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NPR 6200.1D
Effective Date: May 01, 2014
Expiration Date: June 01, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Transportation and General Traffic Management

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |

Chapter 4. Cargo and Passenger Aircraft Charters and Leases

4.1 Approval of Cargo Aircraft Charters and Leases

4.1.1 The Center TO/TM has the responsibility to determine requirements for the transportation of cargo by charter or leased aircraft. Those requesting the use of chartered or leased aircraft shall submit a detailed statement that the requirement cannot be effectively met by using regularly scheduled commercial services to the TO/TM for review, providing concurrence or non-concurrence to the NASA Procurement. The TO/TM will then obtain charter bids and provide them to NASA Procurement to procure the services. Prior to contract award, the Center's flight operations office has the responsibility to review and concur with all Center contracts or agreements involving aviation operation and safety in accordance with NPD 7900.4, NASA Aircraft Operations Management. If a Center does not have a flight operations office, the Aircraft Management Division (AMD) shall coordinate support from another Center's flight operations office.

4.1.2 Centers using leased or chartered aircraft services shall report each use to the Agency Transportation Manager on a fiscal year basis. Data shall be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the fiscal year. Reports will include the following information for each individual lease or charter:

a. Description and weight of cargo.

b. Type of aircraft used.

c. Dates of use.

d. Cost.

e. Points of origin and destination.

4.2 Approval of Passenger Aircraft Charters and Leases

4.2.1 Each NASA Center shall establish procedures to charter commercial/military aircraft for the purpose of passenger transportation (classified as Other Official Travel) per OMB Circular A-126 and the policies of NPR 7900.3, Aircraft Operations Management Manual, Chapter 4.

4.2.2 Prior to chartering aircraft, the Center's flight operations office has the responsibility to review and concur with all Center contracts or agreements involving aviation operation and safety in accordance with NPD 7900.4, NASA Aircraft Operations Management. If a Center does not have a flight operations office, the Aircraft Management Division (AMD) shall coordinate support from another Center's flight operations office.

4.2.3 All flight requests for passenger transportation by commercial/military charter aircraft shall be documented on NF 1653 (Mission Management Flight Request) by the organization requiring such flights. The Center Chief Counsel shall review flight requests for compliance with 41 CFR, 101-37, Government Aviation Administration and Coordination, and OMB Circular A-126. The Center Director shall approve flight requests. Requests shall only be authorized when;

a. there is no common carrier transportation readily available from the point of origin to the destination and return.

b. the time necessary to accomplish the trip by common carrier could jeopardize a crucial mission for which the travel is authorized.

c. the actual cost of using charter is not more than the cost of using commercial/military aircraft.

4.2.4 Flights classified as Other Official Travel with Senior Federal Officials aboard shall be requested of and approved by the Office of General Counsel in accordance with NPR 7900.3, Chapter 4.4, Section 4.4.1.

4.2.5 Centers using leased or chartered aircraft services shall report such use to the Agency Transportation Manager annually no later than 30 days after the end of the fiscal year. Reports will include the following information for each individual lease or charter:

a. Number of passengers.

b. Type of aircraft used.

c. Dates of use.

d. Cost.

e. Points of origin and destination.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |
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