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NPR 8510.1A
Effective Date: June 20, 2017
Expiration Date: September 15, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Cultural Resources Management

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |

Chapter 2. Cultural Resource Management Program Requirements

2.1 General

2.1.1 A process will be established at each Center that effects early coordination between the Center CRM and all staff elements, tenants, proponents of projects and actions, and other affected stakeholders to allow for proper identification, planning, and programming for cultural resource management requirements.

2.1.2 An ICRMP will be developed and implemented at each Center and updated regularly. See Chapter 3.

2.1.3 The Center shall develop and execute NHPA agreement documents (PAs, MOAs), NAGPRA Cooperative Agreements (CAs), Artifact Curation Agreements, other CAs, and other compliance documents as needed.

2.1.4 The Agency CRM Program Manager and Center Office of Chief Counsel shall review and approve NHPA agreement documents, NAGPRA CAs, and any agreements entered into with a Federally recognized Native American Tribe or that delegate cultural resources compliance responsibilities to a non-NASA entity prior to implementation.

2.2 NHPA Compliance

2.2.1 All efforts to identify, evaluate, and treat historic properties will take into consideration the SOI Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation.

2.2.2 Efforts to identify, evaluate, and treat historic properties will consider personal property, either individually or as a contributing element to a property.

2.2.3 Alternatives will be considered for historic properties that are not needed for current or projected Agency or Center mission requirements in accordance with NASA's sustainability goals and Section 111 of NHPA, including adaptive reuse or lease. (See E.O. 13423.)

2.2.4 An adaptive reuse feasibility report will be conducted on all historic (listed or eligible) properties that are being considered for demolition and replacement, in accordance with NPR 8820.2.

2.2.5 Built resources over 50 years old that have not been evaluated for eligibility to the NRHP will be treated as eligible until formal evaluation has been completed, with SHPO concurrence, stating otherwise.

2.3 Archaeological Resources

2.3.1 Any site recommended "potentially eligible" for listing on the NRHP, or requiring additional study to determine eligibility, will be treated as eligible until formal evaluation has been completed, with SHPO concurrence, stating otherwise.

2.3.2 Centers shall develop and maintain up-to-date digital maps identifying areas that have been surveyed for archaeological resources and locations of eligible or potentially eligible archaeological sites.

2.3.3 Information about the location or character of archaeological sites will be released only to NASA staff or individuals external to NASA on a need-to-know basis and by explicit authorization of the Center CRM. Care will be taken with any such disclosure of information to minimize risk of harm to the historic property and to avoid impeding the use of traditional religious sites by practitioners.

2.3.4 Archaeological collections and associated records will be curated in facilities that comply with the requirements in 36 CFR pt. 79, NHPA, ARPA, and other applicable regulations. Arrangements with outside agencies for the long-term curation and management of archaeological collections and associated records will be memorialized in a formal Curation Agreement.

2.4 Tribal Consultation

2.4.1 Consultations with federally recognized Native American Tribes, Native Hawaiian Organizations, and Native Alaskan Villages will be on a government-to-government level to respect tribal sovereignty and to recognize the unique legal relationship between the Federal Government and Native American Tribes set forth in the U.S. Constitution, treaties, statutes, and court decisions.

2.4.2 Initial formal government-to-government consultation will occur only between the Associate Administrator, OSI (or the Center Director, if they have completed NASA-approved tribal consultation training) and the heads of tribal governments. The initial consultation may designate follow-on activities to the Center CRM.

2.4.3 The Center shall conduct meaningful consultation with federally recognized tribes on matters that may have the potential to affect protected tribal resources, tribal rights, or Indian lands. This includes, but is not limited to: land-disturbing activities, construction, testing, over-flights, management of properties of traditional religious and cultural importance, protection of sacred sites from vandalism and other damage, access to sacred sites, access to treaty-reserved resources, disposition of cultural items in accordance with NAGPRA, and land-use decisions.

2.4.4 The Center shall involve tribal governments early in the planning process for proposed actions that may have the potential to affect protected tribal rights, land, or resources and endeavor to complete consultation prior to project implementation.

2.4.5 The Center shall periodically review the status of relations with tribes to ensure continued fulfillment of Federal responsibilities and consideration of tribal concerns related to protected tribal resources, rights, or lands.

2.5 Coordination with NEPA

2.5.1 The Center CRM shall ensure cultural resources considerations, including tribal consultation, are incorporated into the NEPA process by providing input to the Center NEPA Manager on proposed actions.

2.5.2 The Center CRM shall provide review and concurrence of cultural sections of all NEPA documents and updates to the Center ERD.

2.6 Training and Professional Qualifications

2.6.1 If the Center CRM is not a CRM professional as defined by 62 Fed. Reg. 33708, they shall complete training necessary to perform job duties within six months of initial employment.

2.6.2 Center CRMs shall take at least one training/professional development course every year. This may be online or in person. Training courses may be repeated, as necessary.

2.6.3 Efforts to identify, evaluate, and treat historic properties will be conducted under the supervision of personnel who meet applicable professional qualifications for undertaking such work.

2.7 Inventory and Records Management

2.7.1 The Center CRM shall ensure that official cultural resources records are identified and processes for their retention are coordinated with the Center Records Manager and Records Liaison Officer in accordance with NPD 1440.6, NPR 1441.1, and NRRS 1441.1.

2.7.2 When a Center CRM has determined that a CRM record needs to be submitted to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Center CRM shall ensure that a copy is retained at the Center or Facility's records system.

2.7.3 Official CRM records consist of all documents related to cultural resources management and include, but are not limited to: NHPA agreement documents (PAs and MOAs), NAGPRA CAs, Artifact Curation Agreements, other CAs, ICRMPs, and other compliance documents, including cultural resources surveys and evaluations and SHPO and tribal concurrence letters and correspondence.

2.7.4 The following documents will be uploaded and retained in NETS:

a. Agreement Documents (NHPA PAs, MOAs, NAGPRA CAs, Curation Agreements, and other CAs).

b. Cultural resources surveys and evaluations.

c. SHPO concurrence letters (eligibility and effect).

d. ICRMPs.

2.7.5 Other documents may be uploaded if a Center wishes to use NETS as a cultural resources records repository.

2.8 NASA Artifacts and Heritage Assets

2.8.1 The identification and accountability of NASA artifacts are governed by NPR 4310.1, NPR 1387.1, NPR 9250.1, NPR 4200.1, and NPR 4300.1. The Center CRM may participate in the identification and disposition of artifacts with appropriate Center organizations and the Agency's Artifact Working Group.

2.8.2 For real property, NASA considers all historic properties (listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) to fit the definition of heritage assets as defined by SFFAS No. 29.

2.8.3 All questions regarding real property heritage assets should be directed to the Agency CRM Program Manager.

2.8.4 The NASA Exhibits Program is responsible for the identification and management of personal property heritage assets (see NPR 1387.1). The Center CRM may assist the Center Exhibits Manager, as appropriate, in the designation of personal property heritage assets.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | ALL |
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