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NPR 4200.1H
Effective Date: March 08, 2017
Expiration Date: June 08, 2025
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: NASA Equipment Management Procedural Requirements

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | ALL |

Chapter 1. Equipment Management Responsibilities

1.1 Background

1.1.1 NASA equipment is Government property and is to be used exclusively to conduct official business. Appropriate accountability measures are required to establish and monitor changes to equipment status. NASA's policy is to permit limited personal use of Government office equipment and services, including information technology (IT) services. See NPD 2540.1H, Personal Use of Government Office Equipment Including Information Technology.

1.1.2 Systems, Applications and Products (SAP) is the Agency-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that contains Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E) functionality used to manage NASA assets. SAP is hosted at the Agency Applications Office (AAO), which is located at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC).

1.1.3 The Integrated Asset Management (IAM), PP&E System, an SAP component, herein referred to as the NASA PP&E System, is the NASA system of record to establish a digital Equipment Master Record (EMR) for identification, control, and accountability of equipment acquired by NASA.

1.1.4 EQUIPMENT System is a Web-based front-end component of the NASA PP&E System that provides a subset of equipment management functionality to End Users.

1.2 Agency Responsibilities

1.2.1 All NASA employees and contractors are responsible for the proper management of the Government equipment they use to carry out their duties. The specific Logistics and Logistics support personnel responsibilities for developing policy, equipment management oversight, accountability, and reconciliation are outlined in the following paragraphs.

1.3 Director, Logistic Management Division (LMD), NASA Headquarters

1.3.1 The Director, LMD, a civil service employee designated by the Assistant Administrator (AA) for the Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI), is responsible for establishing and enforcing NASA equipment management policies, conforming to Federal property management laws and regulations.

1.4 Agency Equipment Manager

1.4.1 The Agency Equipment Manager, a civil service employee designated by and reporting to the Director, LMD, shall:

a. Develop program policies and provide requirements to Center Senior Logistics Managers/Chiefs and Supply and Equipment Management Officers (SEMO).

b. Review and initiate actions to issue, modify, or cancel NASA directives that govern the equipment management activities of the Agency.

c. Assist NASA Centers in developing and operating internal processes, procedures, and systems to ensure compatibility with Agency programs.

d. Establish metrics on the performance of equipment management throughout the Agency and provide routine trend reports to Center and NASA senior management.

e. Define training requirements for all equipment management personnel.

f. Chair the Functional Control Board (FCB) to address property system upgrades.

g. Chair the Sensitive Items Review Board (SIRB).

h. Routinely assess Center equipment management activities through the Compensating Controls Review (CCR) process, ensuring Center business practices follow policy requirements and reporting significant observations to Supply and Equipment Management Officers (SEMO), Center Senior Logistics Manager, and NASA senior management.

1.5 Center Directors

1.5.1 Center Directors shall:

a. Ensure local equipment management practices conform to the requirements of NPD 4200.1 and this NPR.

b. Appoint a SEMO to implement an effective equipment management program and document the appointment in a letter to the Director, LMD.

c. Appoint a Survey Officer (SO) and Survey Review Board (SRB) members to fulfill equipment management responsibilities and follow the guidance outlined in Chapters 1 and 5 of this NPR.

1.6 Center Senior Logistics Manager/Chief

1.6.1 The Center Senior Logistics Manager/Chief, or head of the Center's logistics activities at the Center has the responsibility and authority to account for the effective control, acquisition, use, and disposal of personal property. The Senior Logistics manager is responsible for:

a. Providing direction, leadership, and general supervision in the implementation and maintenance of the property management program throughout the Center.

b. Implementing the Agency's policy directives and requirements and Center regulations and procedures satisfying Program requirements and the various laws and regulations referenced therein.

c. Establishing and training the Center's property management network comprised of Personal Property Functional Leads, Property Custodians (PCs), SO, and SRB members.

d. Monitoring the progress of executing annual inventory schedules and ensuring that results of inventories and property records are reconciled with the financial accounting system.

e. Ensuring that required reports are provided to Headquarters, Logistics Management Division.

f. Ensuring that lost, stolen, or damaged property is investigated in accordance with (IAW) Chapter 5 of this NPR.

g. Developing a corrective action plan when the Center does not meet policy requirements, Agency-established benchmarks, or other Agency expectations regarding the management of personal property.

1.7 Supply and Equipment Management Officer (SEMO)

1.7.1 The SEMO, a civil service employee, is designated by the Center Director to provide functional management and leadership for implementation of effective equipment management at their Center. The SEMO shall:

a. Implement the requirements of this NPR and establish Center procedures to supplement the policy requirements of this NPR.

b. Appoint, in writing, a Center Equipment Manager.

c. Provide oversight to Center receiving activities ensuring:

(1) One area is designated as the Center's sole location for receiving equipment, referred to as Central Receiving.

(2) All equipment purchased or acquired by NASA is to be processed through the designated Central Receiving and properly controlled, cataloged, and tagged upon receipt and acceptance, regardless of acquisition method (See section 2.3 of this NPR).

(3) Equipment items received in shipping containers that cannot be opened at the Central Receiving without voiding the warranty or risk to the equipment will be properly tagged upon opening at the final destination.

d. Establish and implement protocols and processes for the maintenance of SAP equipment records, ensuring the records properly reflect the Center's and its contractors' Controlled Equipment accountability status.

e. Assist the Center Equipment Manager with the identification of Government property at the Center required to be controlled as sensitive items, identified on the Sensitive Items List (Appendix C), and recommend list additions or deletions to the Agency Equipment Manager. Participate in the SIRB.

f. Assist the Center Equipment Manager with providing training to Center equipment management personnel and all personnel responsible for use and care of equipment to assure equipment accountability IAW this NPR.

g. Oversee the administration of equipment loans and property passes executed by their Center as outlined in Chapter 3 of this NPR.

Note: The SEMO needs to notify the Division Director, or equivalent NASA official, of any potential equipment misuse and the need to enforce time constraints for the issue of property passes to employees.

h. In support of the disposal process, the SEMO shall:

(1) Ensure Center PCs, End Users, and their supervisors are aware of the requirement to identify excess equipment IAW paragraph 3.7 of this NPR (Request to Excess Equipment).

(2) Ensure a Center process is established for the expedient delivery of equipment items on excess request status to the disposal warehouse to ensure that accountability of equipment is maintained throughout the process.

(3) Establish a Center process requiring that, upon physical turnover of equipment in excess request status, PCs and End Users obtain receipt documentation from transportation or disposal personnel.

(4) Coordinate routine meetings with the Property Disposal Officer (PDO) and the Equipment Manager to review equipment in excess request status, which has not yet been received by the excess warehouse to identify and diminish any backlog.

(5) Research and reconcile all equipment in excess request status that cannot be accounted for IAW Chapter 5 of this NPR.

i. Establish and manage the Center's physical inventory campaign and processes as outlined in Chapter 4, to include:

(1) The Center inventory team assignment.

(2) Inventory campaign execution. The campaign may be organized by either the location of the equipment (property management area) or by equipment custodial accounts regardless of the location of the equipment.

(3) Inventory campaign schedule. Ensure physical inventories are conducted annually and are completed by the end of each fiscal year. The physical inventory campaign is only complete when all discrepancies are resolved and PP&E records are updated.

(4) Inventory campaign timelines. Indicate milestones for pre-inventory planning activities, the actual physical inventory activities, and post-inventory reconciliation activities.

j. Ensure physical inventories are conducted for the following circumstances:

(1) PC reassignments; joint physical inventories are required by departing and incoming PCs.

(2) When misuse of equipment is suspected ( i.e., recurring losses in a PC account).

(3) Upon separation or termination of an employee, End User of equipment.

(4) When equipment is returned from a contractor through NASA's Central Receiving.

(5) When equipment is returned to NASA upon termination of a loan agreement.

(6) Following extreme circumstances that affect the condition of the equipment (e.g., fire, damage due to weather).

(7) When recommended by the SO/SRB.

k. Support the Agency Financial audit, conducted each fiscal year, as follows:

(1) Coordinate and execute reviews of the EMR/Asset Master Record (AMR) Integration Report with the Center Property Accountant as necessary to reconcile variances in EMR and AMR asset inventories.

(2) Provide results of reconciliation activities to the Headquarters Equipment Manager upon request.

l. Coordinate with Center officials identified below to accomplish the following:

(1) The Center Facilities Manager to identify related personal property during Center facility demolition planning for potential conversion to personal property and accountability in the NASA PP&E System.

(2) The Center Flight Operations Officer to ensure proper aircraft identification, accountability, and control.

(3) The Center Exhibit Manager to ensure proper identification, accountability, and control of NASA exhibit and display items.

(4) The Center PDO to ensure that equipment acquired by Center organizations from the disposal warehouse is properly accounted for in the NASA PP&E System.

(5) The Division Director to coordinate the designation of as many PCs as necessary to ensure manageable workload distribution within the Division.

(6) The Center Industrial Property Officer (IPO) to ensure accurate accountability of Controlled Equipment transitioning to and from contractors (e.g., Government Furnished Property (GFP), Installation Accountable Government Property (IAGP)) IAW Chapter 3 of this NPR.

(7) The Center Procurement Office officials to ensure that the address of Central Receiving is used as the delivery address for all acquisitions made with the Government Purchase Card, unless otherwise authorized by the SEMO.

m. Establish an internal process to ensure all equipment purchased via Government Purchase Card is properly reported and accounted for in the NASA PP&E System IAW Chapter 3 of this NPR.

n. Develop and implement Center internal processes for managing Administratively Controlled Equipment for the prevention of fraud, waste, and misuse.

1.8 Equipment Manager

1.8.1 The Equipment Manager, a civil service employee, will be assigned by the Center SEMO as liaison for equipment management activities at the Center and shall:

a. Execute equipment management controls outlined throughout this NPR, keep and maintain documents that support equipment management transactions in NASA PP&E System, and coordinate Central Receiving activities as it relates to property management.

b. Notify PCs of acquired equipment affecting their property account, upon receipt.

c. Carry out changes to the NASA PP&E System and equipment management practices at their Center.

d. Recommend designation of property management areas as necessary.

e. Develop and deliver training to PCs and equipment End Users.

f. Generate and provide equipment listings to PCs in preparation for physical inventory campaigns.

g. Advise PCs in the performance of their equipment management duties.

h. Develop and execute the schedule for the Center's physical inventory campaign.

i. Adjust equipment records in the NASA PP&E System as a result of physical inventory reconciliation actions.

j. Document the results of the physical inventory campaign and submit the results to the SEMO, Division Directors, and PCs for their review. k. Assist the SEMO in executing and managing equipment loans.

l. Assist the SEMO reconcile equipment in request-for-excess status with the PDO.

m. Obtain a monthly "Lease/Loan-In Expiration Report" from the Business Objects database (BOBJ). This report lists expiration dates of loans and leases, and it is a management tool for the Equipment Manager to coordinate the return of the equipment to the vendor with the head of the NASA custodial organization.

n. Maintain inventory files IAW Section 4.7 of this NPR.

1.9 Division Director

1.9.1 The Division Director/Chief (hereinafter referenced as the Division Director) or equivalent NASA official is a civil service employee responsible for the accountability of all equipment, controlled and administratively controlled, assigned to their organizations, and shall:

Note: An equivalent NASA official to a Division Director is a Division Chief, a Branch Chief, or program manager whose function is not overseen by a Division Director. These individuals have the same equipment management responsibilities as Division Directors.

a. Designate PCs in writing.

b. In coordination with the SEMO, assign as many PCs as necessary to ensure manageable workload distribution.

c. Ensure that designees have proper oversight and knowledge of NASA policies and requirements governing accountability of the equipment assigned to their custodial accounts.

d. Ensure that designated PCs and equipment End Users attend any equipment management training and refresher classes offered by the Center.

e. Reassign the responsibility of a property custodial account to a different PC subject to the following:

(1) At the discretion of the Division Director or head of organization.

(2) When the PC permanently leaves the organization.

(3) When the PC is temporarily reassigned (detailed) to another organization for more than 30 calendar days.

f. Ensure employees within their divisions are aware of their responsibilities to safeguard and account for Government property.

g. Serve as the approving official for all loan requests for equipment in their area of responsibility and process the requests IAW Chapter 3 of this NPR.

h. Ensure that lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen Government property is reported within the established timeline in Table 5-1 (NASA Survey Report Process), investigated, and reviewed IAW Chapter 5 of this NPR.

i. Execute annual walk-through inspections and support the equipment physical inventory campaign in their areas of responsibility as outlined in Chapter 4 of this NPR.

1.10 Property Custodian

1.10.1 The PC is either a civil service or contractor employee designated in writing by the Division Director or equivalent NASA official and in coordination with the SEMO is responsible for the management of assigned division equipment and shall: a. Update property records for all Controlled Equipment assigned to their custodial account through EQUIPMENT, the Web-based front end of the NASA PP&E System.

b. Assign equipment items to the end-user level.

c. Provide training to End Users on equipment management processes and procedures.

d. Validate and process equipment management transactions initiated by End Users, such as "Request for Excess" transactions.

e. Retain copies of documents showing acceptance of equipment turned over to the PDO or transportation personnel.

f. Retain accountability and responsibility for equipment items recorded in their custodial account that they have not assigned or reassigned to an End User.

g. Assist the Center Equipment Manager and inventory team during the physical inventory as necessary.

h. Assist the Division Director or designee in executing walk-through inspections as necessary.

i. Support the SEMO or designee in the process to clear personnel from the installation as a result of separation, termination, or transfer of personnel IAW Section 4.5.5 of this NPR.

j. Assist End Users in initiating NF 598, Property Survey Report, as necessary.

k. Initiate NF 598 in the absence of End Users.

l. Initiate corrective action(s) for noted differences outlined in Inventory Summary Reports IAW Section 4.6 of this NPR.

m. Track and maintain all approved NF 892s, Employee Property Pass Agreement and Removal Permit, issued to organizational employees.

n. Assist the SEMO or designee in the processing of NASA Property Loans:

(1) Ensure all approved NF 893s, Loan of NASA Equipment, are current.

(2) Ensure equipment is returned upon expiration date of loan or an extension is processed and approved through the proper channels.

(3) Ensure that an inventory validation is requested and attained from the recipient of the loan to certify the physical inventory of loaned property each year from the date the loan was initially signed. Results shall be forwarded to the SEMO.

o. Participate in equipment management training as defined by the SEMO.

1.11 End Users

1.11.1 NASA employees (civil service and contractors) in use of NASA property have a responsibility as the End Users of Government property to protect and conserve all equipment entrusted to them, and shall:

a. Acknowledge or reject receipt of assigned equipment by accepting or rejecting the receipt transaction notification in the EQUIPMENT System IAW local procedures.

b. When a direct delivery to a desktop is approved by the SEMO IAW Section 3.3 of this NPR, notify the corresponding PC, Center Equipment Manager, and Central Receiving personnel of equipment directly delivered to their location, which will initiate the equipment cataloging and record-keeping processes.

c. Use Government equipment only for official purposes.

d. Initiate approval requests prior to cannibalizing, modifying, constructing, or fabricating Controlled Equipment using NF 1617, Request for Cannibalization/Modification of Controlled Equipment.

e. Upon approval of NF 1617, notify the PC of any equipment modification to ensure the equipment configuration change is coordinated through the SEMO and properly recorded in the NASA PP&E System.

f. Obtain an NF 892 approved by the Division Director or equivalent NASA official for Government equipment when leaving the NASA Installation or Subinstallation IAW Chapter 3 of this NPR.

g. Periodically review and reconcile equipment items in their possession against the property items assigned to them in the EQUIPMENT System.

h. Immediately notify their supervisor and the corresponding PC when equipment cannot be located or is damaged or destroyed; regardless of whether the loss, damage, or destruction occurred on or off the Center.

i. Identify and report the status of equipment not actively in use for its original intended purpose (idle) to the respective PC for disposition.

j. Under no circumstances personally dispose of Government equipment other than through the NASA disposal process governed by NPR 4300.1.

k. Retain stewardship of and safeguard all assigned controlled and Administratively Controlled Equipment and immediately inform the respective PC when he/she is no longer the assigned user.

Note: Failure to exercise minimum safeguards may result in the Civil Service employee being held financially liable for the loss, damage, destruction, or theft of Government property when negligence is determined. Contractors may be held liable IAW the FAR.

l. Safeguard equipment located in common areas (e.g., conference rooms, offices, and laboratories).

(1) Keep assigned equipment, such as mobile phones, calculators, tablets, and other mobile devices, under continued control on and off Center.

(2) Keep under strict control the access to laboratories housing equipment.

(3) Keep doors to offices that house equipment locked at the end of the business day and whenever practical.

m. As necessary, assist the Equipment Manager and inventory team during the execution of the physical inventory of the equipment assigned to them.

n. Ensure all assigned equipment is accounted for and reassigned upon separation of employment.

o. Bring to the attention of the corresponding PC any items that appear to require tagging for the initiation of equipment accountability and control IAW Chapter 3 of this NPR.

p. Participate in equipment management training as defined by the SEMO.

q. Safeguard equipment during travel.

r. Keep sensitive equipment under continuous control and not leave the equipment unattended.

(1) Do not check in sensitive equipment as baggage on transportation carriers (e.g., airplanes, trains, or buses).

(2) Secure the equipment in the security safe of the room or hotel when leaving the premises.

(3) Contact the Center Export Administrative Office and local Security Officer before traveling outside the continental U.S. for requirements surrounding the accountability and safeguard of equipment in their possession.

s. Secure Equipment in a Motor Vehicle.

(1) Do not leave equipment inside unlocked vehicles.

(2) Equipment must be secured in a locked compartment and out of sight.

(3) Do not leave equipment inside unattended motor vehicles overnight or for extended periods.

(4) Do not leave equipment in open work truck beds.

t. Account for property during office moves.

(1) Properly identify and label equipment prior to the move.

(2) Upon completion of the move, immediately report missing equipment to the PC and the person in charge of the move.

(3) Notify the PC of the change in equipment location and update the EQUIPMENT System accordingly.

1.12 Exhibit Managers and Mission Directorate Outreach Coordinators

1.12.1 Exhibit managers and educational and public outreach personnel are civil servant employees assigned by Center Public Affairs Officers and Mission Directorates, who may request and retain NASA equipment for exhibit and educational outreach purposes. They shall record and control this equipment in property custodial accounts IAW NPD 4200.1 and this NPR.

1.13 Survey Officer (SO)

1.13.1 The SO is a civil service employee designated in writing by the Center Director to investigate the circumstances surrounding loss, damage, destruction, or theft of Government property listed on an NF 598.

a. The appointment of a SO will conform to the following requirements:

(1) SEMOs, their supervisors, or subordinates cannot be designated as SO.

(2) SO appointments will not exceed 3 years.

(3) SOs will be given authority by the Center Director to review all survey reports and to adjudicate only those survey reports that provide clear understanding of the circumstances surrounding the loss, damage, or destruction of Government property and clearly indicate personnel negligence or wrongdoing is not suspected.

(4) SO may return survey reports containing unclear/ambiguous description of circumstances to the SEMO for clarification.

b. The SO shall:

(1) Establish facts, determine proximate cause(s), and issue findings and recommendations to the appropriate Division Director or equivalent NASA official.

(2) Request the SRB to convene as necessary IAW chapter 5 of this NPR.

c. The assignment, detailed duties, and responsibilities of the SO are provided in Chapter 5 of this NPR.

1.14 Survey Review Board (SRB)

1.14.1 Center Directors shall identify, in writing, the names of members that will serve on the independent SRB. These members will be designated by the SO to investigate the circumstances surrounding loss, damage, destruction, or theft of Government property listed on an NF 598, Property Survey Report.

1.14.2 The SRB may conduct administrative hearings to establish facts, determine proximate cause(s), and issue findings and recommendations to the appropriate Division Director or equivalent NASA official.

1.14.3 The duties and responsibilities of the SRB are in Chapter 5 of this NPR.

1.14.4 The SRB will be composed of civil servant employees (GS-13 or above), including four or more voting members and a Chairperson. Alternates will be assigned.

1.14.5 The SRB may convene with at least the Chairperson and three voting members.

1.14.6 Representatives from the Office of the Chief Counsel and the Security Office may be voting members on the SRB.

1.14.7 Board members shall recuse themselves from voting if there is a potential conflict of interest in the Survey Report under review.

Note: A conflict of interest may exist if the report is submitted by an SRB member's superior or subordinate or if they have had personal responsibility of the items at the time of loss, damage, or destruction of the property.

1.14.8 Equipment Managers and PCs shall not serve on a SRB.

1.14.9 SEMOs are non-voting members and serve in an advisory capacity only.

1.14.10 The SRB shall complete their proceedings within 20 business days from receipt of an NF 598.

| TOC | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | AppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | ALL |
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