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NPR 8600.1
Effective Date: April 22, 2019
Expiration Date: February 28, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Capability Portfolio Management Requirements

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 The purpose of NASA CPM is to define, sustain, and ensure the effectiveness of the NASA capabilities needed to achieve NASA’s vision, mission, strategic goals, and objectives. This is achieved through strategic and centralized management that includes an Agency-wide strategy that is aligned (and periodically updated and realigned) with Agency needs and requirements aggregated across multiple Mission Directorates, Centers, programs, and projects. CPM aims to identify and sustain an optimal mix of capabilities (e.g., in-house wind tunnels or rocket test stands) suited to meet Agency requirements and constraints, determine the most effective and efficient way to manage these capabilities (may include obtaining products and services from external capabilities), and determine where these capabilities (and the products and services they provide) should be located within the Agency. CPM provides NASA with the ability to do the following:

a. Evaluate, prioritize, and optimize a group of capability components within a CP.

b. Identify and achieve needed capability, capacity, and quality for a CP based on Agency needs and requirements.

c. Generate information for a CP to support Agency decision making.

d. Evaluate whether resources based on customer needs and requirements are aligned with Agency strategy and priorities.

e. Strategically and centrally manage portfolio capability components within the Agency in a way that balances the needs and demands of programs and projects and external partners.

f. Analyze, characterize, and maintain cognizance of the capability domain. A CP provides products and services to multiple programs and projects over a period that can span decades. While a product or service delivered (e.g., chemical propulsion test, wind tunnel test) can have defined goals, objectives, requirements, cost, a beginning, and an end, the CP delivering the product or service has no defined ending 1 and will typically change and adapt over time to achieve greatest value for the Agency based on current and future programmatic needs and requirements.

1 If NASA leadership determines that it is no longer in NASA's best interest to strategically and centrally manage a capability portfolio in an integrated manner, the portfolio may be terminated. (See Section 2.2.3.) Requirements for new, enhanced, and augmented capabilities within a portfolio are developed in response to current and future Agency requirements and strategic needs and in response to industry opportunities that are aligned strategically with Agency priorities.

1.1.2 This document establishes the overarching requirements by which NASA will strategically and centrally manage certain functionally similar capability components and enabling infrastructure through CPs established and sustained by NASA consistent with the governance model contained in NPD 1000.0. The desired outcome of CPM is to:

a. Meet current and future Agency requirements and strategic needs for the delivery of products and services to NASA programs and projects.

b. Increase overall Agency efficiency and effectiveness.

c. Eliminate unneeded redundancy.

d. Leverage external capabilities when in the best interests of the Agency.

1.1.3 The MSC 2 initiates efforts to establish a CP, assigns CPs to sponsoring Mission Directorates, and adjudicates CP decisional reviews including the following:

2 The MSC, whose responsibilities are documented in the MSC charter in NPD 1000.3, decided to appoint a team to issue directives to manage capability portfolios (Decision Memo MSC-2016-02-003a, dated June 2, 2017). Because the MSC has a vital role in managing these portfolios, it is necessary to describe MSC responsibilities in this NPR. These responsibilities will be captured in the next revision of the MSC charter, thereby providing traceability between the MSC charter and this NPR. NPD 1000.3 is scheduled to be revised.

a. The transition from Establishment to Strategic Management activities.

b. A significant change in the CP composition, management, or funding.

c. The transition from Strategic Management to Termination activities.

1.1.4 The MSC Chair serves as the Decision Authority for CP decisional reviews.

1.1.5 CPs are collections of functionally similar capability components and enabling infrastructure (often geographically dispersed across multiple Centers) that are grouped to support strategic and centralized management, analysis, strategy development, decision making, and staffing level plans to meet NASA’s strategic needs, goals, and objectives. NASA services common requirements through CPs.

1.1.6 Capability components are quantifiable; that is, they can be measured and prioritized. CPM processes support decision making by providing an awareness of the value, criticality, needed sustainment level, and overall resources (including the workforce) for portfolio capability components based on both current requirements and strategic needs. The need to manage assets within constrained resources creates a need to prioritize capability components.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |
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