NASA Procedural Requirements |
NPR 8600.1 Effective Date: April 22, 2019 Expiration Date: February 28, 2025 |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL | |
Figure C-1 Capability Portfolio Commitment Agreement Title Page
Note: The signature of the Chief Information Officer is added to the CPCA title page when the MSC determines that the CP is inherently information technology.
Required content is annotated by "Required." Optional content is annotated by "Optional." Optional content is recommended, if applicable. For information within the CPCA that changes frequently (e.g., schedules), the information within the document could simply be a pointer to where the authoritative current information resides.
Required: Identify the relevant goals and objectives for the CP. Describe the CP's relationship to the Agency's vision and mission, as defined by NPD 1001.0, NASA Strategic Plan.
Required: Describe the CP's relationship to the sponsoring Mission Directorate's goals and objectives as documented in their strategic plan.
Required: Describe why the CP is required - describe customer (internal and external) needs and requirements that can be met through products and services provided by the CP.
Optional: Convey the public good of the CP to the taxpayer, stated in a way that can be understood by the average citizen.
Required: Describe the capability domain, i.e., the in-house and external capabilities that characterize the broad realm of technical activities and associated products and services within which the CP falls.
Required: Describe the CP scope (in as much detail as possible), i.e., the parameters that define the boundaries of the CP within the capability domain.
Required: Define the CP (in as much detail as possible), including the capability components and enabling infrastructure to be strategically and centrally managed together in an integrated manner to meet NASA's strategic goals and objectives.
Required: Provide a list or catalog of the capability components included in the CP including the facilities and enabling infrastructure at the NASA Centers.
Required: Identify capability components at NASA Centers that are within the capability domain of the CP but not included in the CP.
Required: Describe the planned products and services to be provided by the CP.
Optional: Describe the planned levels of service (LoS) within the CP necessary to deliver products and services to NASA's programs and projects and external customers.
Optional: If applicable, provide a list or catalog of external sources - other agencies, industry, and academia.
Detailed lists and catalogs will be provided at and may also be provided as separate documents or appendices as needed.
Required: Describe the plan for how the CP will achieve its goals and objectives, including strategic themes and focus areas.
Required: Identify customers, stakeholders, and partners.
Required: Describe constraints on the CP and any opportunities.
Required: Describe the strategic direction for the evolution of the CP addressing strengths, weaknesses, capability gaps, investment priorities, risks, and risk mitigation.
Required: Identify the timeframe for completion of detailed planning and approval of the CPMP.
Required: Identify other documentation needed, such as a CP risk management plan. (Refer to NPR 8000.4.)
Required: Describe the NASA organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities for managing the CP and components from the MSC Chair and MSC to the sponsoring MDAA and DPMC to the Centers and CMCs involved. Include lines of authority and reporting for oversight of the CP.
Required: Identify the CP manager.
Required: Characterize the key CP parameters (e.g., cost, technical, products and services delivered, new capability components) that will require MSC Chair approval to change. Define the thresholds, criteria, and constraints that determine the need for a decisional review to approve CP actions and significant changes.
Optional: Define the operational norms (in as much detail as possible) between the CP manager and Centers, programs, and projects (as appropriate).
Optional: Define the thresholds and/or circumstances (in as much detail as possible) necessary to enable effective strategic and centralized management of the portfolio (CP level) and enable efficient operations of capability components (Center level).
(For detailed information on operational norms and thresholds, see Appendix D, Section 3.1.)
Required: Describe the approach for disagreement resolution.
Required: Document how performance of the capability of the portfolio will be evaluated, including identification of performance metrics with goals and targets needed to achieve the CP objectives.
Required: Identify the sponsoring MDAA resources for the strategic and centralized management of the CP and its components.
Required: Describe the estimated cost for the CP to operate.
Required: For the CP content, define annual budgetary estimates in support of a five-year budget, including specific estimates for operations, maintenance, and refurbishment and funding estimates for any planned strategic initiatives, renewals, or upgrades, including human resources and procurements.
Optional: Describe the budget contingency strategy.
Optional: Describe how the appropriate level of funding is secured to operate and sustain the CP and its components.
Required: Describe the funding model(s) specific to the CP in as much detail as possible and the cases of usage. (Funding models may vary from CP to CP and within a CP. For additional information on funding model(s), see Appendix D, Section 3.4.)
Required: Describe the funding elements necessary for the CP to achieve its strategic objectives that are budgeted outside of the CP budget, appearing instead as line items in the budgets of other areas of the Agency. Describe the CP's need for reimbursable income and the estimated reimbursable funding from outside the Agency.
Required: Describe the high-level sourcing strategy and the approach to making sourcing decisions in as much detail as possible. Details of the sourcing strategy and approach for making decisions are documented in the CPMP.
Required: Identify the areas of highest risk for the CP (covering safety, technical, institutional, funding, cost, or schedule issues) in which failure may result in changes to the CP's cost, schedule, or performance.
Optional: Identify, where possible, the specific risk drivers (e.g., unfunded mandates or an external facility or capability does not provide the agreed-upon level of access to NASA. Refer to NPR 8000.4.)
Required: Identify the NASA support from other Mission Directorates and Centers and the formal agreements necessary for the CP to meet its objectives.
Required: Explain the partner support necessary to meet the CP's objectives. Include a brief overview of relationships with each partner.
Optional: Identify the commitments being made by each partner and list the specific agreements to be entered into.
Optional: Clearly identify any unique considerations affecting the implementation of required NASA policies and processes that are necessitated by the external involvement.
Required: Specify the type of CP reviews that are planned during Strategic Management to ensure the continued relevance (alignment with Agency vision and mission), performance, effectiveness, and affordability of the portfolio. Types of CP reviews include internal reviews conducted by the CP manager, sponsoring Mission Directorate reviews, advisory board reviews (if applicable), stakeholder reviews, and external reviews independently performed by outside organizations.
Optional: Provide the frequency and approximate timeframes for these reviews.
Required: Identify other reviews that the CP will support, such as the MSC CPM Annual Review and the Agency Baseline Performance Review (BPR).
Required: Identify any additional decisional reviews required by the MSC Chair during the Strategic Management set of activities.
Required: Identify known waivers that will be sought for the CP. Provide rationale consistent with CP characteristics, such as scope, complexity, visibility, cost, safety, and acceptable risk.
Required: Provide and maintain a log of all CPCA activities, including revisions that reflect all changes and waivers to the original CPCA. This log includes the information shown in Table C-1 and may be supplemented with an attached addendum for each change that describes the change.
Required: The CPCA should be revalidated or updated every five years. Updates may occur more frequently if there are significant changes.
Table C-1 Sample Capability Portfolio Commitment Agreement Activities Log
Date | Event | Change | Adden-dum | Term Review | Sponsoring MDAA Sign | Participating MDAA Sign | Center Director(s) and the JPL Lab Director Sign | MSC Chair Sign | CIO Sign when req'd |
dd/mm/yy | Initial Signatures | None | No | ||||||
dd/mm/yy | Revalidation | None | N/A | No | |||||
dd/mm/yy | Revalidation | None | N/A | No | |||||
dd/mm/yy | Approval of significant change | Addition of change N | Ref. #1 | No |
| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL | |
| NODIS Library | Program Management(8000s) | Search | |
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