Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions
- Billed
Office Address Code (BOAC). The BOAC is a
six-digit billing number and should begin with the same three digits
as the applicable NASA Center’s BOAC where the contract is issued.
Contractors authorized to use the GSA-leased vehicles will be billed
directly by GSA for services provided.
- CTO.
Center Transportation Officer or Manager.
Manager responsible for overseeing the management of transportation
- EPAct
1992. Energy Policy Act of 1992. This Act
was passed by Congress with an objective of reducing the nation's
dependence on imported petroleum by requiring certain fleets to
acquire alternative fuel vehicles, which are capable of
operating on non-petroleum fuels.
- Executive
Order (E.O.) 13149. The key requirement of
this E.O. is that “each agency operating motor vehicles within the
United States shall reduce its entire vehicle fleet’s petroleum
consumption by at least 20 percent by the end of FY 2005, compared
to FY 1999 petroleum consumption levels”. It also addresses the use
of retread tires and the use of re-refined oils in engines versus
virgin oils.
- Fair Wear
and Tear. The deterioration of items
attributed to normal usage.
- Federal
Automated Statistical Tool (FAST). FAST is
a relatively new tool developed to assist fleets in meeting the
mandates of EO 13149, EPAct, and the SF-82.
- Federal
Acquisitions Regulation (FAR). FAR Subpart 51.2: Contractor Use
of GSA Fleet Vehicles: This prescribes
the specific policies and procedures for the use by contractors of
GSA fleet vehicles and related services and outlines the CO’s
responsibilities related to authorizing such use.
- Federal
Property Management Regulations (FPMR) 41 CFR, Chapter 101-39.202:
Contractor Authorized Services:
This regulation outlines contractor use of GSA fleet vehicles and
references the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements.
- Federal
Property Management Regulation (FPMR) 102-34.
This section of the regulation governs the economical and efficient
management and control of motor vehicles that the Government owns or
leases. Agencies are required to incorporate appropriate provisions
of this art into contracts offering Government-furnished equipment
in order to ensure adequate control over the use of motor vehicles.
- General
Services Administration (GSA). GSA
provides leased vehicles and other services to Federal agencies.
- Leased
Vehicle. Vehicles acquired for 60 days or
longer (usually GSA vehicles for NASA Centers) to fill daily
customer requirements that cannot otherwise be met with rental
- Motor
Vehicle. Vehicles designed for moving
personnel, material, and cargo. Other motorized equipment includes
special purpose vehicles, construction equipment, and material
handling equipment (MHE).
- Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB has
the role of assisting the President in the development and
implementation of budget, program, management, and regulatory
Preventive Maintenance. A planned
inspection accomplished at regular intervals at calendar time,
miles, or hours and clearly a focus of maintenance management.
- Private
Owned Vehicle (POV). The use of an
individual’s personal vehicle to conduct official business on a
reimbursable basis when properly authorized.
- Rental
Vehicle. Vehicles rented for less than 60
days to meet peak requirements or to fill emergent requirements. CTO
managers are authorized to acquire these assets without Headquarters
- Table of
Authorized Vehicles (TAV). This is the
VURB and headquarters-authorized level of vehicle allowances to
support daily requirements.
- Vehicle
User (VU). Vehicle users are responsible
for vehicles entrusted to their care, performing inspecting before,
during, and after each use and reporting discrepancies for
correction. Users also collect monthly utilization information and
report this information to the CTO as directed.
Vehicle Utilization Review Board (VURB).
A group of at least 3 people designated by the Center Director to
conduct independent and objective reviews of vehicle utilization and
reviews of requests for additional vehicles in order to control the
size of the fleet.
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions - Chapter View
Last Updated:
08/30/2005 06:39 PM