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NPR 8600.1
Effective Date: April 22, 2019
Expiration Date: February 28, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Capability Portfolio Management Requirements

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |

Chapter 4. Capability Portfolio Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 Summary of Specific Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of senior management are defined in NPD 1000.0 and further outlined in NPD 1000.3. This section delineates the roles and responsibilities specific to carrying out the requirements of this NPR.

4.1.1 The MSC Chair:

a. Approves the CPCA.

b. Evaluates the performance of CPs against defined goals and objectives through reports from the MSC, which is the CP governing council, through the CPM Annual Review, which the MSC Chair conducts, and through Agency-level reviews, such as BPRs.

c. Serves as the Decision Authority for CP decisional reviews including:

(1) The transition from Establishment activities to Strategic Management activities.

(2) Significant changes in the composition, management, or funding of the CP.

(3) The transition from Strategic Management activities to Termination activities.

4.1.2 The MSC:

a. Initiates efforts to establish CPs.

b. Assigns CPs to sponsoring Mission Directorates.

c. Reviews CP performance and provides reports to the MSC Chair.

4.1.3 The OSI Assistant Administrator:

a. Establishes Agency-level boards and teams, as needed, to address Agency-level CPM policies, issues, and strategies.

b. Maintains the official list of CPs including a description of the CP and its scope and the capability domain, the capability components in the portfolio and their locations, and the name of the CP manager. The list of CPs can be found under the "Other Policy Documents" tab in the NASA Online Directive Information System (NODIS) on the OSI menu.

4.1.4 Sponsoring MDAAs:

a. Provide each CP manager, in writing, with the goals and objectives, capability domain and preliminary scope, and constraints of the relevant CP as part of the Establishment activities.

b. Select a CP manager for each CP sponsored by their Mission Directorate.

c. Establish a management and governance structure for each CP sponsored by their Mission Directorate.

d. In coordination with the CP manager, establish and annually update a five-year CP budget commensurate with CP goals and objectives, CP operational norms, and funding responsibilities (one or more funding models) for each CP sponsored by their Mission Directorate.

e. Develop the CPCA and recommend approval to the MSC Chair.

f. Provide MDAA resources for the strategic and centralized management of each CP sponsored by their Mission Directorate and its components as defined in the CPCA and CPMP and ensure that resources are sized to meet the established goals and objectives.

g. Support development of and approve the CPMP.

h. Ensure sponsored CP capabilities are:

(1) Available to deliver products and services to the Agency in support of programs and projects.

(2) Consistent with NPD 1001.0.

(3) Functioning within established budget, schedule, and cost constraints.

i. Conduct and/or support required CP reviews and report the CP status periodically to the MSC and Agency-level management.

j. Determine the need for Termination of the CP upon consultation with the CP manager and other stakeholders and make recommendations to the MSC Chair.

k. Serve as the selecting official for advisory boards.

4.1.5 Both participating and sponsoring MDAAs:

a. Collaborate with the CP manager to identify specific capability components (in-house or external) for products and services to meet Mission Directorate needs and requirements.

b. Identify and inform the CP manager of requirements for new capability or enhanced capability that is needed to resolve identified capability gaps.

c. Obtain concurrence from the CP manager on investments, divestments, acquisition strategies, procurements, agreements, and changes to a portfolio capability component in accordance with Section

d. Obtain and document CP leadership's evaluation of and recommendations for proposals to be provided to Agency leadership that involve changes to the capability domain and fall within thresholds defined in the CPMP in accordance with Section

e. Concur or non-concur on a recommendation to terminate the CP. A written explanation for a non-concurrence should be provided.

f. Participating MDAAs concur or non-concur on the CPCA and the CPMP for CP(s). A written explanation for a non-concurrence should be provided. (See Section 4.1.4 for the role of the sponsoring MDAA.)

g. Assign a Mission Directorate CP POC for the CP.

h. Assign representatives to Agency-level boards and teams as requested to address CPM policies, issues, and strategies.

i. Support CP assessments and analyses as specified in the CPMP. Examples include providing information to support development of assessments and analyses, such as demand baseline requirements, annual demand forecast analyses, and the CP Strategic Development Plan.

j. Support reviews required by this NPR.

k. Provide Mission Directorate funding in accordance with the funding model(s) defined, documented, and agreed upon in the CPCA and CPMP.

l. Coordinate with the CP manager and other key stakeholders to establish a consensus on cost elements that will meet the needs of the CP in developing the TCO for the portfolio and its components.

4.1.6 The NASA Chief Engineer, MDAAs, and other entities that have responsibility for NASA capabilities as part of Capability Leadership:

a. Appoint requested representatives to boards and teams to address CPM policies, issues, and strategies.

b. Assign representatives to CP reviews and other reviews as required by this NPR.

c. Provide technical support to the CP manager during the Establishment, Strategic Management, and Termination activities of CPs.

d. Provide analysis and information to the CP manager on technical capability advancements or changes that might affect the CP.

e. Coordinate with the CP manager on evaluations, analyses, prioritization, and identification of needed changes to the CP.

4.1.7 The NASA Chief Financial Officer:

Supports CP managers in establishing TCO for the CP and its capability components.

4.1.8 The NASA Chief Information Officer:

a. Is a signature authority to the CPCA and CPMP for those CPs that are determined by the MSC to be inherently information technology.

b. As the ITC Chair and Decision Authority, reviews and approves CP investments and divestments in information technology capabilities that are governed under NPD 2800.1 and NPD 2810.1.

c. Appoints representatives to Agency-level boards and teams to address CPM policies, issues, and strategies.

d. Appoints OCIO CP POCs for CPs that are determined by the MSC to be inherently information technology.

e. Supports CP assessments and analyses as specified in the CPMP for CPs that are determined by the MSC to be inherently information technology.

4.1.9 Center Directors and the JPL Lab Director:

a. Manage, operate, and maintain the Center's portfolio capability components and enabling infrastructure consistent with strategic guidance (included in approved CPCAs and CPMPs) that may include the funding level agreed upon by the CP manager for delivery of products and services to customers and approaches for adjusting the CORLs of portfolio capability components and their LoS.

b. Provide Center resources in accordance with the funding model(s) defined, documented, and agreed upon in the CPCA and CPMP.

c. Evaluate all work related to CPs that operate at the Center and provide the Center evaluation and assessment findings and recommendations to the CP manager in support of CP manager, MSC, and MSC Chair reviews of the CP.

d. Coordinate with the CP manager and other key stakeholders to establish a consensus on cost elements that will meet the needs of the CP in developing the TCO for the portfolio and its components.

e. Coordinate with the CP manager and other key stakeholders to establish agreement on cost estimating processes and guidelines and charging methodologies that will meet the needs of the CP.

f. Develop cost estimates for planned delivery of products and services in accordance with the processes and guidelines defined in the CPMP. Guidelines may also be detailed in the baseline plan for the CP.

g. Support CP managers in establishing the metrics necessary for strategic insight and management of the portfolio capability components at the Center as defined in the CPCA and CPMP.

h. Manage and implement investment projects at the Center that are intended to improve existing portfolio capability components or add new capability components to a CP. Oversee and manage projects and tasks assigned to the Center that affect the CP, improve portfolio capability components, develop new capability components for CPs, and divest of portfolio capability components.

i. Provide Center-level reports, assessments, and data for portfolio capability components that reside at the Center to support CP assessments and analyses as specified in the CPMP (e.g., demand baseline requirements, annual demand forecast analyses, and CP Strategic Development Plans).

j. Support CP managers in defining operational norms between the CP manager, program and project managers (as appropriate), and Centers and in establishing any thresholds necessary to enable efficient operations of portfolio capability components at the Center. (Operational norms and thresholds are documented in the CPCA and CPMP.)

k. Support CP managers in establishing key processes for strategically and centrally managing the CP(s) that include components at the Center.

l. Appoint Center CP POCs for the CP(s) that include components at the Center.

m. Appoint Center representatives to Agency-level boards and teams to address CPM policies, issues, and strategies.

n. Assign Center representatives to CP reviews and other reviews as required (when the reviewer is not the Center CP POC).

o. Concur or non-concur on the CPCA and the CPMP for CP(s) that include components at the Center. A written explanation for a non-concurrence should be provided.

p. Concur or non-concur on a recommendation to terminate the CP. A written explanation for a non-concurrence should be provided.

q. Seek customers for the Center's portfolio capability components. Negotiate proposals with customers for products and services delivered by the Center's portfolio capability components.

r. Obtain concurrence from the CP manager on investments, divestments, acquisition strategies, procurements, agreements, and changes to a portfolio capability component in accordance with Section

s. Obtain concurrence from CP managers on the termination of plans for investments, divestments, and improvements that previously received CP manager concurrence in accordance with Section

t. Obtain and document the CP manager's evaluation of proposals to be provided to Agency leadership that involve changes to the capability domain and fall within thresholds defined in the CPMP in accordance with Section

u. Obtain approval for alternate uses of portfolio capability components in accordance with Section

4.1.10 Program and project managers: 10

10 Center Directors and the JPL Lab Director may assume these responsibilities on behalf of program and project managers as agreed to in the CPMP.

a. Support CP assessments and analyses as specified in the CPMP. Examples include providing information to support development of assessments and analyses, such as demand baseline requirements, capability investments and divestments, and annual demand forecast analyses.

b. Support CP managers in defining operational norms between the CP manager, program and project managers (as appropriate), and Centers and in establishing the thresholds necessary to enable efficient operations of portfolio capability components at the Center. (Operational norms and thresholds are documented in the CPCA and CPMP.)

c. Obtain concurrence from the CP manager on investments, divestments, acquisition strategies, procurements, agreements, and changes to a portfolio capability component in accordance with

d. Obtain concurrence from CP managers on the termination of plans for investments, divestments, and improvements that previously received CP manager concurrence in accordance with Section

e. Obtain and document the CP manager's evaluation of proposals to be provided to Agency leadership that involve changes to the capability domain and fall within thresholds defined in the CPMP in accordance with Section

f. Provide program and project resources in accordance with the defined customer charging methodologies defined, documented, and agreed upon in the CPCA and CPMP.

4.1.11 CP managers: 11

11 CP managers collaborate with Center Directors and the JPL Lab Director, MDAAs, and in some cases program and project managers on responsibilities and may delegate specific responsibilities to them.

a. Establish processes and conduct Establishment, Strategic Management, and Termination activities for the CP.

b. Develop and implement the sourcing strategy and approach for making sourcing decisions for assigning customer requirements (NASA and external) to capability components.

c. Support the development of the CPCA, develop the CPMP, and prepare required updates to both documents.

d. Determine the metrics necessary for strategic insight and management of the portfolio capability components.

e. Establish a consensus with Center Directors and the JPL Lab Director and other key stakeholders on cost elements that will meet the needs of the CP in developing the TCO for the portfolio and its components.

f. Determine the TCO for the CP and its capability components in accordance with the CPMP.

g. Coordinate formulation of the budget with Center Directors and the JPL Lab Director, MDAAs, the CIO, and other key stakeholders to establish the CP funding process.

h. Coordinate with customers and other stakeholders to identify sources of demand, demand characteristics (such as demand confidence, constraints, and purposes of need), capability gaps, and strategic requirements to inform both CP strategy and operational plans.

i. Collaboratively define the operational norms between the CP manager and Centers and programs and projects to enable efficiency and effectiveness.

j. Establish the thresholds necessary to enable effective strategic and centralized management of the portfolio (CP level) and enable efficient operations of portfolio capability components (Center level).

k. Define the processes for obtaining concurrence and the processes for appealing non-concurrence decisions by the CP manager.

l. Define the approach for resolution of disagreements.

m. Establish charging methodologies for products and services.

n. Define the approach for adjusting the CORLs of portfolio capability components and their LoS based on targeted Agency capacity and demand.

o. Determine the need for and strategically manage investments, divestments, and the operational readiness of portfolio capability components in accordance with the CPMP.

p. Identify, prioritize, select, and allocate the resources controlled by the CP manager.

q. Conduct oversight of financial resources as defined in the CPMP.

r. Recommend significant changes to the CP.

s. Identify and resolve capability gaps for the portfolio based on future Agency requirements.

t. Initiate, recommend an implementing organization for, and strategically and centrally manage projects and tasks associated with significant changes to and investments in the CP including establishing requirements, prioritizing work, and establishing funding. Provide strategic and centralized oversight for technical, cost, and schedule performance.

u. Concur or non-concur on:

(1) Investments, divestments, acquisition strategies, procurements, agreements, and changes to a portfolio capability component in accordance with Section

(2) The termination of plans for investments, divestments, and improvements that previously received CP manager concurrence in accordance with Section

v. Evaluate and make recommendations on proposals to be provided to Agency leadership that involve changes to the capability domain and fall within thresholds defined in the CPMP in accordance with Section

w. Approve or disapprove alternate uses of portfolio capability components in accordance with Section

x. Support and attend decisional reviews and lead or support CP reviews and other reviews required by this NPR.

y. In consultation with stakeholders, including Center Directors and the JPL Lab Director, the CIO, and participating MDAAs, recommend Termination of the CP to the sponsoring MDAA.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | ALL |
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