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NPR 8820.2H
Effective Date: September 27, 2022
Expiration Date: September 27, 2027
Printable Format (PDF)

Subject: Facility Project Requirements (FPR) (Updated w/Change 1)

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | ApppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixI | AppendixJ | AppendixK | ALL |

Appendix C. Compliance Matrix

Doc. Sec. Requirement Compliance Waiver Reference/ Comment
Yes No Partial Yes No
1.3.3 FRED issues a yearly Program-Direct CoF Data Call to the Mission Directorates for candidate projects in accordance with the Strategic Programming Guidance (SPG) and the Program Resource Guidance (PRG) budget process. The Exploration CoF, Space Operations CoF, Science CoF and Aeronautics CoF Programs will each have a designated individual to coordinate the CoF Projects for that given Program. The purpose of this data call is to ensure that FRED understands the intent of candidate projects and to ensure compliance with applicable Agency and Federal policies. Candidate projects should be clearly identified and supported by both programmatic and facilities personnel at the Center in which the project is to be executed. In addition, the Center CoF Program Manager shall clearly understand and support the candidate project(s).
1.3.8 All project increments and AFPCEs will be clearly defined and fully disclosed to FRED using NF-1509, Facility Project Approval & Cost Estimate Document prior to execution of the first project increment. Also, the FPM shall submit a separate NF 1739, CDF for all project increments and an NF-1046 within 30 days of completion of each increment.
1.4.2 If cost-sharing is identified during the formulation phase of the project, the Agency CoF Program Manager shall initiate the negotiations with the relevant Center CoF Program Manager and the potential Cost-Sharing organizations.
1.6.3 Center CoF Program Managers also shall assume responsibilities for their component facilities. Center Program Managers also shall be involved on a regular basis in their relevant communities of practice supported by FRED. Center CoF Program Managers shall provide full disclosure of the facility project’s scope, justification, and overall cost to FRED, who will subsequently inform Congress (as applicable). In accordance with NPR 8800.15, Real Estate Management Program, Chapter 2 Real Property Accountability, FPMs shall notify the Center RPAO of the completion of a facilities project.
1.8.3 The Center-assigned FPM shall establish the project scope in cooperation with Center management, other project stakeholders, and affected Safety and Mission Assurance discipline leads.
1.8.4 a The FPM shall include a statement on the NF-1509 that explains the scope of the phase, how many phases are planned, and the associated estimated AFPCE of all phases.
1.8.4b The FPM shall submit a separate NF 1739, CDF for all project phases and an NF-1046 within 30 days of completion of each phase.
1.8.5 The Agency CoF Program Manager, in accordance with the Control Account Manager (CAM), shall develop and submit a budget request (five-year plan) in accordance with the annual guidance issued through the NASA OCFO. (See NPR 9420.1, Budget Formulation.) The Center CoF Program Manager, CD PM, and Energy Program Manager (as applicable) shall prepare documentation to be uploaded into the FRED-approved database for approval. The FPM shall generate [NASA Form 1509] at the time of project formulation and update and resubmit this form for all subsequent funding requests (e.g., final design funding, construction funding, construction funding, and as funding is added to or subtracted from the AFPCE during execution). For projects with an AFPCE equal to or greater than $1 million, Center CoF Program Managers shall upload the LCCA into the FRED-approved database for approval prior to the release of final design funds. For each COF project, the FPM shall complete a Compliance Matrix (See Appendix C) and upload it into the FRED-approved database.
1.8.6 FRED leads the review and prioritization of Institutional CoF Facility Projects proposed for NASA’s five-year plan based on documentation provided by the Centers. This review includes an evaluation of existing capabilities to minimize or eliminate the creation of excess capacity within NASA or the private sector, e.g., construction of a ground-based test facility at a particular Center when there is adequate availability and capability to accomplish the same requirements at a different Center or in the private sector. For Facility Projects funded from other sources (e.g., Program-Direct, or local funds), FRED and the associated Mission Directorate shall coordinate the process. The Center CoF Program Manager< shall identify at risk projects to FRED as early in the FY as possible.
1.9.1 Each Facility Project with an AFPCE of $100,000 or more will be documented on form NF-1509 and uploaded into the FRED-approved database. At a minimum, the Center POC (CoF Program Manager, FPM, or local authority project manager) shall submit the document and require concurrence and/or approval by the Agency POCs (CoF Program Officer or other) and the Director of FRED. Although Centers and Programs approve and fund these projects, FRED shall review the NF-1509 to ensure compliance with NASA policies and to prevent the appearance of fragmentation. For Locally Funded ROI Repair Projects with an AFPCE equal to or greater than $1 million (i.e., projects that conform to NPR 8831.2 requirements), FRED shall approve the NF-1509 prior to obligation of a construction contract. Center CoF Program Managers shall request funds for Preliminary Engineering Reports (PERs), final designs, and project-specific environmental and cultural resources assessments by updating and uploading the NF-1509 into the FRED-approved database. Center CoF Program Managers shall request construction funds by updating and uploading the NF-1509 and additional documentation (as defined by FRED) into the FRED-approved database.
1.9.8 FPMs shall request facility project approval by submitting a record via the FRED-approved database.
1.9.13 Center CoF Program Managers shall maintain records of their Center’s ongoing CoF Program in each FY in accordance with NPR 1441.1, NASA Records Management Program Requirements.
1.10.3 If the matter relates to Institutional Safety Authority, where disagreement involves an Institutional Safety Discipline Lead (as defined in NPR 8715.1, Section 2.6), the FPM’s supervisor shall document their decision via the request for a relief process as outlined in NPR 8715.1 Section 3.2. FPMs shall ensure that all major modification and new construction projects comply with the requirements of under the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings, Council on Environmental Quality, as well as Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability, E.O. 14057. The FPM, in concert with the Center CoF Program Manager, the Center Sustainable Facilities Coordinator, and the RPAO shall ensure that construction of new buildings or major modification of existing buildings is certified per the requirements of one of the following third-party certification systems (at the indicated certification level or higher):
a. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) v4 for Building Design and Construction, U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC) – for new building construction and major modifications of buildings. Projects are to strive to achieve a minimum level of LEED Silver certification.
b. Green Globes® for New Construction (NC), Green Building Initiative – for new building construction and major modifications of buildings. Projects are to strive to achieve a minimum level of two Green Globes.
1.12.3 If the FPM does not think compliance with the minimum USGBC LEED and/or GBI Green Globes requirements is reasonable for a particular project, the FPM shall submit a letter to the Director of FRED requesting a waiver that explains why compliance is impractical.
2.1.1 The Center CoF Program Manager shall develop a systematic process for developing projects for submission in response to CoF data calls issued by the FRED.
2.2.1 The FAR and the NASA FAR Supplement specify the requirements for contract acquisitions that support all phases of Facility Projects. The FPM and the Center’s Facility Planning Office shall coordinate all acquisition planning and execution, including the utilization of Regionalized or Centralized facilities contracts, with the Center’s Procurement Office to ensure compliance with these regulations.
2.2.3 For Program-Direct CoF projects, the FPM shall coordinate with the sponsoring Mission Directorate to capture the necessary project requirements.
2.2.4 With support from an assigned project team (see section 2.2.5), the FPM shall organize, manage, and direct Facility Projects in accordance with the requirements of this NPR. The Center Facilities Planning Office shall complete a Functional Requirements Document that contains the comprehensive project requirements obtained from the Facility Project Team and details for all the necessary project disciplines.
2.2.7 For Institutional and Program-Direct CoF projects, the FPM shall prepare a FPMP that establishes a schedule for implementing a facility project, assigns roles and responsibilities, and indicates technical and budget decision authorities required to execute the project. Prior to the start of final design work, the FPM shall present the FPMP to the Center official(s) exercising project technical approval authority. a The FPM shall submit the FPMP to the FRED CoF Program Officer for review and approval. b The FPM shall provide the FPMP to the FRED CoF Program Officer upon request.
2.3.4 For Facility Projects where BIM is to be used, the FPM shall reference NASA-STD-10001, NASA BIM Scope of Services and Requirements for Architects and Engineers. The FPM and the Center Institutional Safety Discipline Leads shall identify safety and occupational health requirements as required by NPR 8715.1 and NPR 8715.3, NASA >General Safety Program Requirements. The FPM will then prepare a Preliminary Hazards Analysis and a Preliminary Hazards List. The FPM, in collaboration with the Center Institutional Safety Discipline Leads, shall initiate the preparation of the FSMP to ensure that facility safety requirements are addressed throughout the entire life cycle of the facility project.
2.3.10 Facility Projects often require construction/installation of new IT infrastructure or the repair/replacement of existing antiquated IT infrastructure. In these cases, the FPM shall coordinate these project requirements with the Center’s OCIO to ensure that the IT infrastructure meets current NASA standards, integrates with existing NASA systems includes establishing and implementing appropriate IT system security plans security plans.
2.4.2 For new construction and major modification projects, the Center Master Planner shall coordinate the development of the LCCA during the planning phase in accordance with the NASA Business Case Guide for Real Property and Facilities Project Investments.
3.1.2 The FPM shall keep the Facility Project Team, the FRED Executive Project Manager (if applicable), the FRED CoF Program Officer, the CNM, and the Center CRM, apprised of all changes or proposed changes in project requirements.
3.1.3 For Program-Direct CoF Space Flight and/or R&D projects, the FPM shall coordinate the final design effort with the sponsoring Mission Directorate POC.
3.2.1 Whenever commercial A-E services are required, the FPM and the Center Procurement Office’s assigned CO shall acquire those services in accordance with the FAR Part 36 and NFS.
3.4.5 The FPM and the Facilities Project Team shall perform a PDRI exercise immediately upon the completion of the PER.
3.5.2 The FPM shall plan and manage the procurement of final design services to achieve the goal of obligating 85 percent of all approved design funding by the end of the FY (assuming that the remaining 15 percent of unobligated funding is required for Contingency and Other Burden Costs).
3.5.3 For all Facility Projects, the FPM shall include a statement in the A-E SOW indicating that the design entity is responsible for designing the project in accordance with the estimated cost of construction provided by the Government.
3.5.7 The FPM shall develop an SOW such that the A-E contractor can provide a firm fixed-price cost to provide the design required services.
3.5.8 At the conclusion of the design-build contract, the FPM shall ensure that a complete set of as-built drawings and/or a BIM is provided by the A-E contractor.
3.6.1 The FPM shall ensure that the design- bid-build final design SOW specifies formal submissions from the A-E firm (and subsequent NASA reviews) at the 30 percent, 60 percent, and 90 percent level of final design completion. The FPM shall engage an independent entity (e.g., third-party Center individual, Agency PDRI team) to score the project using the PDRI process within two weeks after receipt of the 30-percent design documents. a If the 30-percent final design PDRI score is over 200 out of a possible 1,000 points, the FPM shall immediately notify the assigned FRED CoF Program Officer and the Executive Project Manager (if applicable). b If the PDRI score is 200 or below, the FPM shall provide the score to the assigned FRED CoF Program Officer and the Executive Project Manager (if applicable) for information only and proceed with the remainder of the final design activities. c The FPM shall record the 30-percent PDRI score on the NF-1509 when requesting construction funding. The A-E firm shall furnish the following deliverables for [the 60- Percent Final Design] submission:
a. A drawing package with a cover sheet including a drawing index, initial versions of drawings and equipment schedules for all required disciplines. Although the drawings will be in varying states of maturity, the set should be complete enough to validate the construction cost estimate. The drawings should reflect adequate M&O clearances around all equipment and systems.
b. First draft of construction specifications including all required sections for each discipline that are edited to reflect the project requirements.
c. Completed design analyses and supporting engineering calculations.
d. A second draft of the construction phasing plan and the commissioning plan.
e. First draft of the construction schedule identifying key milestones and utility tie-in requirements.
f. Identification of any constructability issues.
g. A comprehensive construction engineering estimate and AFPCE in accordance with Section above. The A-E firm shall address all of NASA’s 90-percent comments prior to receipt of final payment.
3.7.1 For each of the submission milestones indicated in Section 3.6, the FPM shall immediately distribute all materials received from the A-E firm to the Facility Project Team and any other project stakeholders including the FRED CoF Program Officer and the Executive Project Manager (if applicable), and the Center Institutional Safety Discipline Leads.
3.8.1 NASA’s Mission-Critical Technical Facilities per NPR 7120.5. These facilities are constructed or significantly modified for ground testing or deployment of space flight hardware and systems. The FPM (per NPR 7120.7 and per NPR 7120.8) shall comply with the requirements of NPR 7120.5 and this document.
3.9.1 During the Final Design phase, the FPM shall complete the estimate of the activation budget started during the planning process.
3.9.5 The FPM shall identify the full activation cost requirements on NF 1509.
4.1.3 a For Facility Projects with an AFPCE of $500,000 or greater, the FPM shall complete form NF-1739 prior to generating any project purchase requests (e.g., contracted A/E services for a PER of Final Design) and submit the completed form to the Center OCFO’s property accountants and the RPAO.
4.1.3 b(1) For Facility Projects with an AFPCE of $100,000 or greater, the FPM shall complete form NF-1046upon completion of the construction activity per the requirements in NPR 8800.15.
4.1.3 b(2) For new construction and major modification, the FPM shall submit a completed NF-1046 to the RPAO at the time of issuance of Beneficial Occupancy and updated and resubmitted at the time of project financial completion.
4.1.3 b(3) For Repair and Energy Projects, the FPM shall submit a completed NF-1046 to the RPAO at the time of project financial completion.
4.2.1 The Center CoF Program Manager shall submit documents for FRED review and approval via the FRED-approved database.
4.2.3 The Center CoF Program Manager shall ultimately obtain approval from the assigned Agency CoF Program Officer on the method of construction. If a Center service contract (e.g., M&O contract, engineering service contract) is being considered for construction execution, the FPM shall consult with the Center CoF Program Manager and the CO/COR assigned to the contract during the final design phase.
4.2.4 b. The CO shall provide direction for the required content of the acquisition package; however, at a minimum for design-bid-build contracts, the package includes a Government cost estimate, the design documents, and either funds or a planning purchase request with the funds source identified.
4.2.4 d The CO shall issue Notice to Proceed (NTP) to the Contractor after the contract is awarded.
4.2.6 The FPM, in conjunction with the Center CoF Program Manager, shall prepare and submit an NF 1579 to the assigned Agency CoF Program Officer for all Institutional and Program-Direct CoF Projects (MCR and Discrete).
4.3.2 During the administration of the construction contract, the COR shall establish a formal Partnering program for all facilities projects with an AFPCE of $20 million and greater, as defined in Partnering, NFS Subpart 1836.70; 48 CFR Chapter 18; and Construction of Facilities: NASA Partnering Desk Reference.
4.3.7 For projects that include a BIM model as part of the final design deliverables, the FPM shall include requirements within the construction contract for the contractor to maintain the BIM model throughout the construction process. The CDPM and the RPAO shall submit a draft of the Title V – Property Survey, Federal Property Information Checklist to FRED via the FRED-approved database. Upon completion of the evaluation of alternatives to demolition, the CDPM and the RPAO shall submit a formal Authority to Dispose/Demolish letter to the Center Director for signature.
6.6.2 The CDPM shall identify the earliest demolition date for candidate projects within the 5-year period and identify any schedule constraints.
6.6.3 For projects to be executed in the first year of the five-year Demolition Plan, the CDPM shall submit a project narrative, form NF-1509, the Approved Authority to Dispose/Demolish Letter, and the HUD Screening Documentation via the FRED-approved database.
6.7.2. The CPDM shall utilize the Demolition Planning Checklist to create a Demolition Project Management Plan. The CDPM shall request funding for the demolition of facilities by submitting updated form NF-1509 in the FRED-approved database and other documentation as identified by the ADPM. The FPM shall complete an Environmental Checklist, as detailed in Chapter 2, to ensure compliance to NEPA, NHPA, and other environmental compliance requirements.
6.7.10 The CDPM or the FPM shall ensure that a Safety Baseline Survey that conforms with NPR 8800.15, Chapter 7 is performed as part of the decommissioning process.
6.7.11 12 months prior to the start of demolition, the CDPM or the FPM shall communicate information about the proposed demolition and the associated impacts to Center stakeholders.
6.7.13 Upon completion of a demolition project, the FPM shall submit form NF- 1046 to the RPAO.
7.1.1 Mission Directorate POCs, Agency Portfolio Managers, Center CoF Program Managers, FPMs, RPAOs , COs, and RECOs shall ensure that the requirements of Chapter 7 are included in real estate agreements that include construction activities.
7.1.3 The NASA personnel involved in developing real estate agreements shall stipulate that new facilities constructed by tenants on NASA-owned property will be demolished upon expiration of the agreement.
7.4.1 The NASA-designated FPM representing a Federal or commercial entity shall submit a waiver request and a supporting business case when the planned project seeks relief from the design and construction requirements specified in this NPR.
7.4.2 Along with the justification for a waiver, the requestor shall include the alternative solution proposed to compensate for the relief requested.

| TOC | ChangeHistory | Preface | Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | ApppendixA | AppendixB | AppendixC | AppendixD | AppendixE | AppendixF | AppendixG | AppendixH | AppendixI | AppendixJ | AppendixK | ALL |
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