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NPR 8510.1A
Effective Date: June 20, 2017
Expiration Date: September 15, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Cultural Resources Management

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Appendix C. Components of an Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan

C.1 An ICRMP will include, at a minimum:

a. A summary of the Center's mission and history.

b. A summary of the cultural resources surveys conducted at the Center to date.

c. A summary of historic properties (including the built environment and archaeological resources) identified at the Center.

d. An analysis of the Center's Cultural Resources Management Program, and a list of cultural resources goals and objectives for the next five years (e.g., survey "x" buildings turning 45 years old; develop PA for historic district; update Center-specific policy).

e. A status update of the goals and objectives outlined in the previous ICRMP.

f. A summary of the common types of actions at the Center that may impact cultural resources.

g. A summary of where all CRM documents, both electronic and hard copy, (e.g., survey reports and eligibility determinations, agreements, and databases) are kept for the Center.

h. A summary of any Programmatic Agreements applicable to the Center.

i. Identification of consulting parties and their contact information as of latest ICRMP update.

j. Center management practices for the ongoing identification and management of cultural resources in accordance with Sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA.

k. A summary of management tools implemented at the Center, including agreement documents and predictive models.

l. Center management practices for integrating cultural resources considerations into comprehensive master planning, project development, and the NEPA process.

m. Standard Operating Procedures for:

(1) Maintaining, repairing, altering, constructing, demolishing, leasing, or transferring existing buildings or structures.

(2) Consultation practices, including tribal consultation and consulting party/public coordination.

(3) Ensuring that archaeological collections are curated in accordance with 36 CFR 79, if applicable.

(4) Protecting information regarding the nature and location of archaeological sites at the Center, if applicable.

(5) Responding to inadvertent discovery of archaeological resources, including human remains, and unanticipated effects to historic properties.

(6) Emergency actions.

(7) Providing access to and use of sacred sites to accommodate ceremonial use by Indian religious practitioners, if applicable.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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