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NPR 3790.1
Effective Date: April 30, 2019
Expiration Date: December 11, 2029
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA's Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Response Plan (Revalidated with Change 2)

Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |

Chapter 2. Responsibilities

2.1 Administrator

2.1.1 The Administrator shall ensure Agency policies promote the health and safety of its workforce by increasing awareness and creating a supportive and safe work environment for employees whose lives are affected by domestic violence.

2.2 Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO)

2.2.1 CHCO or designee:

a. Establish and coordinate policy direction and guidance to promote a safe and healthy work environment, increase awareness among employees and supervisors of the options available for assistance, and to improve workplace responses to domestic violence and its effects consistent with the goals set forth in the Presidential Memorandum (reference P.3).

b. Be responsible for overall program accountability.

c. Serve as the Agency-level point of contact for the Agency's domestic violence response plan.

d. Identify training resources for Center use.

2.3 Center Directors/Officers in Charge (OIC)

2.3.1 Center Directors and Officers in Charge (OIC) or their designee shall:

a. Ensure their Center/Organization promotes awareness, responds to, and addresses domestic violence response procedures in their existing security procedures.

b. Appoint and publicize a primary point of contact for the Center's domestic violence response program whose responsibilities include acting as a point of contact for employee assistance, resources available to assist them, and questions/comments associated with the domestic violence response program.

c. Ensure the Center's domestic violence response program is consistent with this directive and NPR 1800.1.

d. Ensure the EAP counselor's roles and responsibilities include the capability to support employees who request assistance and the capability to advise supervisors who are responding to the needs of employees affected by domestic violence.

2.4 Human Resources (HR) Directors (also referred to as Human Capital Directors)

2.4.1 Servicing HR Directors or their designee:

a. Collaborate with EAP and the Center Protective Services Office to:

(1) Provide and publicize resources, technical expertise and consultation to supervisors and/or employees who disclose incidents of domestic violence both in and out of the workplace.

(2) Make training available for employees and supervisors.

b. Advise supervisors on appropriate courses of action for human resources related issues such as workplace flexibilities, disciplinary actions, etc.

2.5 Center Protective Services

2.5.1 Protective Services personnel:

a. Develop and support a workplace security plan if there are reasonable concerns of a potential for violence in the workplace.

b. Respond to incidents that threaten the security and safety of the workplace in accordance with NPD 1600.3, NPR 1600.1, and the NASA Desk Guide for the Prevention of and Response to Workplace Violence. Ensure the victim is knowledgeable of local law enforcement resources available to support them when off-duty.

c. Report to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in a timely manner all reported, suspected, or alleged incidents of domestic violence (including sexual assault and stalking), which are brought to the attention of NASA Protective Services and which allege or are suspected of constituting a violation of Federal, state, or local criminal law. These reports shall include all alleged or suspected violations of Federal, State, or local laws which have been referred to any non-NASA investigative, prosecutive, or law enforcement authorities.

d. Serve as liaisons with local law enforcement and court system on disposition of criminal charges, sentencing, restraining orders, and victim services.

2.6 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Offices

2.6.1 EAP Coordinators/Counselors:

a. Provide domestic violence response assistance in accordance with Chapter 5, Employee Assistance Program, requirements in NPR 1800.1.

b. Educate the workforce on how an EAP professional can provide support and encourage employees to seek assistance.

c. Provide and publicize means for managers and employees to gain access to relevant information related to domestic violence.

d. Promote awareness through Web sites, newsletters, posters, and employee or management training.

e. Assist supervisors who are responding to the needs of employees affected by domestic violence.

f. At an employee's request, provide information regarding local and/or national service providers who can provide support, including information on how employees can contact Protective Services, Federal Protective Service (FPS), other appropriate Federal or local law enforcement personnel.

g. Maintain an up-to-date list of referral services and resources for employees.

h. At the request of an employee or supervisor, assist with the development of a workplace security plan.

i. At the request of an employee, provide short-term counseling and referral services to employees.

Note: The responsibilities listed above may be shared with or be performed by Servicing HR Offices, at the Center's discretion. Assignment of responsibilities shall be defined in Center procedures, in accordance with EAP contract arrangements for domestic violence support and counsel.

2.7 Supervisors

2.7.1 Supervisors shall:

a. Immediately report incidents or imminent violent situations within and affecting the workplace to appropriate emergency services (i.e., 911 and Protective Services Office).

b. At the employee's request, and in partnership with HR, Protective Services, and EAP, provide employee assistance in accordance with this NPR.

c. Consult with their servicing human resources office for assistance with human resources issues that may be impacted by domestic violence.

2.8 Employees and Non-NASA personnel working on/in a NASA facility

2.8.1 Employees and Non-NASA personnel working on/in a NASA facility shall:

a. Immediately report incidents or situations that appear to be a threat to the safety or security of an individual or the workplace to their supervisor and Protective Services.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | AppendixA | AppendixB | ALL |
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