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NPR 8600.1
Effective Date: April 22, 2019
Expiration Date: February 28, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Capability Portfolio Management Requirements

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |

Appendix F. Capability Operational Readiness Level

F.1 CORL Overview

F.1.1 Introduction

F.1.1.1 The CORL is a tool for describing the operational readiness of capability components consistently across CPs. Operational readiness is defined in terms of ability and capacity to provide products and services to customers. This ability and capacity are based on the Asset/Facility Status and Personnel Status of the capability component:

a. The Asset/Facility Status is the operational state of equipment and systems that comprise the capability component (e.g., active, inactive, mothballed) and current utilization (e.g., by a specific current program). Facility status and utilization categories are described in NPR 8800.15.

b. The Personnel Status is the type of work that assigned personnel are able to perform and their expertise and skill levels (e.g., perform test and operations; perform preventive and corrective maintenance).

F.1.1.2 There are seven levels of capability operational readiness. A summary of the seven CORLs, including the Asset/Facility Status and Personnel Status associated with each level, is provided in Table F-0. Detailed information for each CORL is provided in Tables F-1 through F-7.

F.1.2 Potential Uses of CORL

Mission Directorates, CP managers, and Centers use the CORL to:

a. Provide information on resources required to sustain a specific CORL for capability components.

b. Provide information on resources required to transition a capability component from one CORL to another.

c. Perform trades to determine the resources that could be saved by transitioning a capability component to a lower CORL.

d. Effectively communicate to Agency management and stakeholders the implications of reduced budgets in terms of reduced CORLs for capability components.

F.1.3 CORL Summary

Table F-0 provides a summary of each CORL in terms of Facility Status and Personnel Status.

Table F-0 Capability Operational Readiness Level Summary

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
1 Production Maximum
Maximum Capacity (1)
Active Multiple Shift Operation - Able to Meet Unique Requirements
Staffing to Meet Maximum Production for Capability (2)
2 Intermediate/Extended Production
Intermediate/Extended Capacity (1)
Two-Shift Operation
Staffing to Meet Intermediate Production Level (3)
3 Production Minimum
Minimal Capacity (1)
Single-Shift Operation - Able to Meet Typical Requirements
Staffing to Meet Minimum Production Capability
4 Standby - Core Test and Maintenance Crew Only Inactive-Standby Core Test and Maintenance Personnel Only
5 Standby - Core Maintenance Crew Only Core Maintenance Personnel Only
6 Dormant or Mothballed Inactive-Mothballed No Dedicated Personnel - Keeping Track of Core Personnel
7 Dispositioned or Divested Inactive-Abandoned
No Dedicated Personnel

(1) CORL names are synonymous.

(2) May be less than three-shift operation.

(3) Approximate midpoint between CORL 1 and CORL 3.


Tables F-1 through F-7 provide detailed information for CORLs 1 through 7, respectively.

Table F-1 Capability Operational Readiness Level 1

# Capability Operational Readiness Level Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
1 Production Maximum


Maximum Capacity
Ability to (one or more may apply):
- Prepare, test, and operate at maximum capacity.
- Provide multiple shift operations (up to three).
- Utilize multiple test positions simultaneously at different stages of preparation and testing.
Active Utilization:
- For specific current program, near-term program, or institutional requirement.
- For reimbursable work as part of an agreement (e.g., Interagency, Space Act).

- Fully maintained operational and safe; all preventive maintenance is performed.
- Corrective maintenance is performed for safety.

- Equipment not prepared for long-term storage.
Multiple Shift Operation - Able to Meet Unique Requirements


Staffing to Meet Maximum Production for Capability
Sufficient personnel (e.g., test crew) available to:
- Prepare for and perform tests and operations.
- Perform preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Support up to three shifts and/or multiple test positions OR support maximum production for capability.

Training and Certification:
- Assigned personnel adequately trained and possess required certifications.

Table F-2 Capability Operational Readiness Level 2

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
2 Intermediate/ Extended Production


Intermediate/ Extended Capacity
Ability to (one or more may apply):
- Prepare, test, and operate.
- Provide multiple shift operations (up to two).
- Utilize multiple test positions simultaneously at different stages of preparation and testing.
Active Utilization:
- For specific current program, near-term program, or institutional requirement.
- For reimbursable work as part of an agreement (e.g., Interagency, Space Act).

- Fully maintained operational and safe; all preventive maintenance is performed.
- Corrective maintenance is performed for safety.

- Equipment not prepared for long-term storage.
Two-Shift Operation


Staffing to Meet Intermediate Production Level (3)
Sufficient personnel available to:
- Prepare and perform test and operations.
- Perform preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Support up to two shifts and/or multiple test positions OR support intermediate production level.

Training and Certification:
- Assigned personnel trained and possess required certifications.

Table F-3 Capability Operational Readiness Level 3

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
3 Production Minimum


Minimal Capacity
Ability to (one or more may apply):
- Prepare, test, and operate using minimally required resources.
- Provide one shift operation only with routine hardware/configuration.
- Utilize only one test position when it is possible to simultaneously use several (possibly at different stages of preparation and testing).
Active Utilization:
- For a specific current program, near-term program, or institutional requirement.
- For reimbursable work as part of an agreement (e.g., Interagency, Space Act).

- Fully maintained operational and safe; all preventive maintenance is performed.
- Corrective maintenance is performed for safety.

- Equipment not prepared for long-term storage.
Single Shift Operation - Able to Meet Typical Requirements


Staffing to Meet Minimum Production Capability
Sufficient personnel available to:
- Perform minimal test and operations.
- Prepare for typical/routine tests or operations.
- Perform preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Ability to augment and train staff to achieve higher CORL.
- Support one shift and/or one test position OR support minimum production for capability.

Training and Certification:
- Assigned personnel trained and possess required certifications.

Table F-4 Capability Operational Readiness Level 4

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
4 Standby - Core Test and Maintenance Crew Only Personnel able to:
- Perform preventive and corrective maintenance (personnel may be assigned to maintain multiple assets/facilities).
- Augment and train additional personnel to achieve sufficient staff for operations and testing (CORL 1, 2, 3).

Personnel unable to:
- Prepare, test, and operate due to insufficient staff.
- Personnel with "core" operational knowledge have primary duty to perform preventive and corrective maintenance.
Inactive-Standby Utilization:
- Temporarily not in use.
- Will potentially be used to meet specific near-term or future program and/or institutional requirements.

- Minimal preventive maintenance performed to maintain availability for test and/or operations.
- Center or CP manager approved preventive maintenance to maintain essential systems in a state of availability for future use.
- Minimal corrective maintenance performed for safety.

- Equipment not prepared for long-term storage.
Core Test and Maintenance Personnel Only Minimal "core" personnel available to:
- Perform required approved preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Maintain sufficient knowledge and experience to maintain and operate.
- Augment and train staff to achieve CORL 1, 2, 3.
- Maintain and utilize equipment to ensure continued operability and ability to return to "Active" status (CORL 1, 2, 3).

Table F-5 Capability Operational Readiness Level 5

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
5 Standby - Core Maintenance Crew Only Personnel able to:
- Perform preventive and corrective maintenance (personnel may be assigned to maintain multiple assets/facilities).

Personnel unable to:
- Prepare, test, and operate due to insufficient staff.
- Train additional personnel for higher CORLs.
- Staff may not possess right mix of "core" operational knowledge.
Inactive- Standby Utilization:- Temporarily not in use.
- Will potentially be used to meet specific near-term or future program and/or institutional requirements.

- Minimal preventive maintenance performed to maintain availability for testing and/or operations.
- Center or CP manager approved preventive maintenance measures to maintain essential systems in a state of availability for future use.
- Minimal corrective maintenance performed for safety.

- Equipment not prepared for long-term storage.
Core Maintenance Personnel Only Minimal "core" personnel available to:
- Perform approved preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Maintain and utilize equipment to ensure continued operability and ability to return to "Active" status (CORL 1, 2, 3).

Table F-6 Capability Operational Readiness Level 6

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
6 Dormant or Mothballed - Asset/facility deactivated, personnel reassigned.

- No near-term program requirements.

- Future requirements identified and/or capability retained to mitigate national and Agency-level risks.
Inactive- Mothballed Utilization:
- No near-term program requirements.
- Future requirements identified and/or the asset/facility maintained to mitigate national and Agency-level risks.

- Center or CP manager approved preventive maintenance to prevent deterioration of essential systems or placed in protective storage.
- Minimal corrective maintenance performed for safety.
- Other corrective maintenance performed with Center approval.

- Utility systems, collateral equipment shut down and prepared for long-term inactivity to prevent significant deterioration.
- Selected systems (e.g., cathodic protection systems) kept in operation and inspected.
- Interior environmental controls operating to prevent significant deterioration.
- Exterior envelope inspected on planned basis, work performed as needed to maintain integrity of exterior shell.
- In consultation with Center Environmental staff, hazardous materials identified and removed where appropriate.
No Dedicated Personnel - Keeping Track of Core Personnel No Dedicated Personnel:
- All personnel reassigned.
- Personnel available only on part-time basis for preventive and corrective maintenance.
- Center management tracks core personnel to reconstitute capability when and if needed.

Table F-7 Capability Operational Readiness Level 7

# Capability Operational
Readiness Level
Asset/Facility Status Personnel Status
7 Disposi-
tioned or
- Deactivated, personnel are reassigned.

- No near-term and future program requirements.
Inactive- Abandoned Utilization:
- Deactivated.
- No plans for future reactivation.
- No near-term and future program requirements.

- Asset/facility systems and collateral equipment considered for excess and/or identified for use at other NASA locations.
- Abandoned is an interim, temporary state used when it is not possible (e.g., resources not available, asset/facility integrated into a larger complex) or advantageous to "disposition" the asset/facility via the following - public benefit conveyance, Federal transfer, sale, lease termination, lease expiration, and demolition.

- Asset/facility is in condition in which it has been "walked away from."
- Preventive and corrective maintenance ceased for all asset/facility systems, subsystems, equipment, and components (except for safety).

- Utilities secured and disconnected at first service equipment location outside facility.
- Asset/facility secured to prevent pilfering of economically salvageable materials.
- In consultation with Center Environmental staff, hazardous materials identified and removed where appropriate.
No Dedicated Personnel No Dedicated Personnel:
- All personnel reassigned.
- Personnel available only on task-order basis for preventive and corrective maintenance (for safety only).

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |
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