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NPR 8735.1D
Effective Date: April 02, 2018
Expiration Date: July 29, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Exchange of Problem Data Using NASA Advisories and the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP)

Responsible Office: Office of Safety and Mission Assurance

| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |

Chapter 3. NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices

3.1 Implementation of Center Processes

3.1.1 Center Directors or their designee shall document a process in their Center's Quality Management System (QMS) that implements the requirements of this NPR and includes:

a. The criteria for identifying reviewers of NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices (e.g. Legal Counsel, Export Control, Subject Matter Experts, etc.) being released by their Center.

b. The use of NANADARTS for distributing, assessing, and closed-loop reporting of NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices.

c. The use of NANADARTS to status closed-loop reporting of NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices.

3.1.2 Center Directors or their designee shall designate a civil service employee as the Center Coordinator.

3.1.3 Center Directors or their designee shall designate an Alternate Center Coordinator.

Note: Alternate Agency and Center Coordinators can be either a civil servant or contractor employee.

3.1.4 Center Directors or their designee shall monitor and inform annually the Chief, SMA of the state of the exchange of problem data, including performance indicators and risks to satisfactory implementation of NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices responsibilities defined in this NPR.

3.1.5 Agency and Center Coordinators shall complete GIDEP training at least every two years, where possible in accordance with GIDEP Policies and procedures.

3.1.6 NASA Program Managers shall incorporate GIDEP participation requirements and a requirement to review NASA Advisories into the contract statement of work or contract specifications for contractors and subcontractors. APPENDIX C provides some guidance and sample text for the statement of work.

3.2 Distribution and Assessment of NASA Alerts and GIDEP Notices

3.2.1 The Agency Coordinator or designee shall enter NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices into NANADARTS for distribution to the Center Coordinators.

3.2.2 Center Coordinators shall determine whether NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices require closed-loop reporting or distribution for information at their Centers using the criteria in 3.3.1.

3.2.3 Center Coordinators shall distribute NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices requiring closed-loop reporting or distribution for information at their Centers.

3.2.4 Program Managers, in coordination with the Center Coordinator, shall screen procurement requests meeting the definition of mission hardware against NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices for:

a. Safety critical hardware and software.

b. Mission hardware including critical ground support equipment being procured with a NASA Purchase Card (P-Card).

Note: Screening of procurements for safety critical hardware, software, and also flight hardware and critical ground support equipment being procured with a NASA Purchase Card (P-Card) is typically delegated to the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance at each Center per NASA Form 1707.

3.2.5 NASA Program Managers shall review the status of closed-loop reporting on all applicable NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices in NANADARTS at program milestones, readine ss reviews, or according to contract or other specified reporting times/events.

3.3 Closed-Loop Responses to NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices

3.3.1 Center Coordinators shall initiate closed-loop reporting actions for NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices when the following apply:

a. The GIDEP Notice may impact production or processing of mission hardware as defined in NPR 8735.2, or use of safety critical ground based equipment or products;

b. The GIDEP Notice is an Agency Action Notice (AAN), or;

Note: AAN-U's have unlimited distribution and require at least a 'Use, No-use' response. AAN-L's are limited to Government only and will be distributed according to their Restrictions on Release.

c. The GIDEP Notice is a GIDEP Safe-Alert, or

d. The GIDEP Notice is a GIDEP Alert, or

e. The GIDEP Notice is a GIDEP Problem Advisory, or

3.3.2 Center Coordinators shall establish deadlines for responses to closed-loop reporting actions.

3.3.3 When the conditions requiring closed-loop reporting apply, NASA Program Managers, or their designees, shall submit a response to NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices within NANADARTS that includes:

a. The relevance (i.e. usage or no usage) of the NASA Advisory or GIDEP Notice to the program, project, or operation/institution as determined by NASA or its contractors or sub-tier suppliers. A response of:

(1) "No usage" is reported for the NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices that do not apply to the manager's program, project, operation, or institution.

(2) "Usage" is reported for NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices that do apply to the manager's program, project, operation, or institution. The specific application of the non-conforming product should also be reported.

b. The impact (i.e. impact or no impact) of the NASA Advisory or GIDEP Notice on hardware or software used by the NASA program, project, or operation/institution or its contractors and their sub-tier supplier. When there is "usage" reported, a response of:

(1) "No impact" is reported for the NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices where usage of the product does not affect the manager's program, project, operation, or institution.

(2) "Impact" is reported for the NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices where usage of the product does affect the manager's program, project, operation, or institution and should include the corrective actions taken to reduce or eliminate any impact and an estimate of the cost avoidance to the program, project, operation, or institution provided by the corrective action.

3.4 Generation of NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices

3.4.1 NASA Program Managers shall notify the Center Coordinator of nonconforming products that meet one or more of the criteria of paragraph 3.4.3.

3.4.2 Center Coordinators shall utilize NARS for the entry, approval, and release of NASA Advisories.

Note: https://nars.nasa.gov/ contains detailed instructions in the HELP screens.

3.4.3 NASA Program Managers shall generate NASA Advisories or GIDEP Notices for items that meet the following criteria:

a. Counterfeit or suspect counterfeit, or;

Note: See NPR 8735.2 for requirements for reporting incidents of counterfeiting and fraud to the Office of Inspector General and the Office of General Counsel's Acquisition Integrity Program.

b. Contain a major or critical nonconformance, and:

(1) Are commercially available or common items, or;

(2) Constitute a quality escape (e.g. a nonconforming item has been released to more than one customer).

3.4.4 Center Coordinators shall evaluate NASA Advisories at the time of data entry into NARS and determine if conversion to a GIDEP Notice is appropriate.

Note: Note: NASA Advisories are issued instead of GIDEP Notices for items described above that are peculiar to NASA applications and/or have not escaped to non-NASA organizations.

3.4.5 Center Coordinators shall generate and submit GIDEP Notices in accordance with the requirements contained in the GIDEP Operations Manual.

Note: http://www.gidep.org/about/opmanual/chap07r_mar2015.pdf Failure Experience Data details how to submit a GIDEP Notice. It is a Best Practice to inform the manufacturer of the problem and encourage them to submit the problem and their resolution to GIDEP.

3.4.6 NASA Program Managers shall support the Center Coordinator in the generation of NASA Advisories and GIDEP Notices.

3.4.7 Fraud, Waste, and Abuse The NASA Office of the Inspector General or another Government agency might identify situations potentially involving fraud, waste, and abuse which could also impact safety and mission assurance.

a. When this information is provided by the Office of the Inspector General or other Government agencies to the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, the NASA GIDEP Liaison shall convert the information into a NASA Advisory.

b. The Headquarters and Center Coordinators shall exercise caution in processing and distributing these NASA Advisories to ensure distribution only to those people with a need to know the information, as this information is usually associated with an ongoing investigation.

3.5 Exchange of Problem Data and Concerns with Other Organizations

3.5.1 NASA Program Managers, in coordination with other relevant NASA organizations, should consider the inclusion of provisions regarding the exchange of significant parts, materials, and safety problems or concerns in negotiated agreements for space activities and launch services with U.S. and foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations. The Agency NASA Advisory and GIDEP Coordinator, in coordination with the NASA Office of International and Interagency Relations (OIIR), may negotiate, conclude, and maintain arrangements for the exchange of such information with foreign space agencies.

| TOC | ChangeLog | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | ALL |
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