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NPR 8831.2F
Effective Date: October 07, 2015
Expiration Date: October 06, 2025

Subject: Facilities Maintenance and Operations Management (Updated w/Change 1 on September 2, 2016)

Responsible Office: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

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Table of Contents

NID 8831.124 Use of Condition Based Maintenance and Maintenance Manager Training

Change History


P.1 Purpose
P.2 Applicability
P.3 Authority
P.4 Applicable Documents and Forms
P.5 Measurement/Verification
P.6 Cancellation

Chapter 1. NASA's Facilities Maintenance and Operation Program

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Center Participation
1.3 Pillars of the Maintenance Program
1.4 Facilities Maintenance Definitions

Chapter 2. Resources Management

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Publications
2.3 Maintenance Funding Levels
2.4 Facilities Maintenance Budget
2.5 Reimbursable Services

Chapter 3. Facilities Maintenance Management

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Facilities Maintenance Functions
3.3 Management of Facilities Maintenance Program
3.4 System Concepts
3.5 Factors Affecting Facilities Maintenance Organizations
3.6 Organization and Staffing
3.7 Customer Relations
3.8 Interfaces with Other Support Organizations
3.9 Physical Plant Information
3.10 Data Gathering
3.11 Management Indicators
3.12 Management Analysis

Chapter 4. Annual Work Plan

4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Link between Planning and Execution
4.3 Content
4.4 Information Sources
4.5 Structure and Interrelationship of AWP Elements
4.6 5-Year Facilities Maintenance Plan
4.7 Facilities Work Requirements
4.8 Resources

Chapter 5. Facilities Maintenance Program Execution

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Key Processes Overview
5.3 Work Generation
5.4 Work Control Center
5.5 Work Reception and Tracking
5.6 Work Order Preparation
5.7 Work Execution

Chapter 6. Facilities Maintenance Management Automation

6.1 Introduction
6.2 CMMS Requirements and Usage
6.3 Automated System Interfaces
6.4 CMMS Essential Functions
6.5 CMMS Optional Capabilities

Chapter 7. Reliability Centered Maintenance

7.1 Introduction
7.2 RCM Principles
7.3 Requirements Analysis
7.4 Failure
7.5 RCM Program Benefits
7.6 Impact of RCM on the Facilities Life Cycle
7.7 RCM Program Components
7.8 Other RCM Applications

Chapter 8. Reliability Centered Building and Equipment Acceptance

8.1 Introduction
8.2 RCM—Integral to Acceptance
8.3 Acceptance Testing
8.4 Acceptance Scope
8.5 Applications
8.6 Acceptance Data Sheet

Chapter 9. Deferred Maintenance

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Facility Life Cycle
9.3 General Principles
9.4 National Research Council's 2 to 4 Percent Guidance
9.5 Maintenance and Operations Cost Study
9.6 Baseline Services Level Study (June 21, 2010)
9.7 Facilities Condition Assessment

Chapter 10. Facilities Maintenance Standards

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Facilities Maintenance Standards
10.3 Facilities Condition Standards
10.4 Work Performance Standards
10.5 Continuous Inspection
10.6 Facilities Condition Assessment
10.7 Maintenance Work Actions
10.8 Center Appearance and Grounds Care
10.9 Maintenance Support Information

Chapter 11. Utilities Management

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Planning and Management
11.3 Central Utility Plant Operations and Maintenance

Chapter 12. Contract Support

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Performance-based Contracting
12.3 Outcome Specifications
12.4 Partnering
12.5 Incentives in Government Service Contracts
12.6 Quality Assurance
12.7 Credit Card Procurement

Appendix A. Definitions
Appendix B. Acronyms
Appendix C. Resources
Appendix D. Sample Maintenance Management Forms and Documents
Appendix E. CMMS Sample Screens
Appendix F. Predictive Testing and Inspection (PT&I)
Appendix G. Performance Measurement
Appendix H. Annual and 5-Year Maintenance Work Plan Template
Appendix I. NASA-Wide Standardized Deferred Maintenance Parametric Estimate Method

List of Figures

Figure 2-1 Expenditures Allocable to 2 to 4 percent of CRV Standard
Figure 3-1 Whole Maintenance Universe
Figure 3-2 Basic Facilities Maintenance Program
Figure 3-3 Management Indicators
Figure 3-4 Continuous Improvement Process
Figure 4-1 Facilities Maintenance Annual Work Plan Elements
Figure 5-1 Work Request Processing
Figure 5-2 Stages in Work Generation, Control, and Performance
Figure 5-3 Work Scheduling Relationships
Figure 7-1 Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Decision Logic Tree
Figure 7-2 Stages of Life-Cycle Cost Commitment
Figure 9-1 Effect of Adequate and Timely Maintenance and Repairs on the Service Life of a Building (Appendix C, resource 21)
Figure 9-2 Typical DM Reduction Funding Profile
Figure 10-1 Facility User Inspection
Figure 10-2 Equipment/Discrepancy Classification Form
Figure 10-3 Sample FCA Process Model
Figure 12-1 Contract Sections
Figure 12-2 Functional Diagram
Figure D-1 Sample Form: Trouble Call Ticket
Figure D-2 Sample Form: Request for Facilities Maintenance Services<br> Figure D-3 Sample Form: Facilities Maintenance Work Order
Figure D-4 Sample Form: Facilities Maintenance Work Order Continuation Sheet
Figure D-5 Sample Form: Facilities Maintenance Work Order Material/Equipment Requirements
Figure D-6 Sample Form: Shop Load Plan
Figure D-7 Sample Form: Master Schedule
Figure D-8 Sample Form: Shop Schedule
Figure E-1 Sample Operating Locations Drilldown Screen
Figure E-2 Sample Equipment Screen
Figure E-3 Sample Safety Plans Screen
Figure E-4 Sample Inventory Control Screen
Figure E-5 Sample Work Request Screen
Figure E-6 Sample Work Order Tracking Screen
Figure E-7 Work Order Tracking/Work Management Plan Sample Screen
Figure E-8 Sample Quick Reporting Screen
Figure E-9a Sample Preventive Maintenance Screen
Figure E-9b Sample Preventive Maintenance Screen
Figure I-1 Theoretical Model for Parametric Estimates

List of Tables

Table 2-1 NASA Headquarters Instructions, Procedures Guides, and Manuals
Table 2-2 Facilities Maintenance Funding Thresholds
Table 3-1 Facilities Descriptive Data
Table 3-2 Collateral Equipment Descriptive Data
Table 3-3 Work Element Percentages and Indicators
Table 3-4 Sample Management Metrics
Table 3-5 Internal Performance Indicators
Table 3-6 External Performance Indicators
Table 5-1 Selected Facilities Maintenance Cycles
Table 5-2 Sample Priority System
Table 7-1 Failed Equipment Codes
Table 7-2 RCM Facility Life-Cycle Implications
Table 7-3 Reactive Maintenance Priorities
Table 8-1 Applicable PT&I Technologies
Table 9-1 FRED Maintenance & Operations Cost Study Results
Table 10-1 Suggested Inspection Intervals under Routine Operations and Average Conditions
Table 10-2 Criticality Selection Criteria
Table 10-3 Sample Grounds Care Performance Requirements Summary
Table 10-4 Typical Maintenance Support Information
Table H-1 Funding History
Table H-2 Spending by NASA Category - (Current Year and Budget Year )
Table H2-1 Mission Criticality
Table H2-2 Staffing
Table H3-1 System List with Criticality and Condition Codes
Table H3-2 Systems by Condition and Critical Code
Table H3-3 PM and PT&I Funding
Table H3-4 Grounds Care Funding
Table H3-5 Programmed Maintenance Funding
Table H3-6 Repair and Trouble Calls Funding
Table H3-7 ROI Funding
Table H3-8 Service Request Funding
Table H3-9 Central Utility Plant O&M Funding
Table H3-10 CoF Funding
Table H3-11 DM History
Table H3-12 DM Reduction Plan
Table H3-13 Special Program Funding
Table H3-14 5-Year Funding Rollup
Table H4-1 Initiative Analysis
Table H4-2 Repair Cost Analysis
Table H4-3 Staffing Analysis
Table H4-4 Training Analysis
Table H4-5 Tools and Equipment Analysis
Table H4-6 Budget Shortfall Action Plan
Table H4-7 Budget Plus-up Action Plan
Table H5-1 Listing by Area, Building, or System
Table H5-2 Listing by Function Category
Table H6-1 Dual-Code Criticality
Table H6-2 Process Criticality
Table H8-1 Sample Budget Shortfall Planning Sheet - FY xx
Table H8-2 Sample Budget Plus-up Planning Sheet - FY xx
Table H9-1 Long-Term Facilities Budget Items
Table I-1 Condition Assessment Level
Table I-2 Facility FCI Example
Table I-3 Center FCI Example
Table I-4 Sample Deferred Maintenance Calculation
Table I-5 Mapping of NASA facility classes into DM Facility Categories
Table I-6 DM Categories with CRV Percentage Values
Table I-7 System Condition Percentages


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