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NPR 8510.1A
Effective Date: June 20, 2017
Expiration Date: September 15, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Cultural Resources Management

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 3. Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan

3.1 Overview

3.1.1 A key component of a Center's management responsibilities is the ICRMP. Each NASA Center is responsible for implementing NASA CRM and stakeholder engagement practices, as described in the Center ICRMP. The ICRMP serves as a guide to the Center's CRM Program and outlines the Center's cultural resources management practices and procedures pursuant to Section 110 of NHPA for historic properties. The ICRMP should be developed in coordination with the Center's other significant planning documents, such as Master Plans, Environmental Management Systems, and Asset Management Plans.

3.2 ICRMP Review and Submittal

3.2.1 The ICRMP will be reviewed annually and updated to reflect any major mission or environmental changes (e.g., new tribal consultation procedures, implementation of new agreement documents). Annual updates may be short documents appended to the original ICRMP.

3.2.2 A full update will occur every five years, resulting in a new standalone document.

3.2.3 ICRMPs will be submitted for review to the following personnel at the Center prior to implementation and any comments or concerns taken into consideration:

a. Environmental Program Manager/Branch Head.

b. Center NEPA Program Manager.

c. Center CoF Program Manager(s).

d. Center Master Planner.

e. Real Property Accountable Officer. 4

4 At JPL, ICRMP review will include NMO.

3.2.4 ICRMPs will be submitted to the Agency CRM Program Manager for review and concurrence prior to implementation.

3.3 ICRMP Requirements

3.3.1 The ICRMP will outline procedures that Centers and Mission Programs will follow for real estate actions, construction projects, and planning to ensure that cultural resources stewardship responsibilities of the Agency are considered in accordance with relevant laws, E.O.s, and Presidential Memoranda.

3.3.2 The ICRMP will memorialize the Center's cultural resources management practices, documenting processes such as identification of historic properties, tribal consultation processes, management of archaeological collections, adaptive reuse practices, and implementation of agreement documents.

3.3.3 The ICRMP will document processes for coordination with other NASA divisions (e.g., facilities/real estate, planning, and others).

3.3.4 Appendix C details specific contents of an ICRMP.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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