No. 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management.

(4) Exec. Order No. 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance.

(5) NASA FAR Supplement.

(6) Presidential Memorandum, Federal Fleet Performance.

b. in conjunction with the Motor Vehicle Operations Officer, maintain and follow guidelines set forth in the current version of the following:

(1) NASA Fleet Charge Card Management Plan.

(2) NASA Fleet Management Handbook

(3) NASA Fleet Management Plan.

(4) NASA Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan

(5) Center-specific policies.

c. establish a permissible operating distance for movement of passengers and shipment of cargo or equipment via Government-owned or leased equipment. The TO/TM shall give consideration to the Energy Conservation Program and the round trip mileage/distance drivable without requiring per diem or overtime work hours including time spent loading and unloading, in training classes, and in meetings when the permissible operating distance is formulated.

d. establish a road-worthy transportation asset license plate program to ensure the following:

(1) Only current approved "Official U.S. Government Use" license plates are displayed on NASA transportation assets.

(2) Only "road-worthy" transportation assets display "Official U.S. Government Use" license plates.

(3) Regular inspection of the "Official U.S. Government Use" license plate inventory is conducted.

(4) Missing/lost license plates are identified and reported to Center Security and within the Federal Motor Vehicle Registration System (FMVRS)

(5) The FMVRS is updated as follows:

(a) Only current road-worthy NASA assets are recorded in FMVRS.

(b) Disposed, sold and non-road-worthy NASA assets are not recorded in FMVRS.

(c) Unassigned license plates are returned to the Agency Transportation Manager.

e. establish policies and practices for vehicle operators to reduce petroleum consumption while increasing alternative fuel use during vehicle refueling activities both on Center and on travel. The TO/TM will provide traffic management guidance to NASA contractors for which the Center has cognizance.

a. The TO/TM shall ensure that contractors who operate Government-owned vehicles meet the requirements provided in the current NASA Fleet Management Plan. This strategy describes the steps NASA will take in fulfilling the requirements of the Energy Policy Act (EPAct), Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), Exec. Orders 13423 and 13514, and the Presidential Memorandum—Federal Fleet Performance.

b. Prior to contract award, the TO/TM shall review and validate all requirements for contractor transportation assets (vehicles, Low Speed Electric Vehicles, road-worthy trailers, and vessels) as they relate to Government-owned or provided transportation assets.

(1) These asset requirements shall be agreed upon with the procurement request originator or PM or Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), and provided to the CO as part of the specification or statement of work for incorporation into the solicitation and resulting contract.

c. In conjunction with the CO and the COR, the TO/TM shall review contractor requests for additional Government-owned transportation assets (vehicles, Low Speed Electric Vehicles, road-worthy trailers, and vessels). Unless the contractor receives written approval from the TO/TM, the contractor will not negotiate to acquire or dispose of any Government-owned transportation asset, including transportation assets contractors are considering replacing or disposing of due to the contractor having deemed the transportation asset uneconomical to repair.

d. In conjunction with the contractor, the CO, and the COR, the TO/TM will conduct an annual transportation asset utilization review following guidance within the Fleet Management Handbook. The TO/TM, CO, and COR will validate the types and quantities of all Government-owned and contractor-operated transportation assets assigned to each contract to ensure that allocation and utilization of all transportation assets are based on program requirements.

e. Contractors who operate Government-owned transportation assets are responsible for assembling and reporting Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) data not later than November 1 of each calendar year. The TO/TM shall provide contractors with the data elements for FAST and provide guidance or interpretation of FAST as required. The TO/TM may elect to enter contractor FAST data in lieu of having the contractor enter it for inclusion into the Center's annual report. However, the TO/TM is responsible for reviewing and ensuring the data is complete and accurate prior to submitting the data to Headquarters for final review and approval. With regard to commercial agreements, the TO/TM shall:

a. ensure adherence to the International Air Transport Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974 in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Comptroller General of the United States for air passengers and freight.

b. obtain assurance from carriers that they have obtained or will secure all necessary permits prior to release of the shipment. When circumstances warrant, the TO/TM may assist commercial carriers in obtaining necessary highway permits from local and State regulatory bodies for oversize or overweight loads, but the TO/TM will not, in any case, be responsible for obtaining requisite permits.

c. prepare and transmitting the statutorily required transportation control and movement documents for all shipments.

d. notify the Director of the Logistics Management Office and the General Counsel prior to initiating, defending, participating in, or supplying information for use in proceedings involving transportation rates, fares, charges, or services before notifying any transportation regulatory agency. It is necessary to clear all sensitive or classified written or oral testimony through the cognizant Center Security Officer and the Center Legal Counsel prior to release to any regulatory body. Center personnel who have been subpoenaed by any regulatory body or who have been selected by NASA Headquarters to appear before a regulatory body should consult with Agency Counsel and be accompanied by Agency Counsel at any appearance. The notice should include any evidence, exhibits, names of witnesses, and any other pertinent data to support the proposed NASA position. The Center TO/TM shall promptly notify the Agency Transportation Manager of transportation program exigencies:

a. a request by carriers or other interested parties to participate in or to supply information for use in support of applications or petitions for new or additional transportation services. The TO/TM will include the following information in the notification:

(1) Source of the request and type of information or participation requested.

(2) A brief description of the proceedings including docket number, date, and place of hearing(s).

(3) Description of authority or services being considered including a copy of the application or petition if available.

(4) Proposed action by NASA in the proceedings.

(5) A summary of actual and potential traffic covering a period of not less than 90 days for past traffic and 1 year on a projected trend.

(6) Other information considered of value in establishing a NASA position.

b. when the proposed abandonment or discontinuance of a transportation service will cause a material weakness at a NASA Center.

c. when SAAM requests for test loading of material involving transportability in military airlift aircraft are necessary. Normally, the U.S. Air Force requires a minimum of 60 days' notice prior to the date of test loading.

d. when budget estimates and costs are required in support of installation, program, and project planning activity.

e. when requests for DOT HAZMAT Special Permits are required in accordance with 49 CFR, 107, subpt. B.

f. when purchases, leases, or rentals of major transportation equipment or transportation facilities are contemplated for the execution of a program or mission. The TO/TM will include detailed information and complete transportation plans.

3.1.2 The TO/TM shall provide requested assistance to COs and other authorized procurement officials and serve as a technical consultant in all traffic management areas of responsibility relating to the movement of cargo and freight and to contractor personnel relocations involving reimbursement from the Government. These include the following responsibilities: The TO/TM shall prepare and evaluate cost comparisons of freight shipments proposed in relation to NASA contracts and purchase orders. The TO/TM shall supply needed Center-unique transportation clauses, if needed, to the CO, who will obtain the necessary approvals for inclusion in applicable purchase orders, bids, contracts, or other associated procurement documents. Areas for consideration in procurement actions include the following:

a. Determination of Free On Board (FOB) point(s).

b. Transportation rates and charges.

c. Mode of transportation required.

d. Freight classification.

e. Transportability problems.

f. Packaging and preservation.

g. Clearances.

h. Volume moves.

i. Tracing and expediting freight.

j. Documentation of shipments.

k. Delivery date(s) of cargo.

l. Sensitivity of cargo.

m. Processing shipments involving less than $100,000 in transportation charges.

n. Transit privilege(s).

o. Required test loadings. The TO/TM shall prepare and periodically update routing guides to maintain them in a current status. Purchase agents may use the guides when applying prepay and add-on transportation charges to small purchases.

3.2 Center Procurement Officers

3.2.1 In consultation with the TO/TM and the request originator, Center Procurement Officers shall:

a. provide guidance and facilitating acquisition planning with respect to motor vehicle management requirements.

b. ensure that solicitations and contracts contain the appropriate provisions and FAR clauses to implement energy-efficient motor vehicle requirements.

3.3 Center Contracting Officers

3.3.1 Under NASA procurement regulations (that is, the NFS), COs are responsible for effecting coordination with the TO/TM prior to solicitations, contract awards, or any contract termination actions and throughout the performance period of contracts and the termination process.

3.4 Procurement Request Originators

3.4.1 Procurement request originators shall:

a. consult early on in the procurement process with the appropriate parties (e.g., TO/TM, contract specialists) to facilitate procurement planning.

b. utilize statements of work or specifications that include motor vehicle requirements in accordance with this NPR including explicit numbers and types of vehicles and GSA sourcing requirements if any.

c. coordinate with the TO/TM for approval.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |
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